[ Sick ]

Mend The Broken Heart

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Kai was one of the students who reach the school early because his morning job. His first class for today is English language. It's a must take subject in the school so he asssume Naeun will be in the class as well. He took a seat at the very back and introduce his forehead to the table's surface and close his eyes.

The noises of the other students who started to take place in the class woke him up. Although he was not actually sleeping.

He looked up and leaned by the chair, watching the students took their seats. Then there came Sehun and Hayoung, but no Naeun? Kai's eyes completely working right now as he tried to process the scene around him. Searching for Naeun, but none. He remained quiet.

It's not like he care or what, he just want to return Naeun her umbrella. That's all.


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It was break time for the first session. Hayoung was walking alone to the cafeteria since she and Sehun separated for Chemistry and Economy class. "Where's Naeun?" Hayoung turned to the voice at her right and press a hand on her chest. "Holy Kai, you surprised me." Kai didn't seem to care on her statement.

"Naeun is sick. She caught both cold and flu."

Said the one who told me not to get sick. Kai thought to himself.

"She's such a stubborn girl. She can't even stand the windy weather." Hayoung shook her head. Kai just listened and didn't said anything like he don't care. But he care- just a bit. Maybe.

They reached the cafeteria and Kai walked away but Hayoung was faster in catching his arm. "Come eat with us. Naeun isn't here to pack you a lunch." She gave him a knowing smile. Kai deepened his brows.


Baekhyun nudged Sehun who was checking down the list for his batch MT trip by the end of this month. "Look at that." Sehun looked up and his face fell, enough to be noticed by Eunji.

"Sorry we're late, I got to put the books in my locker." Hayoung smiled and took a seat beside Jongdae across Sehun, while Kai have no other choice to seat beside her.

Sehun pushed Hayoung's food that he got earlier to her direction. "Thanks!" She smiled sweetly. Sehun didn't show any respond but he nodded at her.

"This is yours!" Namjoo place the foods she got earlier as well in front of Kai. He just blinked at her, no thank you or smile.

"I thought you were taking double for yourself." Baekhyun smirked. His words earned a ball of tissue from Namjoo.

"Let's eat!" Chanyeol said and followed by the others before they start on digging their foods.


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Kai was thinking on how he want to return Naeun's umbrella. He didn't want to be questioned by her friend's on how her umbrella got onto hi hands, so he decided to keep it by himself. In Mathematic class, Kai took a seat beside Hayoung since he saw Sehun sitting beside Ilhoon, much to his surprise: because he thought Sehun and Hayoung has a thing for each other.

Hayoung cannot hide the surprise of Kai sitting beside her, not to mention she sat on the front row.

"What is it?"

Kai put down his book and looked at Hayoung. "What?"

As if she can read what's on his mind. "What is it that you want from me?" Hayoung smiled.


For the whole lesson, Sehun saw both of them kept on exchanging notes: yes, he watched them the whole time. He didn't know why but he didn't like the sight Hayoung smiling and giggling in front of Kai. Eventhough he didn't give that much responds to her actions. He wondered why.


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Thanks to Hayoung's much help, Kai got both Naeun's address and phone number. Although, all he asked is whether she will go to school tomorrow or not. But Hayoung seemed to over understand his question and gave him exactly what he wants. Minus the phone number. Because he didn't have any phone. Believe it.

Kai was now standing in front of Son's residence. The house was huge, all the house in the neighbourhood are. He hesitated on whether he pressed the bell or not. But again, he didn't care at all so he jsut left the umbrella in front of the gate, hanging before he left.


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Naeun was extremely bored during the school period since her friends can't touch the phone during school period. She made that rule. With Sehun and Eunji as the supporters.

"Gosh, mom was really overreacting over a flu and cold." She rolled on her bed with netflix on her room's wall. But she doesn't need that. She needs school, her friends, and she need to know about him.

It became a question to Naeun. Why did she care? She barely know him. Her safe answer is that, he's a friend just like Sehun and the others. With that she brushed off her thoughts on something weird and continue on being curious about his being. It's normal for worrying over a friend. Although she's not like that with Chen and Baekhyun. But again, she thought it was because they will report or bug her with annoying chats and calls. But Kai don't. So she doesn't actually know what he's doing at the time.


There's a knock on the door and she asked whoever it is to come in.

She sat on her bed at the sight of her brother enetering her room. "Oh oppa!"

"Are you feeling any better now?"

"Psh, it's only the flu and a bit cold. I already took the meds, so don't worry." She smiled.

"Good. That's why I love you." Her brother patted her head.

"I love you too oppa." She hugged her brother.

Before her brother left the room, he gave the umbrella he found hanging with Naeun's name on it. Having the umbrella in front of her making her smile go crazily wide. "He was here." She can't explain the feeling, she felt happy knowing he stopped by.


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A/N: Kill me! I sincerely apologize for not updating for like a year. Dang it students life. How are you guys? I hope you guys have been well and have a great days ahead! I'm sorry for not updating. But I love this story and I don't want to let it go. I'll try my best to update more often since I'm less busy now. Thank you and sorry! Feel free to drop your thoughts/ comments. But don't comment an 'update soon' or something like that. xoxo.



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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 6: Please update it...
hanjunghye #2
Chapter 6: i'm glad because naeun & friends don't care about kai's social status..naeun character in this story so cute..i'm looking forward to see kai and naeun moment^^
Although kai dating someone in reality but i really hope you'll continue and update this story as soon as possible;-)
fantabanana #3
Chapter 6: Damn, naeun is waaaay too cute !
koala_panda #4
Chapter 6: Can't wait for kaieun moment.. Hope you will update soon
nasaku96 #5
Chapter 5: This is my first time read you're ff,,
It's a coollll,,and daebakkkk,,,
Please updatw soon,,can't wait,,,
Keep writing^^
myria71 #6
Chapter 2: Hi....I just found yr story and its interesthing. Pls keep continue writing ok.
Chapter 5: Hi author-nim! Hope that everything's great for you and thank you for updating ^^ bwahahahahahha no i won't kill you because if i kill you how i will know the end of this story? XP
Chapter 4: please update soon ><
im waitinggg v.v
koala_panda #9
Please update author it's already been months
datzme #10
Chapter 4: Love ur story^_^ pls.update soon.