Standing Out! chapter 6 Boys Vs Girls Showdown!

Standing Out!
~VOICE POV~ Tsubaki arrived to the music room to where the rest of the girls were. They all looked at her serious in their eyes were saying *You're late* but she eventually apologized and started to rehearse and create ideas with the music teacher, on the other hand the boys were also rehearsing and preparing their battle against the girls. After a long tiring rehearsals the girls took a good look at their outfits and concepts. ~TSUBAKI POV~ Great the teacher is getting out boxes with names on it which all the costumes -_-'" Okay I bet it's some cheesy looking outfits that many groups would and I wouldn't caught myself wearing it... Yes I'm a fussy cow but I don't give a damn what the others say to me. "Here". said the teacher while handing over the box to me. "Hmmm... I'm not sure if I can go through with this". I muttered. "Hey don't worry it will be fine, trust me". she replied with a smile. "What if I don't like what's in the box?" I asked her. "You will". she said. I put the box onto the table and I hesitated for a moment but I pulled myself together and opened the box, I took a good old look at the outfits that are for me. I looked around at everyone's outfits in their boxes they were different to each others which was quite a relief actually... ~KARIN POV~ Oh my God I love my outfits and they're so me kekeke I love it and how the hell did the teacher know likes and dislikes. *sigh* I'm so happy. I looked at Tsubaki and she seemed that she was hesitated with opening her box for a moment but she ended up opening it and gave a lovely smile I have never seen from her. I then went up to her. "Hey so do you hate your outfits?" I asked her. "No, I actually like them... and you?" she replied and asked me. "I actually love them it feels like as if the music teacher knows us well". I replied to her. "Yeah I also have that same thought too". she replied between giggles. Well I guess she isn't so bad as I thought she would be. ~AINA POV~ The teacher handed me the box where my outfits is to be revealed, I as soon as opened mine my lips curved into a smile and everyone seems really happy too. "Aina-ssi, show us your outfits". said Tsubaki who was curious about my outfits. I took out one of my outfits out of the box to show to Tsubaki and she smiled. "Woah! It's so pretty and it really suits you". she said while flashing a smile. "You think so?" I asked her. "Oh course". she replied. "Yeah me too I think it's cute and you're really a pretty girl Aina-ssi". said Miyu. "Girls let's get ready to see if your outfits fit you". said the teacher. We locked the door and made sure that there wasn't a peeping tom in the room or outside looking at the window. ~SERI POV~ Okay I tried on my first outfit and it really looks good on me it was quite similar to Mel C from the Spice Girls that kind of tough fighter but still girly and chic. "Wow Seri-ssi, you looks so good!" said Hime. "Yeah... thanks doe". I shyly replied. "Anytime". she cutely replied. Now what's left is to try on the rest of the outfits that is yet to be checked. ~HIME POV~ After I saw Seri's first glimpsed of her outfit I went to try out my first outfit... I wonder if it will somehow match my personality and style. I took out my outfits and I tried on my first outfit with tag numbers on it, the teacher helped me with the adjusting it properly. "Hey why does it have tag numbers on them?" I asked her. "It's a way to keep it nicely organised for the songs you will be performing". she replied to me. "Oh okay..." I replied. ~HISA POV~ I've observed everyone's faces while trying on their clothes for tonight's performance and I looked at my outits and I felt really comfortable in them because deep down I know it really suits my personality. "So do you like it?" the music teacher asked me. "Yeah I like it... How did you know that these would suit me?" I replied and asked her. "Well let's just say that I'm able to tell evertone's personality". she replied. The girls came to me to complement me on my outfits on how good I look, which made me smile for the first time in years. ~ MIYU POV~ I waited for the music teacher to give me the box with the outfits that I was going to wear at the music/dance off battle against the boys. She finally gave me my box with my name on it and as I opened I was dreading at first on how my outfits would look on me and I opened the box to take a sneak a peek of it I was speechless. "..........................A bikini? O_O................." I exclaimed with eyes wide open. "Ooooh! I'm sooo jealous of you". Tsubaki whined like a child while pouting. "Huh?" I replied with blank expression. "Man... You're going to expose the big boys". she said to me. "Ummm... I think it's a good idea? Right?" I asked the teacher. "Don't worry about it too much". The teacher replied. I deeply sighed and tried it on and I looked into a mirror, it actually really looks good on me... the outfit made me look like a mermaid which I love the most in life itself. ~YUZURU POV~ I smiled seeing the outfits... I wasn't sure how I would look since I haven't even touched the box since was handed to me by the teacher. I might be over thinking a bit too much when it comes to a situation like this, also not to be forgotten about myself is that I'm a picky person when it comes to fashion it has to match my personality in which my parents have done in the past... -_- I know I sound like a spoilt little brat I guess I didn't had a choice to act a bit selfish. "Yah... Aren't you gonna open that box?" Seri asked me. "I'm not sure yet to be honest I'm dreading that the fashion in the box might be wrong". I replied to her. "Oh I see... don't worry too much about it, you might see something unexpected once you open the box". she said with a smile that gave me a lot of courage to open the box and see. I looked at the box for a moment and too a deep breathe before I even open it; I finally opened with my eyes closed and then I opened them. "Ahhh! So cute!!! A maid cosplay!!!" I exclaimed. "I'm so glad you like it". the teacher replied. "How did you know?" I asked her. "Well I took a look at you and I kinda guessed". said the teacher. "OMG! Thank you so much, this means a lot to me". I happily replied to her. "Anytime sweetie". she replied with a smile. I simply smiled and then tried it on to see how it really looks on me. I then looked myself into the mirror and what I saw was perfection just as I expected. ~AMI POV~ I was smiling on how everyone tried on their outfits for tonight's event, the teacher puts my box in front of me. As I opened the box I felt my phone vibrated and it was a message from the landlord that to remind me when to pay the rent of the apartment. "Gosh... I have more time to sort myself right after I'm done with the festival". I said out loud to myself. I then went back to the box and opened it and it has a lot of bling clothes with the Won, Yen and Dollar signs on it, it really suits me best. ~ VOICE POV~ As the girls tried on their outfits and took their time by looking in the mirror. The teacher handed a paper to each of them to see what was going on and it was the list of songs that they were going to sing and this is what it said: Hi Ladies, These are the songs you will perform for tonight's event. Remember have fun and good luck. Songs you will perform are: 1. SID - V.I.P. 2. AAA - Heart & Soul. 3. T.M Revolution - Count Zero. 4. Faky - Better Without You. 5. Koda Kumi - Taboo. 6. Nana Mizuki - Pride Of Glory. 7. Nana Kitade - Kibou No Kakera. 8. An cafe - Tekesuta Kosen. 9. V6 - Break Out. 10. J Soul Brothers - R.Y.U.S.E.I. 11. Funkist - Border. 12. TK from Ling Tosite Sigure - Unravel. The girls all looked at each other with suprised expression on their faces. "Girls are you ready for tonight?" the teacher asked the girls. "We don't know any these songs... so how are we going to perform these songs?" Aina asked the teacher all worried along with the rest of the girls agreeing with her. "Don't worry about that because that is all covered". she replied with so much assurance. "How can we learn these songs then?" the teacher asked the girls. "We don't know any these songs... so how are we going to perform these songs?" Aina asked the teacher all worried along with the rest of the girls agreeing with her. "Don't worry about that because that is all covered". she replied with so much assurance. "How can we learn these songs then?" Seri asked her. The music teacher takes out another box she then opened it and takes out 9 mp3 players with different colours... she hands the mp3 to each girl, they thanked her and put on headsets on to start listening to the songs. After they listened to the songs they all gather around the round table discussed it together. On the other hand the boys were also discussing their 12 songs they have to perform for the event and their list of songs that was given to them by thr homeroom teacher went like this. Here are the songs that you will sing for tonight's event... good luck lads! 1. Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River. 2. Ed Sheeran - Sing. 3. Jamiroquai - Supersonic. 4. Maroon 5 - Maps. 5. Nirvana - About A Girl. 6. Imagine Dragons - Monster. 7. Kylie Minogue - Slow. 8. Maroon 5 - Lucky Strick. 9. Madonna - Vogue. 10. Guns'N'Roses - Live and Let Die. 11. U-KISS - Stop Girl. 12. Zedd - Spectrum. The boys looked at each other with delight that they were ready to bring down the girls, so that one of them can ask one of the girls on a date. It was about time for the dance/music battle of boys vs girls... the girls got themselves ready after they warmed up the vocals, the boys went up to them and Kyouta looked at Tsubaki with a smirk on his face. "Remember if we lose we all leave you alone for life". said Nachi. "That's a deal". Karin replied. The girls all looked at Karin all surprised. "What deal?" Miyu asked all confused. "I wish I knew..." Tsubaki deeply sighed. "Well if we win... you girls should go on a date with us". said Kyouta with a cheeky smile. Tsubaki suddenly snapped. "FINE! BRING IT ON! YOU'RE GOING TO EAT DIRT!" said a snappy Tsubaki while pointed at Kyouta. "We'll see about that". Kyouta replied with a delighted tone and winked at her, making Tsubaki feeling really uncomfortable. "Whatever". Tsubaki rolled her eyes and walked away along with the girls. The MC called the boys and girls out to a big stage which was on the basketball court and the audience all stared at them until the female audience started to mumble between themselves until the started to shouting saying how hot those guys are which made Tsubaki rolled her eyes and deeply sighed. The male audience were mezmerized by the beauty of the girls on stage making some female audience feeling jealous. During the middle of the performance the music teacher and the homeroom teacher looked really pleased on what they are witnessing with their own eyes, young young man appeared next to them all of a sudden. "Oooh! Hiro-ah! Hey how are you man!" The homeroom teacher exclaimed with such happiness to his friend. "Hey Jonathan, long time no see". Hiro replied. "Have you met my girlfriend?" said Jonathan. "No haven't". he replied. "Megan Saram... Hiro Hananoi..." Jonathan introduced to each other. "Hello Hananoi-ssi, nice to meet you". she 90 degrees bowed down. "The pleasure to meet you miss". Hiro politely replied. As they were talking for a bit Hiro heard the girls sing and it caught his attention. "Whose the act performing right now?" he asked curiously. "Ah! A group of girls that are performing against the boys". Megan replied to Hiro. "Did Jonathan told you that I'm a music producer and a CEO in a entertainment..." Hiro told her. "Oh really?! That's great... Do you think these girls got potential in the music industry?" Megan replied in a surprised tone. "Yes they do ahve the potential in the music intustry, I would like to mentor them and become their manager". he said. "Oh that's great! After the events is over I'll gather the girls together so that you can chat to them". she replied in a delighted tone. After the event was over and announced the boys as the winners from the votes from the females and gay males. Megan then met up with the girls in the classroom where they all changed into their school uniforms. "Girls... I would you all meet Hiro Hananoi". Megan introduced Hiro to the girls. "Hello". they all bowed to greet him. "Hi ladies, nice to meet you... I'm impressed of what I've seen today". he said with a smile. "Huh? Listen mister how can you say that you were impressed by our performance even though we lost?" Yuzuru asked him. "Because I know one when I see one". he replied with a soft smile. Tsubaki was in a foul mood and didn't even bother to listen. "What's wrong with the young lady over there?" he asked Megan. "Ah~". Karin weakly replied. "Take no notice of her mood... she'll get over it soon". said Miyu. "Well... I was wondering if you girls would like to visit the music company next week?" he asked them politely. "Oh my gosh that would be a great opportunity girls... what do you think girls?" Megan turned to the girls and asked them. "Well I guess we can go". said Hisa. All of the girls agreed to go as a field trip and visit Hiro's music company. The girls all went home as soon Tsubaki entered into her bedroom she received a text message from a mysterious messenger saying... Hey Tsubaki, I hope you're ready for our date on Sunday :3 be there by 11 am and I'll meet you at the fountain at the mall in Gangnam. Kyouta XOXOXO and extra XO <3 "Are you kidding me... Jeez I have no choice but to go... Ugh! but why of all people does it have to be him?" Tsubaki deeply sighed in defeat. The next day at school Tsubaki locked arms with Hime and dragged her out of the classroom and went in the girl's toilet. "Hime I need your help". Tsubaki desperately tells her. "What kind of help?" Hime asked her. "Kyouta... asked me out to a date..." said to Hime with a deep sigh. "Oh that's so cute... I wish you luck". Hime replied with joy. "But I barely know the guy... I don't know what kind of intentions he's after". she said in a panicky tone. "Don't worry too much about it... just give it a try Kyouta might be an okay guy after you get to know him better". she said. "And another issue that I have is that I don't know what to wear..." she replied hesitantly. "Just wear what you would normally wear". Hime adviced Tsubaki. "Thanks man it was just what I neede to hear". she replied to Hime with a relief tone. After school Tsubaki went to her bedroom and took out different clothes she normally wheres when her mother isn't around and her older sister Sakura enters in her bedroom. "Hey Tsubaki what are you doing?" Sakura asked Tsubaki. "Nothing..." she replied back to her older sister. "Then why are you staring at your outfits so intensively?" she asked curiously. "Well I'm going out tomorrow" Tsubaki replied. "Oh really? It is a date?" Sakura clapped her hands happily. "It's not a big deal anyways". she rolled her eyes. "So who's the guy?" Sakura asked even more anxious. "Some random guy from my class... why do you ask?" Tsubaki answered and asked with her lifted brow. "Well... you know... just in case if it doesn't work out... I'll date him in your place..." said Sakura. "Hmmm... don't you have a boyfriend already?" Tsubaki asked Sakura. "I dumped him". she replied with a smile. "Really? -_________-". Tsubaki replied with a blank expression on her face. Sakura left her sister's room and Tsubaki finally chosen the outfit for the date with Kyouta. How will the date go for Tsubaki and will there be disasters? Will the girls get a chance to get signed with Hiro's music company? Find that out for next chapter.
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