⇢ chapter two

#bandgeek ⇣ now starting story!

chapter two; day two

welcome back



It was only nine in the morning, but band camp day two was already hectic. All the old members came early because, really, how can you not want to? Terri had only been away for awhile to set up the uniform measuring table when Taehyung decided it was funny to take her bag and fanny pack in top of the band lockers. Jongdae lifted her up and she jumped on top as she groaned. 


"Eughh, dude it's disgusting up here... EAUGH, WHAT IS THIS? Gross, I think it's soda. Jongdae, hand me a wet rag," Terri said. He followed her instructions trying to hold in his laughter. A sudden high pitched shriek cut through the loud music playing in the background. Terri ly to see it was Taehyung.


"Aw, c'mon Annie! At least not the one that smells like pee!" Taehyung complained. Annie gave a smug smirk a put a lock on the locker locking Taehyung in. Terri laughed nearly falling off the top of the lockers.


"You're awesome, man," Terri said. Annie winked.

"Anything for you, babe." She pulled two chairs, sitting on one and using the other as a leg rest in front of the locker Taehyung was stuffed in. Jongdae came back with a rag, but stopped to laugh at Taehyung.



"I know right?" Annie replied. She brought up her phone and took a selfie of her and and Taehyung in the back. 


Terri finished wiping down the lockers and hopped down right when the flood of people started coming in.


Terri wrote on the board to ask for a padlock in Mr. G's office and to scout for a locker, but of course there were still people confused. Mr. G looked to see if most people arrived and decided to start ten minutes late. He walked over to his podium and stood there looking around. Freshman either stood in a corner looking nervous and anxious around, or tried to talk to people, mostly in their section. 


"Alright," Mr. G said clapping his hands. "If I could have everyone find a seat with their instrument, that'd be great." People scurried to their seats leaving freshman a bewildered look on their faces because of how fast seats were taken. Mr. G motioned them to come sit down and they slowly/awkwardly found a seat next to upperclassmen. 


"So, welcome back everyone. Hope you had a nice summer. So today will be a fairly easy day, just sectionals. Section leaders, you should have all the pep band music and show music to give your section, yes?" The section leaders nodded. 


"Okay, well then, on your way you guys go. BUT, you guys should be back here around 1:15, okay?" Mr. G said. Everyone said their "okay"'s and lead their sections to their practice area. It was like the Hunger Games with everyone trying to get the best room. 


"LET'S GO TRUMPETS, GET A MOVE ON," trumpet section leader, Hanbin shouted jumping over chairs to get to the theater room. 


"Don't worry about him, he just came back from drumcorps, so he's kind of tense haha," Park Ju Ah said to the new trumpet players struggling to keep up. 


"Come on, Ju Ah! All the other colorguard are already on the basketball court...and I wanna see them squirm with flags HA," Taemin said walking out the door swinging an arm over his boyfriend, Kai. Ju Ah rolled her eyes and jogged to catch up with them. 


"Battery, we'll stay inside with pit, so set up next to them...And help the new kids out, will ya'?" Kris said reaching up to grab the quads. 


"Um, isn't that your job, Mr. Dumb- I mean, Drum Captain?" Jimin said sitting on top of the lockers handing Dalnim the snares. 


"Oh shut the f*** up already, Jimin," Dalnim said rolling her eyes. "You okay over there, Aisling?"


"Yeah, just this stand won't budge..." AIsling said trying to prop the stand up. Jimin hopped down and strode over to her. 


"Aight, let the man do this," Jimin said wriggling the stand. He finally got it to work and put a bass drum on it. "There." He said smiling to the freshman next to him. 


"You know kid, you should punch him," Dalnim said. The petite girl who couldn't have been taller than 5'2 gave him a conflicted glare and shrugged. She gave a hard punch to his left arm as he gave a very unmanly shriek. 


"Dang, girl. For someone so small...I think you bruised me," Jimin said rubbing his arm. The freshman gave a small smile as Dalnim broke out in laughter. 


"Oh my god, kid, I love you. What's your name?" Dalnim said putting a hand over her stomach. 


"Cassandra. But you can call me Cass," she replied with a grin. 


"Hey, Seokjin, do you guys mind scooting down? Like, all the way down."  Kris said setting up quads for Aisling and himself. Seokjin gave a thumbs up and started pushing down the drum rack first. Aisling helped him with the marimbas quietly .


Seokjin directed people based on if they had come to the drum camps the year before. He doubled two guys on one marimba and they had already started doing scales and warm ups in unison which was interesting and creepy at the same time. The even pulsed together. Jimin shuddered watching them. 


"Guessing they went to one of the rich middle schools," Jimin mumbled. Kris shot him a look and he put his hands up in defense. 


"Alright, let's start by learning some warm-ups, yeah?" Kris said grabbing his drumsticks. 


Meanwhile, in the low brass sectional, Hoseok passed out the music as quickly as he could while the section played splatty croaks while Taehyung sat back and did it along with them.  Hoseok finished passing out music as Taehyun held up a hand change his face to neutral. 


"Beeaauuutifuul!" Taehyung clapped giving a sly grin. 


"Well if you're done with that, let's look at the warm-up. I'll give four clicks, then play," Hoseok said pacing around in the middle of the section circle. "And don't forget to mark time. Y'all are going to if you don't." The freshmen looked at each other nervously remembering how to mark time from the day before. Riighht. That dumb thing. 


Of course, after an hour, the brass section lived up to their stereotype. Namjoon and Jongdae walked in making their rounds. There were kids laying on the floor, others who manages to run down the hall and buy a stackload of the cheap snacks from the vending machine, and of course, Taehyung and Hoseok huddled over their phones laughing and giggling. The two drum majors looked at each other. 


They couldn't be any worse than the saxes...right?





authors note

Hello guyss. Been a while, yeah. Well tbh I just started picking up mellophone because I wanna try drumcorps...but I sound probably even worse than the freshmen. Whoops. Um, so everyone for the parts have been chosen (-hanbean, accionimbus2000, jongdaesgirl, and monsterful) yeeee. Sorry if you weren't chosen. I mean, I can always add you in, but you'll prob end up with some other idol. (just PM me!!) ALSO, if you feel that your character wasn't portrayed right or may have any questions, please do ask. Imay have changed your love interest, but you'll find out if I did haha. So anyway, happy summer! (p.s. check this out! the Blue Devils are awesome and if you see all those people sitting on the ground, they're there watching BD's warm ups. Hoping I can go to a drumcore show this summer but idk mann haha).


(constructive criticism is always welcomed!)

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#BANDGEEK - the deadline is set! so any last minute applieers, here's your chance!


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omg at the haunted hallway i'm LAUGHING LOL. that was like a hallway in my middle school, i was so scared to go through it LMAO. LOL AT HOSEOK'S SCARED FACE AND TAEHYUNG SHRIEKING LIKE THAT OMG HHAHAHAHA. i'm grinning so widely at that jiwon x hoseok interaction though, UGH. IM DEAD.
AND AWWW I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND U ON THE "LOSING ALL MY PICS" AND STUFF. that happened to me a while back and i lost ALL of my graphics stuff and i was so upset :(( hopefully, you find a way to find all the stuff back! and dang that vid was intensely good.
This chapter was freaking hilarious, only because we had a hall way like that, except it was in the auditorium. And our principle liked to sneak in via there and freak everyone out.
ALSO YES TO SPN. That was one of my fave episodes. I was laughing so hard just picturing Taehyung screaming like that LOL.
oooohhh I see some Jiwon x Hoseok action going on, though very subtle. oooo ;)
Oh no! That about your laptop! I'd die if my laptop stopped working. But I did only just buy it last year.
The blue devils never fail to disappoint tbh. Like that entire practice was FLAWLESS.
But yes! Welcome back~~

Well totally not terrible, just forgetful lol.
Bona seems like a total cutie. JONGHYUN THOUGH LOLOLOLOLOL. AND SERIN'S REPLY. I want to keep all these characters, they're so great. The spongebob reference though. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. I remember my first marching band rehersal. Granted I was like 7 and watching them from across the street. They played across the street from my house. I usually fell asleep with them practicing in the summer. And then I moved. Lol
Terri is definitely a great character, reminds me of a few of my band friends. She's so friendly and easy going. A great choice for a field lieutenant. Definitely can't wait to read what you come up with next!
Chapter 13: aww bo na is so cute! terri is such a friendly person!! /LOL ew at jonghyun.
Chapter 13: Yay Bo Na!! Lol everyone is funny ><
Lol I like this chapter~ please update soon~
Chapter 12: Hi! :D
wow, congratulations to everyone who got chosen ^^
the characters all look very interesting despite only getting a peek
i think i really really like that girl who punched jimin hahahaha!!
i'll still read the story and comment whenever you update
i love band stories *sighs*
ooh, mellophone.. that is nice..
good luck with that and the drum corps! you'll be awesome! :D
Chapter 12: /squeals/
i love this chapter, wait jk i love every chapter you put out LOL the story is so good and it's rlly fun! LOL KAI AND TAEMIN ARE THE OTP OBVIOUSLY. i love all the characters and you do a good job of writing them out!
congrats to -hanbean, accionimbus2000, jongdaesgirl, and monsterful!!
Chapter 12: Thanks for choosing Ju Ah!!! I've been looking forward to this story starting!!
Chapter 12: Yay for Aisling being chosen! You go girl~
LOL Taehyung getting locked in a locker, thats great! freaking hilarious tbh. I can just picture it. Tops of the lockers are always nasty, that's where everyone usually hides their garbage. No matter how much you clean it will only get dirtier.
Kris is a great battery leader, he definitely fits that role. OH MY GOD HIM ON THE FIELD NEXT TO AISLING. THAT'S GOING TO BE HILAIRIOUS. Giant Kris at like 187 cm and Ash at like 165. That's going to be great.
Surprised at how many girls made it into battery, more power to them! I wonder who the "twins" (As I shall refer to them since they seem to be in sync with each other) On the marimba are.
Hoseok and Taehyung are like Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum it's great, I love it.
Everything looks great! The only thing I have to say is you accidentally said she instead of he in this part (Asterisks around the mistake);
She gave a hard punch to his left arm as *she* gave a very unmanly shriek.
Just a simple typo, but honestly everything looks great. I can't wait for the next chapter! :D Happy summer to you too and good luck with the mellophone! Hopefully you get into drumcorps. Just need to keep on practicing!
Chapter 12: the chapter's so cute! //all of them are though// thanks for choosing annie! im looking forward to upcoming chapters :')