Radio-o-o On


        "It's going to be your one week anniversary with Yugyeom! You have to go out tomorrow!" Nakoudo's voice came through my phone, she was lecturing me about how one week anniversaries were important and I was going to have a great time.

        "I know it's our one week anniversary and I know I'm going to have a great time, I just don't understand why we have to go out tomorrow, my mom wants to bring my siblings and me to the mall and get clothes."

        "Tell your mom that you can get clothes any other day!"

        "Nakoudo, you know I can't do that" My mother wasn't strict perse, but once she wants to do something, with her children, it's best not to change her plans.

        "I'm sure Yugyeom really wants to celebrate it, romantic stuff is a Matchmaker's specialty!"

        "Nakoudo, he could be busy too you don't- hold on." my phone vibrated, telling me I got a call. Checking it, I saw Yugyeom's name and a picture of him he took... When did he take that picture? Mentally scolding myself for being distracted by a small picture, I pressed the answer button.


        "Bambam, I was wondering, do you wanna go out tomorrow? It's uh... Kind of our one week anniversary and I just wanted to hang out." Well ... I opened my mouth to respond but nothing would come out. "Bambam? It's okay if you--"

        "N-no! It's okay! Where are you planning on going?" Okay, I'm ed now, why did I say I would go?! I ran my hand through my hair and clenched my jaw.

        "Bambam, I can tell you're lying. If you're busy we really don't have to go." I knew he was trying to sound sympathetic and understanding but all I heard was disappointment.

        "I really want to go, but my mom wants to bring me to the mall tomorrow to go buy clothes and the last time I tried to change her plans I was scolded and she blamed me for doing all these things and-"

        "Okay, I see you really want to go on a date tomorrow, I'll just meet you at the mall and hopefully I'll be able to steal you away from your mom." I breathed in trying to catch my breath. It was a good thing that he cut me off because taking fast really gets a person out of breath.

        "Y-yeah" I managed to let out. Once he hung up I got back on my call with Nakoudo.

        "I'm taking it Yugyeom called you and asked you out" I knew she couldn't see it but I pouted.

        "Psh, no" Why do I bother lying to a Matchmaker that can tell whether a person is lying or not? I have no idea.

        "Oh you liar, what did you say?" I didn't feel like explaining the whole conversation so I settled with tricking her.

        "I'm going to the mall tomorrow with my mom." It wasn't a lie, I am going to the mall tomorrow, with my mom too, I just don't think that I'll be staying with her for the whole time. It's been a while since I was able to trick her like this.

        "What?! You actually told him no?! I can't believe you actually-" Never being a good lair that would hold in his laugh so see how far it would go, I burst out laughing, cutting her off mid-sentence.

        "Nakoudo! Yugyeom is going to the mall too. He said he was going to..." I stopped laughing and immediately blushed remembering what he said, "Steal me from my mom..."

        "Awww Yugyeom actually said that? So cute~! He will definitely be able to convince your mom, he's so nice and sweet and-"

        "Is he my boyfriend or yours?" I asked teasingly, even though I was blushing like mad.

        "You never talk about him! You get too flustered thinking about it."

        "What are you talking about? No, I don't!" I said, taking advantage of the fact that she wouldn't see my face through a phone call.

        "Oh yeah? Compliment him right now, he won't even hear you." I could picture the smirk on her lips.

        "Well he's... tall and cute and... really nice" I stuttered. Stuffing my face in the pillow, hiding from who knows what.

        "Ha! I told you! Junior's here, have fun on your date tomorrow, bye!" I heard a low boop telling me she hung up. Great, she left me alone to think about Yugyeom all by myself. I wonder what we're going to do tomorrow.

        "So, Mrs.Bhuwakul, as thanks of my boyfriend taking care of me when I was sick that one day, I would like to take him out on a date, it's our anniversary. We're going to stay in the mall so you don't have to worry about us leaving and getting kidnapped somewhere." I listened to Yugyeom convince my mom from his side, he had his arm wrapped around my torso and he held me close to him like a teddy bear.

        "Oh Yugyeom, you're such a nice boy! Kunpimook, if you had told me yesterday I would have helped you two go to a fancy restaurant! I would have paid for everything! Go you two! Go! Have fun on your date!" She ushered us away. I tripped over my own feet and felt my body fall.

        "Careful!" Yugyeom said, catching me before my face connected to the tile flooring. My legs found out how to work and I stood up normally again.

        "Thanks, Yugs," I said, taking his hand in mine, blushing faintly.

        "See, you had nothing to worry about, you're mom agreed and it only took one explanation" he squeezed my hand before letting go briefly just to intertwine our fingers, making me blush a little more.

        "I thought  that she wouldn't let me go... because of me we're stuck in the mall" I pouted and looked down, he probably had a great plan for the date too.

        "It's fine, there's still a lot of fun things to do! C'mon!" He smiled down at me and started walking faster, dragging me to the escalator, giving me a good chance to check him out.

        He wasn't wearing anything fancy, wait, he knew we were going to the mall so there would be no reason for him to wear anything fancy, gosh brain work.

       He was wearing a simple red-sleeved shirt that went down to half his forearms. Over that, he was wearing a black tee. I heard small clinking noises and noticed the two chain necklaces around his neck. Trailing my eyes up the pale skin, I looked at his styled hair. He must have used hairspray because it didn't move one bit and he was practically bouncing up and down. Sometimes I forget I'm older than this kid, but at times like these, I remember.

        "Hey! Bambam! Yugyeom!" Youngjae's voice came out from nowhere. We both turned our heads to look at the black haired man. He was standing next to his boyfriend who was smiling at the knowingly while holding something behind his back.

        "Oh, hey guys!" Yugyeom greeted kindly. I blushed when they looked down at our intertwined hands. I wasn't embarrassed, I just wasn't used to all of this. I squeezed Yugyeom's hand a little tighter.

        "Are you guys on a date too?" Yugyeom asked, Youngjae nodded but then held a small box out to the both of us.

        "What is that?" I asked curiously, taking the box. I looked at Yugyeom but he just shrugged.

        "Nakoudo wanted to give this to you guys, I don't know what's in it but I'm sure it's nothing bad," Jaebum said, shrugging and walking away, taking his boyfriend with him. I looked at Yugyeom as if I was asking if we should open it now or later. He brought me to a small bench next to the window so I take that as a 'we should open it now'.

        The box was simple, square, wooden, and polished with golden hinges. Yugyeom held it out to me and I opened it revealing 4 silver rings. Raising my eyebrow I looked at the note stuck in the top of the box.

        'Yo! No, I'm not saying you guys should get married... yet anyway, we're still in high school. But I got you guys rings. I just thought that couple rings would be really cute and since you guys are such a cute couple, it would work out perfectly! I found them and thought of you guys, it matches your guys' style. If you don't like them you can just return them, the receipt is under this note. Have fun on your date!"


       I took one of the rings out, it had a simple weave pattern all around. The silver strings perfectly shaped to form a basket looking effect, the second one was more complicated. It had a swirl pattern where the arches would be connected to the start of a new swirl, creating a tangled look, yet it was so organized. It was thicker than the other one and there was a carving of a flower on it too. We put both the rings on our right hands. They fit perfectly, not too tight that they would cut off circulation, and not too loose that they would fall off. He took my hand again and stood up after setting the box in his pocket.

        "Where are we going?" I asked once we started walking again, still curious as to what he had planned.

        "Just to the yogurt place, are you hungry? We could go somewhere else if you want." Now I know why Junior is always a jealous heap, I would want all this treatment to myself too. Smiling up at him, I shook my head and held onto his arm.

        "I'm up for some yogurt." I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked, he slowed his pace so it would be more comfortable for me. I'm surprised at how open we are with our relationship, sure I love cuddling and hugging but I thought that there would be a permanent blush on my cheeks if we did that in public, but here we are with my head on his shoulder, walking through the mall. 

        We've been dating for a week but I don't count school as a public place, no one really pays attention to our little group so I don't think anyone noticed a new couple. So to me, I felt like this is the first time I've gone on a date in public. Actually, even though it's sad to say, I never really had a boyfriend before Yugyeom, so this is my first ever date. I couldn't help but smile at how comfortable and nice it feels.

        When we walked into the frozen yogurt place we were immediately handed sample cups by the lady standing by the entrance, thanking the woman, who seemed to be in her late 20's, I walked over to look at the different flavors.

        "Oh, they have green tea," I said, filling the sample cup before all the contents out. I let the cold dessert sit on my tongue before swallowing. Thinking for a moment, I looked for other flavors.

        I saw Yugyeom doing the same thing, except he tried out a mint flavor. After trying out two more flavors, we settled with vanilla, red velvet, and mint, putting all three of them in one big cup. For toppings, we put some small strawberries, boba, and chocolate chips. Yugyeom paid, after arguing with me about it for about 2 minutes, and I grabbed two spoons. We both thanked the cashier and headed out, walking, talking, and eating.

        An idea came to my head and I scooped up some mint yogurt on Yugyeom's side with a few chocolate chips and held it up to Yugyeom's mouth. He looked at me for a moment before opening his mouth and accepting the dairy treat. I smiled and ate my own scoop of the melted dessert.

        I heard chiming behind us and looked back. The small train driving around the top floor was coming our way so I quickly pushed Yugyeom to the side and let the driver pass.

        "Let's ride that," Yugyeom said with the plastic spoon in his mouth.

        "Which cart do you want to sit in?" He asked when we got to the indoor train stop.

        "Let's go to the one at the end," I said, pointing to red one in the back. "Are you sure you're going to fit? This is meant for little kids... and you're not exactly... little." I laughed walking to the cart nonetheless.

        "I'll be fine, don't even worry about it," He said, sliding in easily. I sat across from him and noticed that it looked bigger on the inside than it did on the outside. He was able to sit up straight and our knees weren't awkwardly squished together. "See? You should trust me more, I am a Matchmaker, after all, I know what I'm doing." He said and scooped another spoonful of frozen yogurt.

        "Okay oh, almighty Yugyeom" I laughed and opened my mouth for him to feed me. I closed my eyes waiting for the vanilla taste to reach my taste buds but I only got a minty splash along with the sweetness of a single chocolate chip. Chewing on the chocolate I pouted at Yugyeom. He just grinned at me and leaned in, pecked my lips, then moved away. I watched him swipe his tongue along them to taste the minty yogurt and I blushed.

        "Sorry, I just always wanted to try that." He laughed and gave me an actual scoop of vanilla with boba and strawberries. The vanilla looked kind of pink and I realized that the red velvet yogurt melted and it's mingling with the other flavors, good for us, we were almost done.

        By the time the small train ride ended, we were able to throw away the small cup and plastic spoons. I felt Yugyeom tug at my hand again and I let him drag me to our next destination, the candy shop.

        "Are you trying to give me diabetes?" I joked, elbowing him a little.

        "Maybe," He said with a slight smirk on his face as he reached up to rub the back of his neck. "What do you want?" I browsed around, looking at the variety of sweets. I picked up two ers, that weren't bigger than a fist, and held one out to Yugyeom. He happily took it and asked if I wanted anything else.

        I looked around one more time at the chocolate covered nuts, gummy sweets, and sour strings before shaking my head. He nodded and paid for the colorful lollipops.

        "Where to now?" I asked, opening the wrapper and enjoying the hardened sugar on a stick. Yugyeom put his in his front pocket gently, stick first.

        "To the Japanese Lifestyle Store just to buy something. There's this one thing that I've always wanted to do..."

        I looked up at him with the lollipop in my mouth, making my cheeks puff out a little from the lack of room. "Have you ever heard of the pocky game?" he looked down at me, making me blush and nod. The pocky game was where you both take an end of a pocky in your mouth and see how small you can get the pocky to be.

        "I just wanted to play that... for fun you know. You don't have to" he said. I took the er out of my mouth to answer.

        "I'll do it, it's not that bad," I said thinking about it, "It's just that- I mean, we are dating so isn't that... cheating?"

        "But we aren't playing for real, so it's okay. I just wanna try it" Smiling, he continued to drag me like he's been doing practically the whole day.

        When we finally got the pocky, we sat down at a small table at the food court and opened the package. He set a pocky stick in my mouth and I closed my eyes, waiting for him to take the other end. I didn't feel another weight on the opposite side, though, instead, the weight on my lips vanished. I felt Yugyeom's lips on mine and I opened my eyes only to see him retreating and stuffing the chocolate covered biscuit in his mouth cheerfully.

        "Wha?" I said dumbfounded.

        "I've always thought of doing that, your reaction was as cute as I hoped it would be." He smiled and set a pocky in my gaping mouth. Slowly closing it and tasting the chocolatey goodness, at last, I kicked him under the table gently.

        "You tricked me." I pouted.

        "But you liked it." He grinned cheekily. 

        I sat quietly, not commenting since he was right. I felt my phone buzzing and I answered to my mom.

        "Kunpi, we're leaving now, come bring Yugyeom, you two can continue the date when we get home." She said before hanging up in a snap. I looked at the phone for a while, processing what she just told me to do.

        "Do you mind?" asked, putting my phone back in my pocket.

        "Nah, I still want to bring you somewhere."

        I didn't notice that we spent so much time in the mall when we got out it was already 6, four hours in a mall can go by quickly.

        After Yugyeom had dinner with my family, he got up to whisper something in my mother's ear. I saw her nod before waving at me. The next thing I knew I was walking hand in hand with Yugyeom to the park. The sun went down somewhere during dinner so I looked up at the night sky, looking at the twinkling lights of the stars.

        "I thought this would be a nice way to end our date, going to the first place we met." He said and let go of my hand to pull out his phone and earbuds. I took the one he handed to me and set it in my ear a soft instrumental song played and I closed my eyes, enjoying the soft tune. I felt our fingers interlock again, I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder while we continued to walk in the direction of the park.

        "You mean when you threw a ball and it connected to my face?" we laughed and lay on the grass looking up at the stars and listening to the musical tune that seemed to be on replay, not that I was complaining, it was a good song.

        "You made today amazing, I don't know how you made the mall so memorable," I stated turning my head to look at him. He had his eyes closed and he opened his mouth to say something right as the song replayed for the 4th time.

        "To me, you're the best of the best no one I ever had. I'll give you a gift so I won't regret~" his words came out in a tune that went along with the music. It didn't really make sense, but somehow, I knew exactly what he meant.

        I tried to think of a way to respond. I knew I wanted to go along with the music like he did. Since it was the fourth time the song played, when I knew what I wanted to say, I waited for the beat to get softer and slower before opening my mouth, "Place me in your heart the way the night keeps the stars." I squeezed my hand and looked at him. "Your eyes and your smile, they melt me and make me more excited" at that moment he smiled and looked straight into my eyes, squeezing my hand again, my heart began pounding in my chest.

        He waited a while, thinking of what to say next.

        "If you're still not bored of me, I'll sing a song for you." He closed his eyes and sang, 

        "Turn the Radio-o-o on, turn the Radio-o-o on~"

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//sigh.. Im so slow ;-;
Like I went up to click on your name to read more of your stories, then I saw it and I was like "OMG WAIT A MINUTE /flashback to that scene/ WOAH"
Then I went to your stories and saw 'Finding You' and I was about to start flipping tables cause ohmAIGAHD you're a genius !!!!

But on the real this was the cutest thing ever
OMG my FEEls are everYWHERe

Chapter 10: This was absolutely ADORABLE!!! I wish there was more :(
Chapter 10: it's too fluffy i'm gonna die!!!!! -screams like agnes--
Chapter 10: This is sooooo adorable i may be crying a little bit
slygirl #7
Chapter 9: I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH yugyeom is soo cute bam bam is cute too it's fill with cuteness <3
Ahfdddghssgh UGH! Friday is so far away man.. I CANT WAIT