[ New School ]

Mend The Broken Heart

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Kai opened his eyes exactly on 5.00 am in the morning. He sat down and stretched his hand. He was always an early bird. His mom taught him to get up early since he was a little boy. His mom taught him a lot of things. She taught him manners, etiques, and to be good to people. But after her death, the only thing that he still do is wake up early in the morning. Other than that, he didn't bother to do it.

He grabbed his towel, toothbrush and headed outside. He the tap and stared at the cold water flowing out of it. It's his morning routine, washing himself with the cold water so that he won't be sleepy during the morning delivery. After washing his face and freshened himself up, he went back inside. Tossing his towel on the chair, he grabbed his jacket and put on his sneakers then headed to where he work.


It was 5.50 in the morning. Naeun's eyes wandered along the street and her fingertips plastered on the glass of her car's window. Suddenly, her driver pulled off. Naeun cocked her head, looking at her driver. "We're here?" Her driver shook off his head. "Not yet." Naeun frowned, "Then why did you pulled over?" Her driver unbuckled his seatbelt. "If you want to go to this address..." he pointed to the address that Naeun inserted in the car's GPS earlier, "... you must walk from here. The alley is too small for a car to fit in." Her driver stepped off from the car and opened the back sear's door, asking for the envelope from her. "I'll deliver it to you."

Naeun blinks before frowning once again. "What are you talking about?" She stepped out from the car. "I'll deliver it myself." She smiled. Her driver shook his head. "I can't let you. Please, your parents asked me to keep you safe." Naeun chuckled. "It's just a couple block from here. I promise you, after I hand this to him I'll be back as soon as possible, Okay?" She waved before running on her school's shoes to the address of the rooftop house.


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Naeun stopped in front of a building and looked up. She went up the stairs to the rooftop and gasped in awe. "Woah." She grinned at the sight of the rooftop house in front of her. "It really exist." She said excitedly. "I thought I could only see it in drama and movies." Her attention is now averted to the sight of the sunrise. Naeun's witnessing her first sunrise ever from a rooftop. What a perfect scene she got here. "I never knew this day would come to me!" She squealed happily.

"What day?"

A voice with a cold vibe on it made her woke up from her daze. Slowly, hugging the envelope she turned around to see who's the owner of the voice. She straightened up herself as she saw a guy in a black jacket staring at her with daggers in his eyes. She swallowed the lump in as she found herself can barely speak. "Uh... I believe this is..." She walked a bit closer to him and revealed the envelope, handing it to him, "...yours."

Kai stared at the envelope. "This is not mine." He then shifted his gaze to her. She's the girl in the rain yesterday. "But this is yours-" Naeun was left dumbfounded when the male turned his back from her  and walked to open the door. "But you are Kim Jongin!" Naeun blurted out making Kai to turn his back facing her once again almost immediately with the death stare piercing through her. gaped open a bit at his stare. "Your photo is in here..." her voice getting smaller by words.

Kai walked towards her and slapped the envelope to the ground harshly from her hand. "Mind.your.own.business." He talked through his clenched teeth. Then he opened the door and slammed it harshly making Naeun jumped from her place a bit. It took a while for Naeun to gain back her concious. She stared at the envelope before picking it up, brushing some dirt from it. "I put so many effort to make this whole things dry." She pouted.

Naeun walked towards the door. She was about to knock but she afraid that this 'Kim Jongin' will make a hole on the door using his punch. Instead, she pulled out some sticky notes and a pen from her bag and wrote something on it. After that, she slipped the envelope in from under the door and leave the place after one last glance.


Kai closed his eyes in frustration as he leaned against the wall. Not long after, he opened his eys upon the rustles sound from the door and he narrowed his eyebrows as he saw an envelope slipped in from under the door. He walked towards the door and looked that she finally leave through the blurr glass frame on the door. He heaved out a sighs and looked down. He squated before he took the envelope in his hand. He picked the memo and tossed the envelope inside his bag.


  I felt guilty that this envelope got wet because I bumped onto you yesterday.  
    Although I already dried each of the paper, my heart is still uneasy thinking   
      that you won't be able to attend school if this envelope is till in my hand.      
       That's why I decide to go to your house and hand you back this envelope.     
 I'm sorry if my presence actually pissed you off. But I just want to say, I hope 
             you will come to your new school and continue your studies ^^                 


Kai scoffed at the memo and crumbled it into a ball using his hand before tossing it accross the room. He took off his jacket and grabbed his towel to get himself a shower to cool down himself eventhough it was chilly that morning, somehow he felt hot.


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Naeun placed her bag in her locker and took everything she needed for Biology class this morning and then she closed her locker's door. "Boo!" Chanyeol jumped from behind to make Naeun startled. The reaction he got from Naeun is not like what he was expecting. Naeun looked up at him, "What?" His shoulder fell. "You are what. Why aren't you surprised by that? You always fell for it." He pouted. Naeun smiled, "Don't pout. You look cute instead of manly." Chanyeol immedeatly brushed off the pout from his face and straightened up himself. "Now I look manly right?" He grinned and Naeun nodded, chuckling.

Throughout the the class, Naeun can't focus because her mind was wandering elsewhere. Did he get mad because she's the caused for the envelope to get wet? Will he come to school? What about his studies? Those were some of many question about that Kim Jongin that playing in her minds throughout the class instead of the Biology's question. Thanks to Chanyeol, she managed to answer the question by her teacher as she caught her not listening to the explanations.


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Kai stood in front of his mother tomb with a small bouqet of white roses in his hand. "Mom, I'm here." He put the roses down. "Sorry I can't afford the big bouqet that's why I get you a small one, I still hope you like it." He sat himself on the grass and put his beg aside. "Mom, I'm transfered to another school. On a special case." He looked down. "It's a good school... but, I don't feel like attending it..." He looked up, "I want to quit school." He stared at the words written on her tomb, 'Jongin's one and only Guardian'

"Jongin-ah... can you promise me this one thing?.... I won't ask for other things..."

"What's it mom?" Tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Promise me... no matter what happens... you must finish your study... please."

"...I promise mom..."

A tear already escaped from his right eye, "But I can't. I promised to you already." The others threatening to fall. "Don't worry mom, I will graduate and will bring my certificate and graduation hat to you. I promise you." He wiped the tears that been running down his cheeks with the sleeves of his school uniform. He stood up and bowed his mother a goodbye before walking to the station bus nearby.


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Kai is now standing in front of "... Faifcroft High School (FHS)..." He muttered. With a sigh, he walked into the gate, pass the guards and the next thing he knows that he's already in the headmaster's office.

Headmaster - Jang Dong Gun  Kai read in hIS mind. "Let's see.." Mr. Jang flipped through the papers of Kai's documents. "Kim jongin," Kai looked up and find the headmaster smiling an actually... warm smile. "Being late on your first day on the new school? That doesn't impressed me much." He then put the papers down as he pulled four files from his drawer. Or not that warm, Kai sarcasticly thought. Mr. Jang put the files on the table. "Choose one." Making Kai stare at him, a bit confused. "Pick your class." Without any second thought and hesitation, Kai choose the file with number four on it. He assumed that's the class for the students that maybe bad in studies like him.

"Okay. I'll call your class president and he'll show you around and explain your scheldue." Mr. Jang said then hand him the file before excusing himself because he got some things to sort at the moment. Kai is now waiting outside the principal's office, waiting for his new class president.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, Kai who was staring on the floor and looked at how old his shoe for this prestige school, finally looked up after a branded shoes is visible in front of him. That guy is tall, maybe a centis taller than him and his skin rather white than him. Oh Sehun. So this Sehun guy is his new class president.

"You must be the new transfer, sorry I'm late. I was help-" Sehun's words were cutted off as Kai walked pass him. Sehun was left dumbfounded and honestly, he's pissed off by his action, rude. Anyway, he manage to get his job done on explaining Kai his scheldue but he cannot go and show him around this school because a teacher asked for him immediately. He told Kai to wait in front of the teacher's office and the vice president of their class will come and shows him around the school.

Kai rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall beside the teacher's office. He waited for another 5 minutes and he can heard running footsteps coming from the hallway. He heaved out a big sigh. I didn't come here to waste my time on waiting. His mood are already on the edge of the cliff where he'll explode anytime soon if he has to wait for another second.  Kai was about to throw a fit on the vice president for making him wait for 5 minutes and cursed him. His glare softened a bit as the vice president that he's expecting is a she.


"Naeun sunbaenim, you're required at the teacher's office." a two years junior than her that she recall, Boram is her name told her. Naeun stood and walked to her at the door, "Why?" She tilted her head. "I don't quite sure but it's about the new transfer I-" Naeun widened her eyes and ran to the teacher's office her maximum speed. New transfer? Then it must be that Kim Jongin. She grinned at the though. It's because she's glad he came to school. The teacher's office is on the other block so it cost her 5 minutes to reach there since they're in the lab for their current Biology class.

Naeun panted heavily as she catches some breath walking up the stairs to the teacher's office and at the final step she looked to the front and smiled to him. "Hi~"


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A/N: Second chapter for you guys! ^^ I'm happy with your supports guys really I do. Thank you to those who subscribe, comment and even upvote this story. I wil improve my writting skills in the future, thank you so much guys. Do leave your thoughts/ comments/ feedbacks for this chapter 

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 6: Please update it...
hanjunghye #2
Chapter 6: i'm glad because naeun & friends don't care about kai's social status..naeun character in this story so cute..i'm looking forward to see kai and naeun moment^^
Although kai dating someone in reality but i really hope you'll continue and update this story as soon as possible;-)
fantabanana #3
Chapter 6: Damn, naeun is waaaay too cute !
koala_panda #4
Chapter 6: Can't wait for kaieun moment.. Hope you will update soon
nasaku96 #5
Chapter 5: This is my first time read you're ff,,
It's a coollll,,and daebakkkk,,,
Please updatw soon,,can't wait,,,
Keep writing^^
myria71 #6
Chapter 2: Hi....I just found yr story and its interesthing. Pls keep continue writing ok.
Chapter 5: Hi author-nim! Hope that everything's great for you and thank you for updating ^^ bwahahahahahha no i won't kill you because if i kill you how i will know the end of this story? XP
Chapter 4: please update soon ><
im waitinggg v.v
koala_panda #9
Please update author it's already been months
datzme #10
Chapter 4: Love ur story^_^ pls.update soon.