Standing Out! chapter 3 School Festival and Boys!

Standing Out!
~VOICE POV~ After a day of revealing their connection of the girls they have which it was shocking for them that the teacher told them that their future is that they will become a idol group. At school the homeroom teacher announced there will be a school festival, all of a sudden a group of 8 hansome guys came in the classroom. "Ah class these boys are new here, please let's welcome them here". he said. Tsubaki seemed that she wasn't interested at all since she was drawing pictures because she was really bored and it was quick that she got bored. Then the 8 boys lined themselves up and introduced themselves. "Hello, my name is Sakyou, I play American football and soccer". he introduced himselves and he saw Hisa who was sitting quietly and caught his attention. The girls in the class went wild because Sakyou is really attractive. Teacher showed him his sit. The next one was a rich boy. "Hi, I'm Kai, please take care of me..." he said he looked up and saw Yuzuru and reconized her "Ah you're that girl that was working at the cafeteria a month ago". Yuzuru looked at him and pretended not to know him. He decided to sit next to her which made her feel a bit uneasy. Again he's really attractive that made girls go wild. The lad who was next to Kai was up to be introduced. "Hey everyone, I'm Tamaki I do Taekwondo..."he smiled showing his y dimples and the girls were about to faint it was too much for them to handle the iness... But as soon he saw seri and he exclaims "Yo! Seri long time no see". "Oh! Tamaki! Hey! It's good to see you!" she exclaimed in happiness making the girls in her class jealous. Tamaki sits next to her and started talking to each other. After Tamaki, a huy next to him was a really smart hansome guy to be introduced which made the girls to be mesmerized by his gaze. "Hello everyone I'm Shinga, I'm known to be the smartest guy in my previous school". he said and observed a geeky Aina who was writing on her note books to get ready for lessons of the day. He sat next to her and they exchanged friendly looks at each other. Then a tall gorgeous guy wearing glasses to be introduced. "Hey, I'm Suzuki, I was part of the school council in my previous school". he said all polite he went sit next to Miyu, they girls all blushed because he took off his glasses and saw his beautiful face. After Suzuki, a really hansome friendly guy introduced himself. "Yo, I'm Nachi please take care of me". he winked and smiled making girls go crazy. He sat next to Hime who wasn't really paying much attention. After him a really rich boy was next to him and he introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Ruka, please look after me". he said which made the girls blush and sat down next to Ami. The last guy introduced himself and he's also tall and extremely good looking. "Hey, I'm Nao and I'm also a soccer player". he said the girls couldn't control themselves any longer, but what caught his attention was Karin was sitting quietly and sat next to her. After they got introduced Kyouta came in as always late for class which made the homeroon teacher to scold him again. "You're late again Tsubaki!" he scolded him and made Tsubaki to glare at him. "HUH! I'm right here you tit!" she said glaring at the teacher. "Miahne, I meant to say... You're late again... Kyouta!" he said. "Aish! Don't sweat it teacher I'm already... Hi everyone!" he said. The girls in the classroom greeted him as usual. He sat down and the teacher started to discuss about the school festival. One of the girls stood up to suggest an idea. "How about if we organize an music contest boy groups vs girl groups". said the girl. ~TSUBAKI POV~ As soon as that girl sat down and ame up with that idea I stood up to say my say. "Are you for real?! Hell no, I ain't doing that!" I exclaimed really pissed off. That Kyouta stood up and cutting me off. "I think it's a good idea, but we need someone in charge". he said. "The music teacher can be in charge of it". said Aina. "Oh great, that teacher will be on my case". I said sighing. ~ AINA POV~ Poor Tsubaki I know how she feels right now but we really have no choice but to cooperate with the ideas that the class wants. "Ah miahne Tsubaki-ssi, but we have no choice to cooporate". I said. She scratched her head out of fustration. "Aish! Arasseo!" she sigh deeply. ~SERI POV~ As everyone was quite crazy and lively I was catching up with Tamaki. "Aigoo, Tamaki you became so tall and hansome. I'm so glad you came to this school, at least I know someone from my childhood to join with me". I said. "Yeah me too, I'm glad to see you here at this school". he said. "How's your parents?" I asked him. "They're fine thanks for asking, I don't live with them anymore". he said. "What?! Really?!" I exclaimed. "Nae... Not so loud" he said. ~ KARIN POV~ "Why are you all shouting? You're just over reacting over such things how immature". I said after I finished drinking my tea. Tsubaki gave me a glare. "YAH! Who said you was allowed to drink tea in class?!" she continued to glare at me. "I'm too important that no one can say anything to me". I answered back flicking my hair. All I know I saw that Tsubaki took out a pair of scissors trying to cut hair. Thank God that Hisa-ssi stood up to hold Tsubaki-ssi back before she goes insane. "Yah! Are you trying to cut my hair worm?!" I yelled. "Damn right I was aiming at your stupid hair! Who are you calling worm you spoilted brat!!!" she yelled back while struggling to making Kyouta to stand up and take her out to make her cool down. I felt fear for the first time... "Are you okay Karin-ssi?" Yuzuru asked me. "Nae, what's her problem what she needs is mental help". I said. "Well Tsubaki-ssi did had a point, you really shouldn't be drinking tea in the middle of class... Class is a place to learn not to eat". she said all polite and calm. "But really I was hungry". I pouted at her. "That's why there's a cafeteria where we can eat and drink before class". she replied. We started talking and I really like her, she's really polite. ~ MIYU POV~ I was listening to everyone part and ideas, Tsubaki sure is trouble but Kyouta carried her out. For some reason I can feel that someone is staring at me ever since this person came in class. "I'm sorry but could you stop staring at me". I said. "Ah miahne... I couldn't resist to look at a beautiful girl like you". He smirked at me. For some reason I felt my heart skipped a beat. -_- not good. "You're Suzuki right?" I asked. "Yes I'm Suzuki nice to meet you" he replied. "Nice to meet you, I'm Miyu". I said. ~ VOICE POV~ As soon as the music teacher came in she asked everyone to sit down but no one was listening. Kyouta and Tsubaki were still outside. "Listen I know you're pissed with the idea... I don't think it's a bad idea". said Tsubaki. "What? Are you trying to drive me insane here?" she replied getting more and more pissed. "Okay let's make a deal right here and right now". he continued. "What deal... you and I... no thanks". she cutting him off trying to get in the classroom. "If you join girls I won't bother you if you don't take part you'll become my naugthy maid for a day and maybe a date". he smirked at her. She eventually kicked him really hard. "You monkey balls!" she yelled at him. She entered the classroom and the whole class were in chaos. Everyone went out. But Kyouta came in making everyone to come back in class. He goes up to Tsubaki. "That hurt you know, you should be more gentle with me". he said. "Tsk... Gentle you say? Why should I be gentle to you?" She asked glaring at him. "What do you mean why? You're a girl". he said in a cheeky way. "You ". she replied. "C'mon deal or no deal" he said. "There's no deal, I ain't doing it" she said stubbornly. "C'mon it will make no difference anyways without a deal I will still bother you". He whispered to her. "Fine! Will do it.. There happy now. I'll join the girls". she said. The class sat down at started to work on the vocal of the girls and the boys two months before the festival.
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