Standing Out! chapter 5 Festival activities!

Standing Out!
~VOICE POV~ So the festival was about to begin and the girls had their individual activities they do. ~KAI POV~ I'm part of the basketball team and since I come from a wealthy family... I get to choose a partner of my own choice, so I've decided to choose Yuzuru. "It looks like we're partners for the basketball game today little maid-ssi". I said to her. "I'm not a maid and I do have a name, you know". she replied with a hair flick. "You can fool the everyone about your lifestyle but you can't fool me.. I know you're the one that was working in a cafeteria not so long ago. "So you think I'm poor? If that's the case then you are clearly mistaken". she bit back. "If you were wealthy like me you wouldn't be working in such a low job like in a cafeteria... or would you?" I tested her. "Well I guess my wealthy parents let me do whatever I want". she replied. "Your wealthy parents?" I scoffed at her. "Oh... my my, it looks like I haven't I introduced myself properly, have I? How rude of me". she replied back with sarcasm. "I don't think you need to, I already know that your parents might be those kind of people who work in a market selling fish". I replied between giggles. "Yuzuru Hagino..." she said all of a sudden. "Huh? Hagino?" I looked at her all confused. "My father is the world's famous singer, dancer, actor & model and my mother is a famous fashion designer & model, a super famous brother who is the new CEO president in a talent agency entertainment company and another brother that plays the violin and travels around the world to perform ". she replied with a grin. My head had to process on what I heard from ... if it's true then why would she work in cafeteria? Then all of a sudden I felt the ball hit me so hard that made my brain wanted to pop out of nowhere. "What the hell?! Are you trying to kill me you!" I yelled at Yuzuru but she looked at me with a expressionless blank face. "Yah... Quit whining like a little and start warming up because we're going to start soon". she replied all serious. She's quite a bossy type and I never had a female ever use that tone of voice to me before, usually they obey what I ask them to do. ~NACHI POV~ I'm on the tennis group and I saw Him on the modelling runaway, she looks as always flawless making the wind blow her hair along with her flowing black dress... so this is why people call the seductive girl because she has been in photoshoots for famous magazines I thought so I saw her in Vogue magazine. After she finished rehearsing I went up to her. "You were really good up there". I said to her. "Oh thanks Nachi". she replied with a smile. "You sure have changed a lot throughout the years" I told her. "Yeah I guess you can say that". she said with a deep sigh. "Huh? What's wrong?" I asked her worried. "Nothing..." she replied short. "No it's not nothing... you can tell me your troubles since we know each since we were little kids". I insisted in trying to help her. "Okay one of them is I want to say sorry that I made you suffered in the past". she told me. "Are you serious? That's in the past... don't worry about it". I told her with a smile. "Are you sure? I was pretty mean back then when we were kids..." she said. "Nae I'm super sure about it, cheer up we got so much to live for while we're young". I told her by gently pinching her right cheek. The teachers called me back for the tennis match so she told me good luck and left. ~ SUZUKI POV~ When I came out of the student council room I heard a really loud crowd in the swimming pool court. I decided to see what was going on and I saw a race in the swimming pool and I was really intrigued to see who was winning. The winner came out of the pool, took her tower and smiled at everyone... she really looked like a mermaid and I couldn't take my eyes off her. After she she finished changing, she came outside to get some fresh air and I went up to her. "So did you have fun?" I asked her. "Yeah kind of... and you?". she replied. "You looked great, I actually liked it". I told her. "Ohhh really? well thats good to hear". she said. "Well yeah..." I replied but couldn't finished my sentence. "Listen I gotta go and change because I have to meet up with the music teacher to have me rehearse the songs". she said with a smile while drying her hair with her towel. I'm on my own once again; I heard my mobile ringing and it was from the student council... I wished I didn't have to go through this -_- *sigh*. So I went back to the student council room to see what they need. ~ TAMAKI POV~ Okay so I have karate in the morning so there are a lot of screaming girls that are cheering me on which is nice... I looked around to see if Seri's going to compete. I saw her come in but she wasn't going to compete for some rare reason, that is not the Seri I once knew so I went up to her to see why she isn't going to compete. "Hey Seri-ah". I called her. "Ooh hey Tamaki-oppa, hows it going?" she greeted back with a smile. "I'm not bad myself, but aren't you competing today?" I asked her. "Competing on what?" she asked me back with a confused look on her face. "On karate". I replied. "Oh! That you mean I can't because I as you can see I'm dressed as an maid to see if there's any anybody that would like to have some tea after they finish watching you guys compete". she replied back. "That dress of yours..." I wanted to say something but I couldn't finish off my sentence. "Oh this... do you like it?" her eyes glittered like a little girl. "Hmmm... Don't you think it's a bit short?" I asked her while looking at the lengh of her skirt. "You think so?" She asked me with an one eyebrow risen. "Nae... it is actually". I replied while gulping at the sight of those beautiful legs. "Aniyo... I think it's fine, besides it's only for today". she replied with cheeky smile. I suddenly grabbed her arm and made her face those screaming girls. "Ladies? May I ask you something?" I asked them as they looked at me with delight. "Sure... oppa n_n what is it?" they all said in chorus. "So do you think her dress is a bit short?" I asked them and of course they all looked at her up & down, for some reason I felt a strong jealous vibe coming from their direction. "It's not a bit short... IT'S WAY TOO SHORT!" one of the girls exclaimed. "Huh? What are you talking about... it's for the school cafe". she replied. The girls looked at each other but one of them gave her deadly glare. "What is your relationship with oppa?" the girl asked Seri with her glare. "Huh? You mean Tamaki?" she replied back with her confused tone. "Yah! How can you address him like that?" she asked Seri once again this time she was getting a bit angry. "Bruv... I don't know what you're getting angry about but he's my best friend since we were kids and we used to do karate together". she explained to the girls. The girls understood her and they asked for a leaflet to go get tea and biscuits from the cafe where some of the girls from her class are doing the duties of a maid. She told me good luck and punched me on the arm so hard... man she's sure is strong -_- ~SHINGA POV~ So I was chosen to be in drama along side with Karin, Aina, Ami and Hakomori. Of course it's only for today that we're doing this for the festival to see if there's anyone interested in wanting to join the drama club and of course I can see a crowd of girls staring at Hakomori and me... beauty sure has a lot of expectation :3. Aina went up to them and smiled. "Welcome to the drama club". she said with a smile. "Any of you ladies, interested in joining?" Ami asked them. The girls nodded with excitment and a group of guys came in too and were staring at Karin and Ami but they didn't mind at all. "Hi boys are you interested in drama?" Aina asked them. They looked at her and one of them decided to pinch her cheeks. "Woah! Her cheeks are super soft and really cute". he exclaimed making the others guys get overly excited. After we finished we were really exhausted from the screaming people that took part and watched us in the drama club. I sat next to Aina handing over an extra drink that I bought this morning before I came to school. "Here..." I said while handing over the drink. "Oh! Kamsahamnida Shinga-ssi". Aina replied with a deep sigh. "So... are you ready for the performance?..." I asked her in a awkward tone. "Well... Yes and no, well I don't know..." she replied while smiling sheepishly. "By the way I was a bit jealous of the guy that pinched your cheeks..." I told her. "Eeeeeeh!? Jinja?" she exclaimed with a suprised tone. I gave her a smirk, stood up and left. ~HAKOMORI POV~ So right after we finished the mini drama show that we demostrated to the boys and girls we were really tired from all the noise. I watched Ami talking to a group of guys and I notice they were giving her numbers for some weird reason and looked to my left Karin was sitting on a elegant table siping on her English Tea called 'PG Tips' which is a famous tea from the UK. Ami sat down on a chair and stretched like a cat and I just looked at her. "Bwo?" she asked me with a uncomfortable look on her face. "Nothing..." I replied. "Are you sure it's nothing?" she asked me. "Yes I'm 100% sure it's nothing". I replied. "Listen I gotta go now, because I have even busier rehearsals to attend". she replied while flicking her hair. I didn't respond to her watching Karin and Aina leaving the drama theatre along with Ami. ~SAKYOU POV~ I was on the American football team for the day along with Tsurugi and my best friend Keito and we had a lot of screaming fangirls surrounding the football pitch where we are. As I was warming up I took a glance at the girls that were on the soccer team and Hisa is on their team and man she looks good in those shorts, everything was going well until I felt a ball hit my face and made look around to see who it was. "Yah, quit day dreaming and get over here the coach needs us right now". said Keito. "Nae I'm coming". I replied. "She's one of the best sports player". Keito told me. "I already know that by just observing her". I replied. "She's so pretty... I just wished she notices me". he sighed. "Do you like her?" I asked him curiously. "Yeah of course as a friend... do you like her?" he replied and asked me. "I don't know her like that, like you". I replied. "I'll ask her to hang out with us on the weekend". he said with a smile. "And what if she says no?" I asked him with a lifted brow. "Well... I guess next time". he replied. We both smiled at each other and went to the team to prepare for the match. Of course our team won and I turned to see if Hisa still on the field they already finished their match so she left the pitch. ~NAO POV~ Right after we won I saw Karin walking by with Aina and Ami meeting up with Hisa to go in for extra rehearsals with the rest of the girls. So I decided to follow them from a distance to see where they're going to rehearse. Karin stopped, notices me and smiles at me... my gosh her smile took me off guard it's so pretty. We didn't say anything to each other but we only exchanged eye contact with each other. They met up in the music room but one is missing from the group. ~KYOUTA POV~ I was in charge making school tours for the future students and I was really popular among the female tourists group and I saw Nao secretly following Aina, Hisa, Ami and Karin somewhere. I met Nao midway of the hallway and patted his shoulder. "Hey Nao-ssi, what are you doing following the girls?" I asked him curiously. "Oh it's nothing I was curious where the girls' be rehearsing". he replied. "Oh jinja?" I ashed him with my brows lifted. "Yeah but one is missing of the group..." he smiled. "One is missing? Who could be missing?" I asked. "Have a look for yourself". he replied. I looked into the window of the music room and I clocked on who's missing. So I decided to look for her while I'm at it, I heard sounds of screaming fanboys in the parking lot and I saw Tsubaki on a skateboard and...she's... smoking...pot...................Huh?.............She........ S-S-mokes?!!!!!! She sure is trouble and the clothes she's wearing is a way too big for her, unbelievable. I called the boys to help me out to get these fanboys out of the parking lot. Fanboys all left with guys from my class leaving me and Tsubaki behind. I observe her looking at a video from her phone and then putting it back in her pocket and grabbed her skateboard to try out the technique she saw on the video, as soon she was able to master it she stopped and glared at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "What do you think I'm doing?" she coldly replied to me back. I took out that thing out of . "Bwoya!? Di G~L Le?!" she angrily exclaimed. "Ugh... I can't believe you would smoke something like this." I took a good look at the thing that looks like a cigarette and took a good old puff. "I see you smoke too..." She looked on. "Yeah I do smoke... do you have a problem with that?" I coldly replied to her. "That's my question! What are you doing here anyways?" she snapped. "Looking for you". I said to her. "No sherlock... just turn around and go back where you came from". she replied while giving a death glare. "You were here the whole time?" I asked her. "Yeah... I don't do sports... it's not my thing..." she replied. "Not your thing? Then what is your thing?" I asked her with my brow lifted. "Tsk... This here is my thing, skateboarding". she replied. ".... and this? do you have anything to say about this you're being smoking?" I squinted my eyes at her. "You're the one to talk... kissing girls without their permission... you also smoke too..." she glared at me. "Yeah but..." I tried to defend myself. "But nothing it's none of your business what I do". she cut me off. "The girls are waiting for you in the music room". I deeply sighed. "Well you should've told me that earlier". she rudely replied. "Yah! What the hell?" I defended myself to look cool. "Tsk, it ain't gonna work on me mate and this belongs to me thank-you". she rosed her eyebrow at and smirked while snatching the cigarette off my hand, finished it off quickly and drank water so that her breath smelled less smoke; leaving me behind in the parking lot. ~ VOICE POV~ Now that Tsubaki headed to the music room to meet up with the girls to rehearse the songs and choreographed dance routines for the evening battle against the boys so who will win you decide readers.
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