Chapter 19

The Little Merman

A/N: Life happened guys...but I'm gonna try to be more diligent with this.


Luhan finished his exam, ran outside of the room and immediately his phone. He checked his voicemail, missed calls, and text messages, only to realize Sehun hadn’t called him. “Damnit…” He dialed the flower shop, intent on asking Kyungsoo what happened when he nearly tripped down the stairs at the voice who answered. “XOXO Flower Shop this is Sehun speaking, how may I help you?”



“Ya, why didn’t you call me?!”


“Of course it’s me, why didn’t you call?!”

Sehun lowered his voice since Kyungsoo was helping a customer. “Sorry Hyung, I started working right away and didn’t get time. I work ‘til 5, is that okay?”

“Oh. Uh, yeah. I’ll meet you at the bus stop then, next bus is at 5:10.”

“Alright, bye!”



“Congratulations.” Luhan hung up, looked around, and then shouted and did a little dance. “Good job Sehun!” He immediately dialed his mom to tell her the good news. “Ma! Hun-ah got the job!”

*          *          *

Sehun hung up the phone and smiled a little. He continued looking at the inventory list and comparing it with the list of deliveries they had to make that week. The object of this was pure busy work. Kyungsoo had been training him earnestly when a customer came in, so he quickly gave him this to work on while he helped out this (very picky, know-it-all, self-absorbed) customer. “This customer isn’t very cooperative, so I’ll handle this on my own,” Kyungsoo had told him. As Sehun watched, he could clearly see why Kyungsoo wanted to handle the transaction. The man was an .

“No, I want a dozen roses.”

“These are our selection of roses, what kind-”

“Are you blind? I want these roses,” he said, pointing to the gardenias.

“Sir, those are gardenias so the price will be different than-”

“No, these are roses. Are you incompetent?”

“No sir, but nevermind the name, these cost-”

“No, not nevermind. This is important,” he said, knocking the gardenia display over. “Now look at what you made me do! How are you going to fix this, huh?!” Sehun’s heart dropped when he saw the much bigger businessman grab his boss’ shirt. “Sir, may I remind you that you are being recorded on the CCTV and my colleague is seconds away from calling the police.”

“Excuse me?!”

“Obstruction of property, assault, and public intoxication. Plus I have video evidence of you causing disturbances in my shop on three separate occasions besides this.” The man bristled. “Those gardenias are going to cost 70,000 won and I’ll tell Sehun over there not to bother calling the police.” The man looked like he wasn’t going to let go. “Sehun-ah, to the right of the counter is my ‘emergency customer pacifier’. Will you hold it up for me?”

Sehun caught on quickly and grabbed the bat leaning against the counter. “You mean this?”

The customer let go of Kyungsoo as though he had been burned. He began running but Kyungsoo grabbed him by the back of the collar and pulled him neck with more strength than Sehun imagined he had. The older held out his hand in front of the businessman. “You forgot your purchase sir.” The look he must have been giving the man must have been terrifying, because the man reached for his wallet quickly.

“70,000 won, right?”

“It’s 80,000 now.”

“But you said-”

“90,000 won and I won’t call the police today.” The man gulped and pulled out the money quickly before leaving hastily.

“.” Sehun raised his eyebrows in surprise as he put the bat away. Kyungsoo must have noticed because he said, “I said that you couldn’t swear in front of the customers. Afterwards…use discretion.” Sehun nodded. “And good job with the bat.”

“Why do you have one anyway?”

“Just in case,” he said with a shrug. Note to self, NEVER mess with my boss. “Do me a favor, clean up these flowers and put them in the back. We can’t sell them now…although technically we did.”

“What do we do with them? Throw them out?”

“No, that would be a shame. Usually I like to take them over to the hospital during my lunch break. I let a nurse or a patient have them.”

“That’s sweet of you.” Kyungsoo shrugged as Sehun began picking up the flowers. “You know, I’m sure even male nurses wouldn’t mind getting a bouquet of gardenias.” Sehun paused as he was putting the gardenia bucket back on the shelf. “Especially one that took a final today.” Sehun brought the flowers behind the counter to go to the back. “Sehun-ah?”


“You aren’t very good at taking hints, are you?”

“Um…usually I am.”

“Must be an on case basis then. Take these flowers to Luhan after your lunch break.”

“W-what? Why?”

“Because we can’t sell them, because he recommended you for this job, because he just finished nursing school, and because you want to confess your undying love for him.”

“Because I-WHAT?!”

“Was I right then?” Sehun looked horrified. “Heol, I was just joking…but you two together would be cute. Just write something short like ‘Hyung, I like you’ and he’ll get the message.”

“But I…I can’t confess to him.”

“Why not, it’s the perfect opportunity.”

“Because…my cousin and I are staying at his mother’s hostel. I don’t want it to be awkward if he doesn’t feel the same.”

“Oh…well that would make it awkward. Well then just make it a ‘thank-you’ bouquet.”

“Are you sure?”

Kyungsoo smiled. “Let’s call it my thanks for not freaking out at that customer and playing along.”

Sehun bowed. “Thank you. I’ll take it over right after I eat.”

“You’d better eat fast and leave as soon as possible.”


“The nurses will want to meet you.”

*          *          *

Luhan was just finishing taking an elderly woman’s blood pressure when his nursing colleague/friend Victoria ran into the room. “Luhan!”

Luhan jumped and almost dropped the instrument. The patient laughed. “Ah, Tori-noona. You’re going to make my blood pressure spike!” The two ladies chuckled at him. “I’m glad you two are enjoying this. Did you need something?”

“You have to come and see! We got a new present!” Luhan’s eyes widened. A ‘present’ was their own nurse code for a hot patient or doctor. Usually Luhan tried not to get distracted by the ‘presents’ but this time he was curious. What if…? “Halmoni, I’m all done. I’ll tell the doctor that the new medication is working and he’ll come check on you in about an hour, okay?”

“Thank you dear.” Luhan smiled, bowed, and then speed walked to his friend.

Victoria began walking next to them and they walked to the small crowd gathering around the nursing station. “So who’s the new victim of all our nurses’ fantasies?”

“He’s adorable. He’s tall, slim, he’s got this mysterious but kind vibe going on…but he looks young, so I’m not quite sure he’s legal but I HOPE he is cuz-”

“Sehun?!” The younger turned around when he heard his name called and smiled at the older. The older ran over to him, completely confused and worried.

“Oh, you’re here?”

“Don’t ‘you’re here’ me, what the hell are you doing here?!”

Sehun shrugged nonchalantly and the crowd now migrated over to the pair. “Same thing as you.”

“I’m working!”

“So am I.”

“What-oh…oh my-are you on a delivery?!”


“Xiao Hun, that’s great!” Luhan promptly dropped his chart and hugged (tackled) Sehun who let out a surprised “oof!”. “I thought he would only have you working the counter but you’re already on deliveries?”

“H-hyung let me go.” The passing nurses and patients were staring and giggling.

“Oh, sorry.” He let go of Sehun and began brushing him off, straightening his apron and fussing with his collar, causing the younger to squirm. “Ya, stay still. Why are you here, I thought you normally dropped off deliveries at the front desk. And where’s my tie?”

“Kyungsoo-hyung told me to take it off or it would get dirty. And he said I could deliver this bouquet to the recipient personally.” He held out the flowers to show Luhan. “They’re gardenias. Here.” He the bouquet into Luhan’s arms and he stared at the flowers, then at Sehun.

“What’re you giving these to me for?”

“Because they’re for you.” All of the nurses, patients, or doctors that were passing promptly ‘oohed’ or made some other sort of jealous noise. Luhan blushed when he thought he heard a phone camera go off.

“T-that’s weird,” he said, trying to brush it off cooly. “I don’t know who would send me these. Who sent them?”

“I did.” The squeals grew louder and both Sehun and Luhan’s faces were burning. “I’ll tell you more about it when we get home…er…sign this?” He held out the receipt and a pen

“Right.” Luhan transferred the flowers to one arm and signed where Sehun showed him.

“Thanks Hyung, enjoy the flowers.”

“Uh…thanks. I’ll see you at 5, okay?” More squeals.

Sehun was tempted to roll his eyes but instead decided to switch to Mandarin to keep his eardrums intact. “Are they always like this?”

“Usually, especially if the delivery man is cute.”

Sehun resisted rolling his eyes. “Was the exam okay?”

Luhan shrugged. “Average. I hope you don’t mind, I already told Ma that you got the job. Be prepared to eat a lot tonight."

Luhan smiled. “That’s nice of her. I’ll see you later. Remind me to ask you about cell phones.”

“Okay. Bye Sehunnie,” Luhan said hugging him again. This time Sehun reciprocated the hug and rubbed his head a little.

“Bye Lu-ge.” With that he smiled and walked away down the hall, stealing most of the nurses hearts, some patients, and a resident radiologist. The second after Sehun entered the elevator, Luhan was bombarded with questions and compliments by his colleagues. He grinned weakly. Oh boy…

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 19: Please....
Please continue.....
I really wanna to know what happen next~~~
ThreeBit #2
Chapter 19: this story is so so so beautiful and meaningful ....i really love your writing style and even if hunhan is great i am more interesting for sulay ,please continue i really want to know what will happen
naimiestrella #3
Chapter 19: I cannot wait for what is next
Chapter 19: Cute cute cute!!! Welcome back!
Chapter 19: Adorable!!! Im dying!!!
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 19: so cuteeeeeee
t0kkineko #7
Chapter 19: Awwww I melt while reading the hunhan part. That's so sweet!! I can't stop grinning right now.
GravityGemz #8
This is the best fan fic I've ever read! Heck its the best story I've ever read! I cant wait for a 19th chapter :) so keen to see what happens with Suho's ♥ surgery
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 18: Hahahaha how strict is boss Soo