[ Umbrella ] part 2.

Mend The Broken Heart

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Kai lifted his head up and annoyingly turned it to the door just to find up a couple... making out at the door frame. He stared at them not too long and leave the classroom using the back door with his hands in his pocket. The couple broke their kisses as the girlfriend caught a glimpse of Kai and the boyfriend ran up after him.

Kai shook his head. Making out early in the morning? Eww. He thought, disgustingly. He was about to take a step to the rooftop but stop when he was grabbed by his uniform sleeve. Pissed off, Kai turned around and smirked upon the face that stopped him.

"Don't you tell whatever you saw in the classroom earlier to the others, do you hear me?" Kai looked down and read his name plate. Kim Myungsoo. Kai slapped Myungsoo's arm away, "What if I tell people about it?"

Myungsoo chuckled before he glared at Kai. "Then you'll regret it."

"Try me." Kai fixed his sleeve and walk down the stairs leaving Myungsoo behind. "." He kicked one of the dustbin near the stairs.


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"Where's Jongin?" Naeun turned to Sehun as they walked to the cafeteria together with Hayoung. "Jongin?" Sehun blinked for a sec, "Ah~ Kai? I don't know." Naeun furrowed her eyes at him. "Kai? Who's Kai?"

"Kai is Jongin. He told us that if we want to talk with him don't call him by his real name. He hated it." Hayoung explained. "Why?" Hayoung just shrugged her shoulder at Naeun's 'why'.

They walked into the cafeteria and they saw all of their friends were already there. But to Naeun she can't find the sign of Kai in the cafeteria. Sehun and Hayoung took their seats when Naeun just walk past them saying, "I got things to do. Baekhyun you can take my foods. Thanks."

All of them at the table looked at each other, confused except the hungry puppy Baekhyun as he happily pulled Naeun's food to his sides.


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Kai lit up the fire and burned his ciggarette. Yes, he's smoking. He leaned against the brick wall as he closed his eyes and smokes went out through his nose and mouth before he put it back in his mouth. He found out that, instead of having lunch with the chatterboxes, he could find some peace and here it is, the peace that suited him.

But soon after his peace turned out intto a war. Naeun peeked her head out from the door to see if Kai was there at the rooftop and bingo, there he is, sitting against the wall... "SMOKING?!" She gasped. She ran to him and pulled the ciggarette from his mouth harshly before tossing it to the ground and stepped on it.

Kai's eyes fluttered open at someone who just pulled his ciggarette and stepped on it. He looked up and found a furious Naeun looking down at him with her hands on her waist. "You again? Just annoy me in class and act like stranger when we're not in class." Kai sighed and closed back his eyes.

"You smoke?!"

Kai gathered all his strength to hold back the urge of shouting and hitting Naeun at that moment. He's really annoyed. "Yes! So what?!"

"So what?" Naeun stared at him in disbelief. "You're SMOKING in school, during school hours! You knew that's breaking a rule!"

". Can't you just leave me alone? Why do you kept on bugging me since yesterday?!" Kai slammed his fist to the wall and stood up.

"I'm sorry but I'm responsible for you and all your doing in throughout this week, understand?!"

"Responsible my !" Kai walked away from her and purposedly bumped her on the shoulder.

Naeun held back herself from yelling and she ran aftter him. She grabbed his arm, making he turned to her almost immedeatly. "I'm sorry I can't help it but to annoy you more since I'm one of the member of students council her in this school."

Kai smirked. "So you wanted to show off in front of me?"

Naeun stared at him in disbelief. "That's not what I mean! I just don't want you to break this school's rules!" she shouted at his face.

Kai gave her a disgusting look and turned his body once again.

Naeun bite her bottom lips and took him by his arm, making Kai to face her. Before he could speak any sooner, Naeun curled up her fist that was holding the lunch she'd packed for him in the cafeteria earlier and punched it directly on his stomach, making Kai to hold his stomach and yelped in pain before shooting a glare at her. Naeun make him hold the packet of lunch, "That's your lunch." She walked away, closing the door with a loud slam.

Kai straightened his back as he rubs his stomach and looked at the packet of lunch Naeun gave him. He looked to the door that Naeun slammed earlier, "What's that?" Still rubbing his stomach, "Does she owned a black belt in judo or what?" He winced in the pain that left there.


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Kai kept on looking Naeun who was busy jotting down the notes since they're in History class right now. He can't help but felt bad at her for saying mean things to her during lunch time earlier. He don't want to feel bad but the fact that she packed him a lunch still bothered him. She's the first to give him lunch after his mother. Kai shook his head and his eyes went back to the textbook in front of him.

After the class finished all of them packed their bag and those who put their bag in their locker went straight there to get their things packed. Naeun is one of them. Kai watched her walked out from the classroom with Hayoung and Sehun. He then looked out the window. "Now wonder it's so cold." He thought as the rain pours down.

Kai picked up his bag and walked out the classroom as well. He walked to the front of the building and many kids were still there, waiting for their car to fetch them. Pfft, rich kids. He scoffed. Amongst them, Kai can heard a familiar voice conversing with another two familiar voices.

"Let me send you home." Sehun said to Naeun.

Naeun shook her head. "Please, Siwan oppa is on his way here."

"But the car's tyre blow out isn't it? You don't want Sehun or me to send you home, what will you do here?" Hayoung pouted.

"It's okay, he'll be here soon. Don't worry. Plus I have my umbrella here with me." Naeun smiled.

Hayoung's car arrived. She bid her goodbye to Naeun. "Take care."

Naeun waved back. Soon after, Sehun's car arrived. He ran into his car after he gave Naeun a warning. "Don't you think of walking in the rain, EVENTHOUGH you have your umbrella with you." He emphasized the word eventhough at her and Naeun chuckled at it before giving him a nod.


Kai watched the whole scene silently. The number of the students were now reduced to 10 people waiting at most. Kai glanced at the time on the clock tower in front of the building and decided to just walk in the rain.

Naeun blinks at the sight of a guy walking in the rain as it looked familiar to her before she gasped and opened her umbrella and ran after him, carefully. She catches up with him and protect him from the raindrops.

Kai stopped walking and so is she. "I thought Sehun has warned you not to walked in the rain." He then looked down at her.

Naeun gave Kai a look. "You stalked me?" She grinned.

"What?!" Kai looked at her in disbelief. "What do you say? A stalker?!"

Naeun nodded, smiling.

"Stop daydreaming. I'm not stalking. I just happened to hear your conversations." Kai looked back to the front.

"Yeah right." Naeun rolled her eyes.

They both were standing under the rain with just an umbrella protecting them. Kai was actually fighting with his mind and heart on whether or not he apologized on his action earlier. His heart says that he should but his mind stating otherwise. It's driving him crazy. Why would he fighting with his mind and heart? Screw this!

"I'm sorry." Kai said out of a blue breaking the silence between them besides the sounds of the raindrops.

Naeun widened her eyes a bit and turned to look up on him. "What?"

"I'm sorry." He said, eyes not leaving the road in front them. "I'm not going to say it again."

Naeun smiled widely at his words. "I'm sorry as well, for hitting your stomach. Now we're even, right?"

Kai didn't answer. I must be crazy.  Kai thought at himself.

Not long after that, Naeun's phone rang. "Hold this." She passed the umbrella for Kai to hold it and automatically his hand reached for the handle, holding it.

"Hello? Oppa?"

Kai looked at her, oppa? But looked back to the front.

"Oh, I'm right at the front of the entrance. White umbrella." He could sense joy in her voice.

About 3 minutes later, a car appeared in front of them. Naeun tugged on Kai's sleeve. "Let's go, I'll drop you off."

"I'm good." Kai said. "Go."

Naeun pouted and Kai felt flustered by her action, once again. "Fine." She held tight onto her bag straps and ran towards her car.

Kai realized that he was still holding onto the umbrella. Naeun rolled down the window, "Make sure to bring it back to me tomorrow. Don't get sick!" She waved at him. After that, the dar drove off from the school.

'Don't get sick!' Kai felt something strange in his chest upon her words. "What's this?"


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A/N: Holy moly! Look at the subscribes. Thank you guys for supporting me, and look at the comments and of course the upvotes. You guys really make me happy <3 I'm sorry that the second part came up late. It's because last night I overslept 3 I'm sorry. But I hope you guys like this chapter c: Most of you said that you love Naeun's character in this, thank you thank you. I enjoyed writing this kind of sides of Naeun. Keke. Do leave your thought about this chapter. Until the next update, xoxo.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 6: Please update it...
hanjunghye #2
Chapter 6: i'm glad because naeun & friends don't care about kai's social status..naeun character in this story so cute..i'm looking forward to see kai and naeun moment^^
Although kai dating someone in reality but i really hope you'll continue and update this story as soon as possible;-)
fantabanana #3
Chapter 6: Damn, naeun is waaaay too cute !
koala_panda #4
Chapter 6: Can't wait for kaieun moment.. Hope you will update soon
nasaku96 #5
Chapter 5: This is my first time read you're ff,,
It's a coollll,,and daebakkkk,,,
Please updatw soon,,can't wait,,,
Keep writing^^
myria71 #6
Chapter 2: Hi....I just found yr story and its interesthing. Pls keep continue writing ok.
Chapter 5: Hi author-nim! Hope that everything's great for you and thank you for updating ^^ bwahahahahahha no i won't kill you because if i kill you how i will know the end of this story? XP
Chapter 4: please update soon ><
im waitinggg v.v
koala_panda #9
Please update author it's already been months
datzme #10
Chapter 4: Love ur story^_^ pls.update soon.