⇢ chapter three

#bandgeek ⇣ now starting story!

chapter three; day two

part 2

Much to the two drum majors' surprise, the saxophone section actually had been more "shy". They'd quietly played the pep band music along with scales and show music. 


"Hmm, nice job Bang Jiwon. You've escaped the saxophone stereotype this time, but we'll keep our eye on you," Chen said making the motion with his fingers to the sax section. The new members looked at each other and gave nervous giggles. Jonghyun, who was in the corner texting his girlfriend the whole time, looked up and smirked. 


"Well gee, ain't it getting a little hot in here?" he said putting down is sax. He lifted up his shirt and threw it aside winking at Yong Serin. She rolled her eyes and made her stand higher to block her view of him. Jiwon clapped sarcastically. Since he was a junior, they weren't really suprised. 


"Brilliant, mate. Saxes never change..." she said. "And put your shirt back on and leave your rack for your girlfriend," she added almost hiss-spitting the "girlfriend" part. 


"Um, well, we'll just leave them up to you, Jiwon," Chen said giving a smug wave and walking out with Namjoon who was chuckling. 


Before they knew it, it was 1: 15. Bo na was walking with the taller girl from her section to the band room. She had found out that her name was Lisa and she was awfully pale. She was and awkward skinny and hunched over as if she couldn't carry her own weight. Bo na was literally scared that she would trip and shatter into fragments.


"It's past twelve and we haven't even been able to eat lunch yet..." Lisa said rubbing her stomach. 


"Well are you okay? Are you like, diabetic or something?" Bo na asked.


"What? No. Why would you think that? Well anyways, my mom's a nutritionist and she likes it when I eat on a schedule," Lisa said pushing her long strawberry blonde hair out of her face, pushing up her glasses. 


"Oh. I see." The two walked over to where Luna was and sat in the row behind her. All the sections filled in sitting with their sections. Of course, low brass was last. 


"Wow flutes were first in their seats and ready to begin. I think I might have a favorite section... c'mon low brass, fill in!" Mr. G said. Everyone outside of low brass snickered at Hoseok and Taehyung smiled sheepishly. 


"Aw, Mr. G... SOILED IT," Hoseok said shaking a fist at him giving him a frown. He then smiled and plopped down in his chair. "Just kidding." Mr. G rolled his eyes.


"Wait, but clarinets arrived at the same time as flutes, though, Mr. G," Mark Tuan said raising an eyebrow. Mark wasn't sure who said it, but he heard a "Sure, sure," in the back of him and looked at Mr. G who completely ignored him. "C'mon, Terri. Back me up here," he said giving a wink to her. She frowned jokingly as her eyes widened. 


"HEY THAT'S NO FAIR, SHE'S A CLARINET!" Taehyung shouted from the back with Jimin adding in. Terri laughed behind her hand blocking her face as she leaned against the white board. 


"I'll just go sit down now," Terri said taking her seat, setting her bass clarinet up.


Chen stood up in the from tapping his feet with Namjoon standing by his side waiting to conduct. 


"Hey, the longer you guys take, the longer you guys won't have lunch," Mr. G said. The band went quiet as Chen smiled and started giving four dut's. There was the quiet pit shyly starting and the sound of tapping feet of people marking time.


"Hey, mark time guys," Annie said whispering to the new kids next to her. The movements went quick with a solo from Hanbin, Mark, and Hoseok. Although the freshmen looked anxious on the outside, the sound of a highschool marching was a new sound to them. Playing loud and the sound of tapping feet between rests. Also, the sound of a drum break was new to them too. Most had never heard what a quad sounded like, or a marching snare. So, on the inside, most freshmen boiled with excitement and fascination.


"Well, that was a good sight reading for most you freshmen, yeah?" Mr. G asked. Jungkook standing in the back with a giant bass drum looked at it wide eyed and shook his head. Mr. G just happened to look in his direction and asked, "No? Too hard for you, uh, Jungkook?" Jungkook turned wideing his eyes even more and shook his head again turing red. The band laughed.


"Mr. G, stop scarin' the freshmen," Chen said laughing.


"Right. I'm the one scaring the freshmen," Mr. G said with sarcasm. "Oh and if you didn't know," he said looking down so people could see his eyes behind his sunglasses,"I just rolled my eyes." He grinned, proud about his comeback and walked off to his office.


Chen gave him a sassy face and waved a hand. "Pft I have no idea what he means." He made the crazy motion with his finger and mouthed the words, "cray cray".


"Well anyways guys, you're all free to have lunch. Back back in an hour," Chen said. "Yeah, and that's us being generous," Namjoon added to taunt the new kids who all looked confused as to where to go for lunch. There were some that followed upperclassmen across the street to buy food and the majority staying back finding a quiet place to eat. Apparently, Annie had to explain to Bo Na who asked "where to go to eat" with Annie replying, "Anywhere you want, kid". The kid had never gone across the street without her parent's permission. She was planning to just follow Annie around since Lisa ditched her to follow a group of upperclassmen, but Annie had taken her skateboard and skated to a fastfood across the street.


Bo Na sighed and looked at the sacked lunch her mom made her. She took her backpack and walked around to find a table between some lockers outside the bandroom. She took out her summer homework and began finishing it up with munching on some chips. It wasn't long before Terri had found her.


"Hi there," Terri said making Bo Na jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you haha. Bo Na, right?" Bo Na took her water bottle and gulped down half of the bottle to get the chip down . Terri winced sheepishly. Bo Na wiped and smiled weakly. 


"Yeah," she said. "Sorry, was this, uh, your seat?"


"Nah, it's okay. We usually sit here, but adding one is not a problem," Terri said grinning. She plopped down next to Bo Na and stared at her homework. Bo Na flushed pink. She felt like a dork. "Summer homework, huh? I had good friend who I met over that, but she moved..." Terri said staring at the math problems. "But dude, you're at band camp! Have some fun and mingle! They'll become your second family soon enough," Terri said. "For example," Terri took one of Bo Na's chips and popped one in . "Jalapeño. My all time fav," Terri said between bites. Bo Na gave an awkward grin up at her and how close she was to Bo Na. And over that, was a soon-to-be friendship starting.   



authors note

heloooo. I hope my chapters don't seem too short haha. They take suprisingly long lol. So Bo Na gets a little of the spotlight here, but the other characters will definately get some too. (I'll be completely honest, I write at the top of my head /bricked) So I hope you enjoyed this.(p.s. check this out! a little lengthy, but you'll find you can't stop watching lol)



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omg at the haunted hallway i'm LAUGHING LOL. that was like a hallway in my middle school, i was so scared to go through it LMAO. LOL AT HOSEOK'S SCARED FACE AND TAEHYUNG SHRIEKING LIKE THAT OMG HHAHAHAHA. i'm grinning so widely at that jiwon x hoseok interaction though, UGH. IM DEAD.
AND AWWW I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND U ON THE "LOSING ALL MY PICS" AND STUFF. that happened to me a while back and i lost ALL of my graphics stuff and i was so upset :(( hopefully, you find a way to find all the stuff back! and dang that vid was intensely good.
This chapter was freaking hilarious, only because we had a hall way like that, except it was in the auditorium. And our principle liked to sneak in via there and freak everyone out.
ALSO YES TO SPN. That was one of my fave episodes. I was laughing so hard just picturing Taehyung screaming like that LOL.
oooohhh I see some Jiwon x Hoseok action going on, though very subtle. oooo ;)
Oh no! That about your laptop! I'd die if my laptop stopped working. But I did only just buy it last year.
The blue devils never fail to disappoint tbh. Like that entire practice was FLAWLESS.
But yes! Welcome back~~

Well totally not terrible, just forgetful lol.
Bona seems like a total cutie. JONGHYUN THOUGH LOLOLOLOLOL. AND SERIN'S REPLY. I want to keep all these characters, they're so great. The spongebob reference though. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. I remember my first marching band rehersal. Granted I was like 7 and watching them from across the street. They played across the street from my house. I usually fell asleep with them practicing in the summer. And then I moved. Lol
Terri is definitely a great character, reminds me of a few of my band friends. She's so friendly and easy going. A great choice for a field lieutenant. Definitely can't wait to read what you come up with next!
Chapter 13: aww bo na is so cute! terri is such a friendly person!! /LOL ew at jonghyun.
Chapter 13: Yay Bo Na!! Lol everyone is funny ><
Lol I like this chapter~ please update soon~
Chapter 12: Hi! :D
wow, congratulations to everyone who got chosen ^^
the characters all look very interesting despite only getting a peek
i think i really really like that girl who punched jimin hahahaha!!
i'll still read the story and comment whenever you update
i love band stories *sighs*
ooh, mellophone.. that is nice..
good luck with that and the drum corps! you'll be awesome! :D
Chapter 12: /squeals/
i love this chapter, wait jk i love every chapter you put out LOL the story is so good and it's rlly fun! LOL KAI AND TAEMIN ARE THE OTP OBVIOUSLY. i love all the characters and you do a good job of writing them out!
congrats to -hanbean, accionimbus2000, jongdaesgirl, and monsterful!!
Chapter 12: Thanks for choosing Ju Ah!!! I've been looking forward to this story starting!!
Chapter 12: Yay for Aisling being chosen! You go girl~
LOL Taehyung getting locked in a locker, thats great! freaking hilarious tbh. I can just picture it. Tops of the lockers are always nasty, that's where everyone usually hides their garbage. No matter how much you clean it will only get dirtier.
Kris is a great battery leader, he definitely fits that role. OH MY GOD HIM ON THE FIELD NEXT TO AISLING. THAT'S GOING TO BE HILAIRIOUS. Giant Kris at like 187 cm and Ash at like 165. That's going to be great.
Surprised at how many girls made it into battery, more power to them! I wonder who the "twins" (As I shall refer to them since they seem to be in sync with each other) On the marimba are.
Hoseok and Taehyung are like Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum it's great, I love it.
Everything looks great! The only thing I have to say is you accidentally said she instead of he in this part (Asterisks around the mistake);
She gave a hard punch to his left arm as *she* gave a very unmanly shriek.
Just a simple typo, but honestly everything looks great. I can't wait for the next chapter! :D Happy summer to you too and good luck with the mellophone! Hopefully you get into drumcorps. Just need to keep on practicing!
Chapter 12: the chapter's so cute! //all of them are though// thanks for choosing annie! im looking forward to upcoming chapters :')