⇢ teaser four

#bandgeek ⇣ now starting story!

teaser four

But hey, you never know.

"Ho-bro, can you get me some water?" Taehyung said wiping sweat from his forehead.

It was roughly eight p.m. and the boys of "Bangtan," or so the band calls them for whatever reason, were at SpecialTea chugging down thai tea with and without boba, plus melting ice cream macarons. SpecialTea was like their "hang out" place they'd go when they could. It was around the high school, so they could even come after school, which was the usual.


"What the hell? Who drinks water with their macaron?" Hoseok said getting up from his seat. "And why are you still sweating?" Taehyung waved his question off and took a bite of his ice cream.


"Wow, can't wait to see how'll you be tomorrow...even though you won't be on the field," Jimin said breaking into a storm of laughter. 


"Well FYI, Jimin, SIR, we'll be teaching the freshies minimal marching tomorrow. Outside," Taehyung said putting his putting his spoon down on his table. Jimin snickered and sipped his thai tea. Just then, Hoseok came back and almost slammed the plastic cup of water down in front of Taehyung.


"What a lazy ," Hoseok mumbled. 


"Oh, why thank you Ho-man," Taehyung said making a face giving Hoseok the "jazz hand" with his left. 


"Hmm," Jimin said tapping his fingers on the table. 


"What now?" Taehyung said.


"I wonder what kind of freshman girls will be there tomorrow..." Jimin said raising an eyebrow towards Jungkook. Jungkook stopped jamming to his music and pulled out an earbud. He rose his eyebrow while his eyes widened a little.


"Why are y'all looking at me?" he asked. 


"Ah, nothing you, brat," Taehyung said waving a hand. "You're no fun." 


"WHAT? WHAT DID I DO NOW?" Jungkook exclaimed flaring his nostrils. Taehyung and Jimin cracked up nearly knocking over Namjoon's tea. 


"Jesus guys, keep it down, will you? it's a tuesday night, god dang it," Namjoon said looking up from his phone to take a quick scan of the room. No one really paid them any attention. Only regulars were there at such a time. 


"Aight, aight chill, man. Chill," Taehyung said raising both of his hands. "But hey, you never know. We could end up picking up a date, if ya' know what I mean," Taehyung said leaning over to Namjoon with a wink. Namjoon leaned away keeping his eyes on the phone. 

"Wait a second...by a chance, do you have someone in mind? Hohohoo," Taehyung said sitting back regularly, gawking with a hand over his mouth.


"Is it a guy?" Yoongi finally said finishing up his ice cream.


"OOOHHHH," Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok said in unison.

"I love when you finally join the convos, man," Jimin said to Yoongi. Namjoon didn't even blush, or rather even have a reaction.


Yoongi brought his arm over Namjoon's shoulder and patted it. "Just kidding man, just kidding."

Namjoon cracked a small smile and shook his head.


"Alright, alright. Yeah, but it's a girl though, you dumb asses," Namjoon said.


"Do tell," Jimin said in a mock girl voice, crossing his arms on the table. 


"Maybe some other time. We should go home now," Namjoon declared. Jin who was in deep thought while biting his straw finally paid attention and got up abruptly. He pulled his phone out and looked at the time.


"Oh snap, I gotta go pick up my older sister," Jin said. "See you guys tomorrow," Jin said before he rushed out the door.


Jimin looked at his watch. "The heck? His sister got out twenty minutes ago, god dang it Jin." Taehyung facepalmed himself. 


"Too bad I can't drive. Would have been perfectly fine with picking her up, if you know what I mean," Taehyung said raising his eyebrows. As they were walking out the door, Yoongi smacked the back of Taehyung's head.

"What? Too far?" 


"Yeah, just a bit," Yoongi replied. 


"Okay, well I'll take Jungkook home. Bye guys," Namjoon said. Jungkook followed behind and did a little salute before twisting back around to follow Namjoon to his car.


"Almost forgot his parents gave him the car when he asked. How nice," Taehyung sighed. He and the rest hopped into Hoseok's car and drove home waiting for the first day of band camp to start. 











authors note

Helloo. So this is the last teaser! and the deadline has been set. It will be next friday, the 20th. I will accept no more afterwards. There's no specific time.  Just watch out for my small notes that I put up. So there are no confusions, this is the same day as teaser 3. I still need somebody for Namjoon !! Nobody even put him as back-up aww. Oh well... so hurry in y'all.(;

p.s. check this out!

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#BANDGEEK - the deadline is set! so any last minute applieers, here's your chance!


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omg at the haunted hallway i'm LAUGHING LOL. that was like a hallway in my middle school, i was so scared to go through it LMAO. LOL AT HOSEOK'S SCARED FACE AND TAEHYUNG SHRIEKING LIKE THAT OMG HHAHAHAHA. i'm grinning so widely at that jiwon x hoseok interaction though, UGH. IM DEAD.
AND AWWW I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND U ON THE "LOSING ALL MY PICS" AND STUFF. that happened to me a while back and i lost ALL of my graphics stuff and i was so upset :(( hopefully, you find a way to find all the stuff back! and dang that vid was intensely good.
This chapter was freaking hilarious, only because we had a hall way like that, except it was in the auditorium. And our principle liked to sneak in via there and freak everyone out.
ALSO YES TO SPN. That was one of my fave episodes. I was laughing so hard just picturing Taehyung screaming like that LOL.
oooohhh I see some Jiwon x Hoseok action going on, though very subtle. oooo ;)
Oh no! That about your laptop! I'd die if my laptop stopped working. But I did only just buy it last year.
The blue devils never fail to disappoint tbh. Like that entire practice was FLAWLESS.
But yes! Welcome back~~

Well totally not terrible, just forgetful lol.
Bona seems like a total cutie. JONGHYUN THOUGH LOLOLOLOLOL. AND SERIN'S REPLY. I want to keep all these characters, they're so great. The spongebob reference though. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. I remember my first marching band rehersal. Granted I was like 7 and watching them from across the street. They played across the street from my house. I usually fell asleep with them practicing in the summer. And then I moved. Lol
Terri is definitely a great character, reminds me of a few of my band friends. She's so friendly and easy going. A great choice for a field lieutenant. Definitely can't wait to read what you come up with next!
Chapter 13: aww bo na is so cute! terri is such a friendly person!! /LOL ew at jonghyun.
Chapter 13: Yay Bo Na!! Lol everyone is funny ><
Lol I like this chapter~ please update soon~
Chapter 12: Hi! :D
wow, congratulations to everyone who got chosen ^^
the characters all look very interesting despite only getting a peek
i think i really really like that girl who punched jimin hahahaha!!
i'll still read the story and comment whenever you update
i love band stories *sighs*
ooh, mellophone.. that is nice..
good luck with that and the drum corps! you'll be awesome! :D
Chapter 12: /squeals/
i love this chapter, wait jk i love every chapter you put out LOL the story is so good and it's rlly fun! LOL KAI AND TAEMIN ARE THE OTP OBVIOUSLY. i love all the characters and you do a good job of writing them out!
congrats to -hanbean, accionimbus2000, jongdaesgirl, and monsterful!!
Chapter 12: Thanks for choosing Ju Ah!!! I've been looking forward to this story starting!!
Chapter 12: Yay for Aisling being chosen! You go girl~
LOL Taehyung getting locked in a locker, thats great! freaking hilarious tbh. I can just picture it. Tops of the lockers are always nasty, that's where everyone usually hides their garbage. No matter how much you clean it will only get dirtier.
Kris is a great battery leader, he definitely fits that role. OH MY GOD HIM ON THE FIELD NEXT TO AISLING. THAT'S GOING TO BE HILAIRIOUS. Giant Kris at like 187 cm and Ash at like 165. That's going to be great.
Surprised at how many girls made it into battery, more power to them! I wonder who the "twins" (As I shall refer to them since they seem to be in sync with each other) On the marimba are.
Hoseok and Taehyung are like Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum it's great, I love it.
Everything looks great! The only thing I have to say is you accidentally said she instead of he in this part (Asterisks around the mistake);
She gave a hard punch to his left arm as *she* gave a very unmanly shriek.
Just a simple typo, but honestly everything looks great. I can't wait for the next chapter! :D Happy summer to you too and good luck with the mellophone! Hopefully you get into drumcorps. Just need to keep on practicing!
Chapter 12: the chapter's so cute! //all of them are though// thanks for choosing annie! im looking forward to upcoming chapters :')