[ Rainy Days ]

Mend The Broken Heart

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"Good Morning." Naeun knocked the door of her class as she smiled. "Oh, Naeun-ah!" Her friends; Hayoung and Sehun along with her other classmates smiled back at her. There are some of the guys that were in awe at her beauty and some of the girls whispers in jealousy, because she's such a beauty.

Naeun happily approached the two of them and pulled her chair to sit down. They talked and laughed with each other waiting for their teacher to start the morning session until it lunch break. The bell rang and all the students from all the classrooms each floor yelled in relief. In a minute, the hallway heading to the cafeteria were full of the students.

Naeun, Hayoung and Sehun walked towards their flock at the table that's reserved just for them; Naeun, Sehun, Hayoung, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Namjoo, Chen, Eunji. They are some of the richest kids in school. The school that they attend is one of the most prestige high school in Seoul - Faircroft High School (FSH).

"Why are you so late? I'm hungry to death." Baekhyun whined. "Sorry, I got to get something from my locker first." Naeun pouts. Baekhyun's frown turned into a childish smile, "Really? It's okay, I'm not that hungry." Eunji scoffed. "REALLY?" she emphasized the word really at Baekhyun.

"Okay okay, before the two of you starts fighting, let's eat first okay?" Chen quickly butted in the frenemies atmosphere of Baekhyun and Eunji. All of them starts to stuff their meals in their mouth as everyone are already at the table. It's one of their protocol, wait for every member to arrive then they can start eating. Baekhyun's the one who invent that protocol.

After a while, some had finished eating their meals. "Guys, you know what? Tomorrow there'll be a special transfer to our school." Namjoo spoke, slamming her hands on the table making Eunji to choke on her drinks. "Yah, do you have to slam the table while telling us?" She shot a glare at Namjoo. "Sorry, but this is important."

"Important?" Chanyeol asked and now every pair of eyes are now on Namjoo. "Yes. Each of the prestige high school in Seoul will receive a special transfer from a regular high school." Namjoo nodded. "I don't see anything wrong with that?" Sehun raised his brow. Eventhough they're one of the richest, they don't like to show off and arrogant.

"It is! It's not like a normal student will be transfered, it's a badass student." Namjoo said eagerly. "So what? Why are you so eager about this thing?" Naeun laughs at Namjoo's cute action. She knows that Namjoo is not a fan of a troublemaker. "I just don't like badass." She hissed.

"Then, just stay away from that transfer. Right?" Hayoung looked at them. "Hayoung-ah, you're really smart. Why can't Namjoo used her brain and think like you?" Baekhyun smirked at Namjoo.

"Pfft, I'm just saying." Namjoo defended herself as she brings her hand up like a diva. "Okay thank you for the very important 'saying'. Now it's time for our second session before we go home and sleep." Eunji said and stood up on her feet.

"Don't you have anything better to do than sleep, piggy?" Baekhyun smirked before running as fast as a lightning from the cafeteria. Eunji huffed her cheeks in anger as she cursed under her breath. "Tomorrow I will erase that big mouth of him from his ugly face!" She stomped her feet in anger. Chanyeol dragged her to her next class since they're classmates and Chen left to his class as well along with Namjoo.

The trio make their way to their next class as well. "Do you think the new transfer is bad as bad as Namjoo said?" Hayoung said curiously. "First lesson in life, do not trust Namjoo's word all the time, Who know the transfer may not be as bad as she said." Sehun answered while his hands tucked into his pockets. "We;ll see about that tomorrow." Naeun nodded.

She's actually curious about the new transfer though.


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"You guys know the reason why I called you guys, right?" a male teacher and a name tag is pinned on his shirt; Kangin. Noene of the five boys that were standing in front of him bother to answer his question. And Kai is one of them.

"Well done." The teacher sighed. He then hand them an envelope each. "In the envelope has all your infirmation. All you need to do is hand the envelope to your new homeroom teacher tomorrow." He was hoping there'll be a simple 'yes' or at least a nod. But who's he hoping with. The five troublemakers around? No, not a chance.

"About your uniform, each of you will be given a new uniform tomorrow at your new school so just wear what you wear today to your new school tomorrow. I wish you all the best of luck and I hope if we ever meet again in the future, i can be proud of you guys. Now off you go." Kangin said as he turned around, not wanting to face them.

He's actually Kai's homeroom teacher and he knows well what are his problems. He listed Kai to be one of the special transfer hoping that he'll get a new breath and life at his new school. Here in his old school is just too dark and no one seems want to help him get out from the darkness. Kangin's not that strong to pull Kai from the dark hole by himself. So he's hoping that Kai will be given a second chance at his new school.

It was raining after school. Many people find place as a shelter and some of themwere using the umbrella. All of them except this one guy who was just walking through the rain like he didn't care if he get sick. None other than Kai.


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"Ahh~ Why is it raining the day I don't bring my umbrella with me?" Naeun whined, using her file that barely covering her head, she's desperately looking for a place until she bumped onto someone and fall onto her . (cliche much, I know >.<) "Ack!" She yelped in pain and frustration. She was hoping for a hand to help her to get up on her feet again but instead, that someone she bumped onto just walk pass her. She struggled to stand up in the rains and now her uniform were all wet.

Naeun was about to leave the place and run to somewhere else when she felt like she was stepping on to something.She looked down and blinked, trying to clear her vision from the raindrops. She tilted her head as she bent down and picked up the envelope that is now soaked wet. Naeun didn't think much and hugged the envelope before running to a shelter nearby.


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"Why are you wondering in the rain? And what exactly did you do? Were you swimming in the rain?" Mrs. Son scold her daughter for coming home soked in the rain, grinning. Naeun sat on her bead with her hair wrapped with a dry towel. "Mom please. Firstly, I'm not wandering in the rain. I was searching for a shelter nearby. Secondly, I'm not swimming in the rain, I told you, I tripped myself while running." She smiled at her worried mom by the door frame of her bedroom. "Mom, I'm okay trust me. Now if you don't want me to get sick, I should get my sleep now." She waved her hands at her mom as she pulled the blanket covering her entire body.

"Fine." Her mother sighed. "If you need anything just call me or your dad or the maids okay?" Mrs. Son then closed the door. After a while Naeun heard the door beind closed, she peeked through her blanket. "She's gone?" She then went to the door and locked it. Pulling out her hair dryer, she seated herself on the mat by her bed and she took the envelope that she had been laid flat on a heater earlier. "It's not soaked as it was earlier." She then switched on the hair dryer and blow each of the paper inside, dry.

After about 20 minutes of drying those papers, Naeun switched off the hair dryer. She brought the stuffs on to her desk and try to arrange it. Just then she got the time to read what's written on the paper properly. "What is this... Let's see... Oh?" She blinks at the words she just read for a moment. She brushed her eyes using the back of her hand before she went back reading again. "... Special Transfer to Faircroft : Kim Jongin... Our school!" She widened her eyes. "So that's mean that the new transfer we'll be getting tomorrow is this Kim Jongin?" She threw herself on her back after setting all the papers back into the envelope. "Wait... He's the one that I bumped onto?" She thought by herself.

She heaved a heavy breath and seated herself on the bed once again. "If his documents is with me, so that's mean he can't attend school tomorrow?!" Naeun gasped. "Oh my god. What have I done?" She grabbed her hair using both of her hands. "I must get that envelope to him tomorrow, morning." She nodded, determined. "I will hand it to him no matter what. I don't want to get someone not attending school because of me. Hell no!" Then she threw back her body onto the fluffy mattress and cover herself with blanket and drove to dreamland. She's tired.


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Kai was glad that the envelope was missing, He did not want to enroll in new school. He hates it. He hates new environment moreover, he heard his techers talking that Faicroft is one of the top three most prestiged school in Seoul. Hell no he's going to step his feet in there.

Kai lied himself flat down on to the thin mattress and straightenend his legs. He's now staying in a rooftop house with the rent that he can afford working as a newspaper and milk guy in the dawn. He works so that he can afford himself a sheltter, cigarettes and few cups of ramen. Nothing much more than that.

He closed his eyes and heaved out in relief that he don't have to face school anymore tomorrow. The only thing he'll be doing tomorrow is delivering newspapers and milks on the neighbourhood and he's free for the whole day. These are all thanks to the girl he bumped onto earlier this evening. Bumping onto her making him loose his grips on the envelope he was holding and now he didn't have to transfer anywhere else thanks to the girl.

Speaking of the girl, Kai's eyes fluttered opened as he remembered the image of the girl when he leave her alone there. She was sitting and rain was pouring down to her. She's soaked in the rain. "She'll get cold later-" Kai shook his head as he was in dazed thinking about the girl. No, he did not care about her. He's not.


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A/N: Yayy! Thanks for the feedbacks and subscribers and also the one upvote. I appreciate it, really ^^ First chapter is up! Oh my god, I don't really know about this chapter to be honest. I just hope that I'm not too slow or too rushed with this chapter >.< I hope you guys enjoy and do subscribe and comment



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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 6: Please update it...
hanjunghye #2
Chapter 6: i'm glad because naeun & friends don't care about kai's social status..naeun character in this story so cute..i'm looking forward to see kai and naeun moment^^
Although kai dating someone in reality but i really hope you'll continue and update this story as soon as possible;-)
fantabanana #3
Chapter 6: Damn, naeun is waaaay too cute !
koala_panda #4
Chapter 6: Can't wait for kaieun moment.. Hope you will update soon
nasaku96 #5
Chapter 5: This is my first time read you're ff,,
It's a coollll,,and daebakkkk,,,
Please updatw soon,,can't wait,,,
Keep writing^^
myria71 #6
Chapter 2: Hi....I just found yr story and its interesthing. Pls keep continue writing ok.
Chapter 5: Hi author-nim! Hope that everything's great for you and thank you for updating ^^ bwahahahahahha no i won't kill you because if i kill you how i will know the end of this story? XP
Chapter 4: please update soon ><
im waitinggg v.v
koala_panda #9
Please update author it's already been months
datzme #10
Chapter 4: Love ur story^_^ pls.update soon.