Chapter 2- Let's the Party Start!

My Lady Bulter


Chapter 2

The lingering light was obliterated by the falling night. The once scattering sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the whole city.  The welcome party was going to begin in a sec after this long awaited.

“SoEun ah, where does this outfit come from?” Being called from someone, SoEun who moving her body to the kitchen stopped in the middle of her walks and turned her head around to the sound and saw Kris’s parents.

“Good evening, My Lord and My Lady!” SoEun bowed herself to Kris’s parents in a very polite manner in which to show her respect toward them with both her hands clasped together and placed them in front of her belly.

“SoEun ah, shouldn’t you be wearing butler uniform?” Madam Wu, Kris’s mother observed SoEun from head to toe and found no way to recognize the dress SoEun had it on now. It was a simple one-piece white dress patterned with the maze design and on the chest portion of the dress embedded with a mixture of white and black beads in a sporadic distribution. 

“Yeah, that was because” SoEun embarrassed to not know how to answer the questions from her madam as she recalled back the scene happened an hour ago.

“It was all my idea!” Out of nowhere, a deep and familiar voice to SoEun and Kris’s parents reverberated behind them. With no doubt, the owner of the voice was him, Kris Wu. Kris took his step next to SoEun and threw his arm over SoEun’s shoulder.

Kris smirked to SoEun at the time he laid his arm around SoEun’s shoulder who has no resistance to his action instead of a worry look.

------------------------One hour before-----------------------------------


Kris POV

Finishing dress up, I suddenly remembered something while fixing the bowtie around my neck and flied the wardrobe inside my bedroom. As the door the wardrobe opened, a large size of gift box placed nicely inside the wardrobe.

I picked up the box with a big smile crossed his face. I excitedly wrapped the gift box into my arm and dialed a call as soon as I taking his cellphone out from his suit jacket.

The call been answered after few rings. I recognized that was the voice of one of our maids. She was not the person I am looking for.

“Where is Kim SoEun? Tell her to answer my call!” The number that I dialed was my home phone number.

“NE, Mister!” One of the maids responded to Kris’s request with a nod while having the phone on her ear. After that, she ran around the house to find SoEun’s whereabouts.

Waiting for about two minutes, Kim SoEun’s voice ultimately sent through my ear as she said it in her polite tone as usual she did in which to prevent her father’s criticism about our closeness.

“Come to my room now!” I demanded her with such an annoying tone because I seriously hate the politeness she treating me now ever.

Expectedly, she immediately obeyed to my order and arrived to my room in two minutes. As soon as she getting my permission to enter my room, her attitude changed 180 degrees.

“Ya, Wu YiFan, do you know how busy I am? What is the calling for?”

Kekeke, Kim SoEun ah, you are so quick to expose the prototype of yours? Whenever I hamper your works?

Trying my best to hold back my laughter, I scowled and stuffed the gift box to her, which drives her into confusion as she frowned her eyebrows and looks at me with her beautiful puppy eyes.

“Put this on until the party for today ends!”

She was shocked at the state of my words and offered me her refusal after regaining her composure. “What? No, no, no! I can’t do that!”

“Why not? I know what is in your mind, you see yourself as my butler, but I’m not it!” As she rejecting my offer, I started the argument with her. Today is going to be my welcome party for leaving you these two years. I just want you to celebrate it with me as my childhood friend, but not my butler. “I understand your worries and stuffs, but leaves that all to me!”

Without giving her chances to reject me one more time, I forcibly pushed her into the bathroom of mine for the sake of letting her to change.

Lingering for a while, Kim SoEun finally willing to come out from the bathroom with the dress on her that fitted her perfectly. Once I saw that dress from the boutique in Prague, I had a strong feeling that the dress was tailored for her. 

Approaching her direction little by little, I reached out my right hand and released the hair tie wrapped around her ponytail.

“Straighten hair would make you more suitable for this look.” As I getting closer, I can felt her body trembling as I reached out my hand close to her.  Kim SoEun ah, do you know how cute you were while intimacy taking place.

My heart skipped a beat after seeing your reaction, have you just felt the same as me?

-------------------------------------------End of Kris's POV---------------------------------------------


“Appa, what do you think? Kim SoEun looks stunning, isn’t she?” Still having his elbow around SoEun’s shoulder, Kris asked feedbacks from his father for SoEun’s transformation.

“Of course! I’m still in shock seeing you dress up like this, SoEun ah! But it is a good surprise!” Mr. Wu appraised SoEun with a warmth smile pursed his lips as he turning his head to the right side and said to his wife. “Honey, am I right?”

“Yeah! But I assigned SoEun to take charge of this party, shouldn’t it be inappropriate for her to wear this outfit instead of the butler uniform?” Even Madam Wu agree with her husband, the improper conduct operated from Kris and SoEun was her most concern.  

“Sorry my Lady, I’m going to get change” SoEun bowed to Madam Wu in apology and attempted to leave and change the clothes; yet her movement stopped by Kris who dragging her shoulder back to the original position. Kris tightly held SoEun’s shoulder with his strong right arm.

“That’s not it, Umma! Kim SoEun’s identity for today is my childhood friend, and not a butler.” Once his mother finished her lines, Kris immediately started a refutation announcing the role SoEun played for tonight.

“Araso, araso! SoEun ah, if your father is not against to substitute your shift, I can’t find any reason to oppose it! I realize that both of you be on intimate terms since you guys were kids.” Lately, Madam Wu and Mr. Wu left Kris and SoEun alone with their arms linked together from the beginning.

“See? Told you that I can handle it!” Getting the approval from his parents, Kris can’t wait to boast about his promise in front of SoEun, which earns a dissent from her.

“That is because Madam never refused your request!” SoEun helplessly withdrew herself from Kris’s arm. SoEun shook her head in her mind while seeing the egoistic side of Kris.

As the time passed by, the party began to start as the guests who been invited from the Wu couple gradually arrived to their manison.

Seeing all those unfamiliar faces, Kris and SoEun were sharing eye contacts with confusion. Kris stood next to SoEun and burst out his question.

“Who are they?” Kris tilted his head slightly near to SoEun’s right ear and asked in a very low tone in what for no one could overheard his question which receives a head shake from SoEun.

“I have no idea either!” SoEun shook her head as she made response to the question from Kris. I don’t know what’s going on too. Isn’t the purpose of this party for Kris’s comeback?

“But I heard it from Appa that Madam is going to announce something tonight!” SoEun told Kris about what the entire thing that she know from her father. “So do you think”

“Kris ah!” A woman’s voice cut off SoEun in her mid-sentence as they both turned their attention to the direction of the sounds from and saw Madam Wu waving her hand to Kris in order to ask him to come over.

“I’ll come back in a second, don’t go away!” Kris left this sentence before rushing to his parents’ direction. SoEun who standing still on the position with her eyes following Kris’s way to his parents and seeing Mr. Wu introduced Kris to his friends or maybe business partner.

“SoEun ah!” One of SoEun’s colleagues inside the house ran to SoEun while she feeling boring at the time she waiting Kris to come back alone there. Next to SoEun, it was a long table that full of foods, fruit, desserts and etc. which combines with about three table on right side of the enormous living room, just like a buffet style.

“MinJi ah!” SoEun found herself smiling brightly after MinJi’s face showing up. In order to show her gratitude for MinJi’s appearance, SoEun gave MinJi a big hug with both of them smiled to each other.

“SoEun ah, you look so pretty tonight! I’m so jealous right now, I want to have a gift from Mister too!” Breaking their hug, MinJi adjusted the shoulder area of SoEun’s dress as .

“Ya, what are you talking about?” SoEun hit the back of MinJi’s right hand in a light motion with smiles on both of the girls’ face. “Is everything alright? Do I cause you guys any troubles?” SoEun and MinJi became friends when her father was training SoEun as a butler.

MinJi was an orphan after the death of her parents. There was no one can take care of herself, she must learn to take care of her own. Under cumulative, household chores became her strengths.

“That’s nothing! Can’t you see I’m free and at leisure right now?” MinJi showed SoEun an ‘it doesn’t matter’ smile in which to reduce her feeling of guilty. “I’d like to see how Mister treats you like a lady.”

“Ya, quit the teasing! Kris and I are just friend!” SoEun addressed her relationship with Kris to MinJi with her serious face. She don’t want anyone mistaken anything between two of them, especially her Appa.

“Are you sure? Nothing more?” MinJi narrowed her eyes to SoEun full of suspicious, which earns a funny smile from SoEun and a fake attack as SoEun making this response.

“Yeah, yeah!” Perfunctory attitude covered SoEun’s face. At the time SoEun and MinJi joking around, a conversation from a group of boys and girls as same age as SoEun caught their attention.

MinJi and SoEun cut off their chitchat and shifted their eyes to the direction on the left hand side where those boys and girls stood.

“Sup, chingu ah!” At first, there supposed only few girls and one boy in the group, but three boys came and joined the group later then.  As those boys getting closer to the circle formed by the group, they exchanged high five with each other.

In others’ eyes, that was a normal thing that close friends will do, nothing special. However, their conversation was the only thing that caught the attention of SoEun and MinJi.

 “Hey, I saw you were talking with Oh SeHun over there. When does you guys be friend, and I don’t know it?” A girl asked the group of boys who just joining them as she took a sip of orange juice she holding in her hand.

“Hell ya, I’m just asking him about his opinion of the coming up exam.” The tone of Boy 1 gave a feeling of contempt.

“And what does he say?” The boy stood across Boy 1 had a face full of expectation toward the answer. Looking forward to the answer, everyone put all eyes on Boy 1.

“He told us that he has been studying very hard those days.” Instead of Boy 1 speaking up, Boy 2 stood on the right side of him giving out the response. “And hoping will do well on the exam.”

“Hmph, he didn’t feel himself bullting in front of us.” The boy on the left side of Boy 1 led out a scornful laughter, which earns some nods from his friends.

“I know right, how can he fail any of the exam? He thought that we are kids to believe his word. ” Another girl agreed of what Boy 3 been saying.

“His father had that kind of connection with the entire educational institution in Seoul. Will he be possible to drop out from school?” Everybody nodded their head as hard as possible to show their agreement.

“If not to offend him, who will curry favor with him?” That unacceptable conversation reached to SoEun and MinJi’s ears. Both of them had no intention to eavesdrop their talks, but their volume a bit too loud. 


SoEun’s POV:

As the conversation continuing, MinJi and I exchanged eye contacts in which to confirm each other’s mind with a smile on both of our faces. We approached the group intently. Out of nowhere, I yelled at MinJi in an audible voice as we stopping next to them.

“MinJi ah, how can you say that? You say something like that is too over.”

“SoEun ah, I” MinJi was with me as she following my rhythm. As to react to my word, MinJi looked into my eyes with the aggrieved expression using her puppy eyes. Oh my god, MinJi ah, your look made me feel like that I was scold you for real.

“You have to know that only people with no ability would look down on others because they are ENVY and JEALOUS of them.” I deliberately said the word ‘envy’ and ‘jealous’ in a very loud volume to make sure they can hear me clearly. It seems like I was giving MinJi a lesson, but apparently, my target was that group of that boys and girls. By doing so, MinJi and I played a quarrel opera in front of them.

“Do you guys agree with me, Sonmin (Guests)?” I narrowed my eyes away from MinJi and turned to that group of those gossip guests. I cranked my eyebrow as I asking for their opinion with my non-offend smile wore on my face.

Listening to my statement, I can saw embarrassments covered their face. After that, they nodded their heads in which to express their consent to my words awkwardly, and timidly gazed away.

“Mrs. Wu doesn’t like such hypocrite like that. If you let her hear you, it will be an unacceptable behavior.” I fixed my attention back on MinJi’s direction with my very serious face in pretending. Facing my instructed look, MinJi nodded her head desperately as she getting my words. 

Getting fool by my words, that group of boys and girls changed their subject and walked away. Laughter cannot help to burst out from MinJi and me after seeing their frightened expression. The feeling of let justice be done was so great, we excitedly clapped our hands together with minimum fuss.

The party continued going in harmony after the exhortation holding by me. When the living room full of guests, the sign of applause attracted the attention of the guests there. They adjusted their eyes to the source of the sounds, included me who chatting with MinJi in certain corner. They all turned their head to dinning area of the mansion and saw the Wu Family standing in stage we set up for an announcement use and caused the spotlight.

“Thanks you all for coming to this party tonight! I think some of you may wonder why do I invite you guy to this party. If you guys noticed, you guys will find out that all of you from the same school.” That was the voice from Kris’s mother. Her elegant tone resounded around the ballroom like living room. The words came from created a state of whisper where I also found myself nodding in comprehension. No wonder most of the guests here as young as us. However, my curiosity of the coming up announcement didn’t lift from it.

“The main purpose of this party is organized for the son of returnees. But following by that, I want to introduce him to all you guys. Let me introduce him to you all, Kris!” The figure of Kris made his way to Madam and stood next to him. The appearance of Kris enhanced the atmosphere as the soft tone of voice pierced the silence again after the greeting making from Kris.

I vaguely heard some appraisal about the look of Kris among those murmurs. I led out a giggle secretly inside my heart. I can bet that he would be wild and extravagant.

“And more, the other purpose of this party is to show my gratitude to Mr. Jung!” The guests followed the direction to the direction that Madam’s hand moved to, and me as well. We saw a middle-aged man lifted his hand with the glass of champagne down the stage to Madam as a smile spreads his face.  I was wondering the identity of this ahjussi, who is he?

According to Madam’s saying, Mr. Jung was the member of the board of trustees of school. But how could Mr. Jung and all of the guests relate to Kris?

“Thanks to Mr. Jung’s approval, my son, Kris becomes the exception to join the class in the middle of the course. He stopped school for two years due to personal reasons, and I hope that you guys can get along with each other by holding this party. Hope you guys enjoy your times and have fun, thank you!”

A stormy applause broke out the hall as Madam bowed her head a bit to the front. I can’t believe what I just heard, not just me, I can tell that Kris was also had the same feeling as me by glancing at his expression after hearing the word from his mother.

I understood what he feels because gosh it was out of nowhere apparently. So that was the announcement Appa talks about? This a little inessential, I mean like a news like this not worth mentioning in such a grand way. My mind started to wonder the real reason behind it. After the announcement, Kris forced to socialize with those guests in middle-aged by his parents and MinJi went back to work as my father summoned her.

Having no occupation, I decided to have a walk in the garden to get me some fresh air. Outside the garden, I walked up to the small rose garden and the savory smell of fresh rose assaulted my nostrils. I crunched down my body to sniff at the roses with the smile on my face.

I heard footsteps walking on the grass and coming near to my side from my back all of sudden. Instinctively, I straightened up my whole body and turned around to the footsteps. Enveloping the darkness, I was unable to see things clearly and notice that bench near the rose garden. I stumbled the footstool of the bench as I moved forward. Losing my balance, I pounced on that person approaching my direction and fell into his embrace. During that time, I realized it that person is a guy and I tried to withdraw myself from his hold instantly, but he seems like had no intention to let go of me. Both of his hands held my arms so that my body is pressed up against his.

“Sorry and thank you! I” Words stuck in my throat, and nothing came out from my mouth as I feel heat crawled up to my face as I have such intimate act with a man other than Kris and my brother. My body stiffened in surprise and embarrass.

“For what?” A muffled voice sent to my ear and his breath tickled my left ear due to the closeness between us. He got the same voice as Kris, but I can told for sure that he’s not Kris. That was an unfamiliar voice that I never heard before. Undoubtedly, he must be one of the guests of this party. Oh my god, you were such a disgrace, Kim So Eun! 

“For, for the drooling!” My response led him to chuckle a bit at the astonishment in my tone. Gosh, that was so embarrassed, but thanks god, it was dark out here and he won’t be able to see the shade of crimson appeared on my cheek now.  Even I apologized for my faux pas, he didn’t seems like to release me from the embrace.

Unable to resist the intimacy any longer, I made one more attempt to pull out myself, but a polyphonic sound reverberated down from his pocket and he finally pulled himself away before I did. I was nervous about being hugged.

Gaining back my balance, I stood straight back and adjusted my dress in which to fix my appearance. The guy who just helping me out from the fall, answered the call with his back facing me. Recalling the embarrassed moment, I once again apologized to him in a hurried way whether he heard it or not. After then, I went back to mansion clumsily as I unseen the pathway clearly in the dark.

However, I heard his voice sounded behind me as I hastily returned to the party flustered, He probably noticed that I taking my leave and called out for me. I still felt heartbeat speeding up a little at the sensation. I shook my head a little to try and force the memory from my mind. Therefore, I didn’t turn back and just kept on walking. 

-------------------------------------------End of SoEun's POV---------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter End-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey guys,  here is my second chapter of My lady bulter!!! what do you guys think about it? I know that I said I will update the other ff 'Hello, My Platonic' as my new update, and I broke that promise. I'm sincerely apologized to everyone who waiting for that story!! I will try to update that story next time I come back. And last, hope you guys enjoy and have fun reading this chapter!!! Comments will be very very welcome, so no need to be shy or frightful to share your thgouths with me or maybe everyone!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!!

Next chapter teaser: Kris will going to have his school days start in the new campus according to his mother plan. As SoEun's said, there was no need to make such annoucement in that kind of way, what's the reason behind it?? Any curiosity, you guys?! Some more characters will show up on next chapter!!

Keep your eyes on it!!!



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Hi all of my readers and subscribers, I've been updated the characters introduction for 'My Lady Butler'. Sorry for being this late and not starting the story.


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Chapter 8: omg i love
Hayat786 #2
Chapter 9: Thx for the ubdate
likatulay #3
Chapter 7: Awww.. how can luhan do that to her.. lol n why do I have the feelings that more than one person will interested in soun??. Hahaha..anyways thank you for the update.. it was great love it...
saliha #4
Chapter 7: Hi writer nim, thanks for the update. Hope hou can do it more often.
likatulay #5
aaww beautiful!! thumps up with this..... I love it.. eheheh
saliha #6
Chapter 6: Enjoyed it, very nice chapter, thank you authornim.
aina0609 #7
Chapter 5: Pls...updte soon...~~
awesome-raji #8
Chapter 5: Love this fic a lot
Plz update soon
likatulay #9
Chapter 5: Awwww. Thank you so much for the update.. Really good..
likatulay #10
Chapter 3: wow update please author nim!! very interesting!