Chapter 6: Falling from Cloud 9

Devil of the Highlands

Chapter 6: Falling from Cloud 9


Hanbin's POV 


God must hate me cause as soon as I got back home, my mom told me that the wedding is postponed to next month. And on top of all, Sehun and Bobby are fighting over me to be my best man. Thanks a lot. Really. For these two friends. 

"Stop sulking. I don't want to marry you either," Mino hyung said, calmly drinking coffee. 
"Of course you will say that, pedo!" I snapped. 
"Whatever. Now move your . You gonna be late for school," He said. 


So yeah, now I'm on my merry way to school sweet school. 

I went straight to my locker as soon as I arrived. And to my surprise, I don't see my friends anywhere. 

"Where the hell are they when I need them?" I muttered to my self, taking out the books I need for my class. 

"Hey, yo!" That was all I heard before I found my self kissing the ground. Can this day be any worse?! ing Zico out of all 3000 students in the school. 
"How's your hand, ?" 

I paid him no mind, trying mega hard to keep my mouth shut. I don't want to visit the hospital again. The food there are just urghh... Just thinking about it gave me creeps. 

"You okay?" I heard a gentle voice and a hand reached out to hand me my books. 
"Umm.. Yea," I replied, trying to register who he is. I recognized him as one of the seniors by his school shirt. He's pretty small. Maybe smaller than me. Button nose. Red lips. A fresh faced brunette. 

"Ohhh.. Look! Mama's helping," P.O mocked. 

"Get lost. I don't want to cause any trouble," The boy said, continuing to help me with my books. 

"The midget talks," they laughed. 

"What midget ?" A deep voice asked. 

"Dude. We are talking about the shortie. Look at him. Just like a midget," they continued. I would stop if I were them but then again they don't have an eye at the back of their heads and certainly don't know that there's a pack of angry wolves ready to crash them between their teeth. 

"Ummm... Zico, I think we should go," Jaehyo said when he finally noticed the quarterbacks behind them. 
"What are you talking about? The fun just started," Zico continued.

"Yeah, the fun just started," the guy from behind who I realized was one of the football players said, with a smirk on his face. 

Only then poor little Zico knows that this is his last day on earth. 
"H-hyung!! What are you doing here?" He quickly straightened up, bowing ninety degree. 
"I was wondering the same. So tell me. What are you doing here? With my boyfriend," the quarterback said smugly. 
"Y-yyour boyfriend?" 
"Yeah. The one you were calling midget or or both," He added. 
"He's your boyfriend?!!"
"Why yes. He's my dear lovely boyfriend who I love so much and anyone who mess with him is practically six feet under," he replied. 

"Come on, Chanyeol. Stop scaring them. It was nothing. They just called me midget," the boy who was helping me said. 
"It was nothing?! They-," he quickly cut off saying, "which by the way you used to call me."

"Okay. I will try to be nice for once and let you es off. Next time I catch you, don't think you are going to walk again or even breathe!!" He shouted and the idiot quickly nodded and scrambled away. 

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Do you need me to take you home?" The guy asked, frantically searching for any kind of bruise on his boyfriend. 
"Stop overreacting. He's not a porcelain doll," one of them said, snickering. 
"Ohhh. Kai. Look who's talking," he retorted. 
"Well at least I do-" 

"Both of you, shut up! Good. Now help him pick up the books," the small boy snapped. 

"I can do it myself. Thanks," I said standing up.
"Don't bother. I'm Baekhyun. You?" He extended his hand towards me which I shook it. 
"You have a lovely name. Do you want to eat something? Cause I'm hungry. Lets go grab something in the cafeteria, huh?" He dragged me before I could reply, his boyfriend following behind. 


"You like it too?!! Yayyy! You're my soulmate. None of my ing friends know it. Can you believe that?!" Baekhyun asked me excitedly, his eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. 
"I know right! My friends know nothing about it too. I mean.. come on, it's like ing awesome!! And the scene when Thomas went into the maze to help Minho? That was awesome!!" I replied. Finally someone who loves The Maze Runner. 
"Yeah. The book was much better. If the movie was just like it, I'd die happy," he said. 
"Baek, you're going to choke. Stop talking or stop eating. You're going to die," Chanyeol said. 
"I'm not. Look, if I choke I know you're here and you're not going to let anything happen to me, right?" Baekhyun said cutely. 
"Okay. But stop talking."
"Then fine. I will stop eating. I just met my soulmate and you want me to stop talking? Geez, thanks," Baekhyun said. 
"Stop talking. You need to eat. Look at you. You're underweight!" 
"I'm not! And I'm always eating. Now that I met my soulmate I'm goi-" Chanyeol quickly cut off Baekhyun with a peck on the lips. Okay. I think I should go. Like right now. 

"Ya. People are watching," Baekhyun said in a hushed tone, his face turning red. 
"Let them."
"I can't just let them. Gosh, you're so embarrassing."
"Okay then. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!!" Chanyeol shouted at the poor students who run away. 
"I didn't mean it like that!" Baekhyun scolded Chanyeol who just grinned creepily. Okay.. I need to get out. Someone please magically hear my thoughts and help me. 

And suddenly my phone rings as if it heard me. I quickly kissed my phone picking it up, telling Baekhyun I had to leave. 

"Where are you?" Donghyuk asked me through the phone. 
"Near the cafeteria," I said, looking around trying to find him. 
"Okay. We're coming," he hung up just like that. 

"Hanbinie!!!" I felt someone jump onto my back, wrapping his legs around me.  
"What are you doing here?!!!" 
"What do you mean? I'm attending school," he chuckled. 
"Okay. God please just kill me."




Mino's POV


"Why didn't you come the other day?" I asked to Seungyoon who was sitting across me in my office. He just reluctantly shrugged. 
"Come on.. Don't be such a . Jinwoo was looking for you," I told him, carefully watching his expression. 
"What's that have to do with me?" He asked. 
"Don't try to deny you like him. Or is this because you're feeling guilty for you did?" I asked. 
"No. I don't even like him."
"He don't have anything against you, you know? He's pretty much the same as back then. Foolish, innocent, gullible and probably still in love with you. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have people lining up for him," I said. 
" you," he said before walking out. 
"Your welcome," I yelled out after him. 


My phone , showing my mom. I picked it up. 
"Yes, mom?"
"We are having a party tomorrow. As you and Hanbin are getting married soon, I decided to hold a party and invited all our relatives and friends," she said happily from the line. 
"Mom... You don't need to. Plus Hanbin hates party," I said, trying to get out of this. I seriously don't want to meet them. Trust me. My relatives are like a bunch different crayons mixed together. We're like totally different from one another. 
"Don't worry about that. Tell him that he can bring his friends so he won't be alone."
"But mom-"
"You better prepare it now cause it's tomorrow," she sung happily before hanging up. 




Fast Forward (the next day)


"Kim Hanbin!!! Hurry up," I yelled for Hanbin to hear. He's been in the dressing room for about twenty minutes now. The party is starting in about a hour and all his friends are ready to go. Yes. His friends. The crazy teens. We're at this store to get tuxedo for everyone. 


"I'm coming," He shouted and I heard rumbling inside before he stumbled out. He has a black coat on and the white shirt under is untacked. 

"All set to go," he beaned at me. 




The party has already started when we got there. It was pretty crowded with a slow music on. 

"You're finally here! People are waiting for you guys. Are you guys Hanbin's friends? I hope you won't mind if I take him away for a while. Enjoy yourself," she said referring to Hanbin's friends and dragged me and Hanbin by the arms. 

"This is my brother, Yunho. Yunho, this is Hanbin, Mino's fiancé," my mom introduced my uncle and Hanbin and I just stood there doing nothing. Hanbin replied with a smile. 
"And this is Jaejoong. His husband. And he's Changmin," she continued introducing. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Changmin. You can just call me hyung," Changmin said, holding out his hand which Hanbin shook. 
"Yeah. Me too."
"You are so cute," Changmin said, making Hanbin blushes and smiles shyly. 
"Yah, no flirting. He's my nephew's fiancé," Yunho said. 
"How could I resist for such a gorgeous boy like you?" He continued like I was not there. Rolling my eyes I guided Hanbin away. 

"Don't mind him. He's a creep," I said and he nodded. 

"Yo! Hanbinie!!!" There's come Oh Sehun. 
"These food are really good. And the liquor.. is just jjang!" He said holding up  a glass of champagne. This kid is really.. how to say. 
"Okay. But I don't think you should be drinking that," Hanbin said in a stern voice but he just waved it off, giggling. 
"Don't be such a spoilsport."
"I'm not carrying your drunk back home."


"Hey, Minho. Long time no see," Miyoung, my cousin from my father's side greeted me. And anyone from my father's side? You can say they are nit the nicest people. 
"Umm yeah. I was just busy with stuff," I said, forcing a smile. 
"This is my boyfriend, Kris. Kris, meet my cousin, Minho," she said in a sweet voice. I awkwardly exchanged greetings with her boyfriend. 
"So.. Is this your fiancé?" She asked pointing at Hanbin. 
"Yes, Kim Hanbin. Hanbin, she's my cousin, Song Miyoung," I said, trying to have manners. 
"You know Minho.. I'm surprised that you'd marry a guy. Because come on.. He doesn't have s or a big or any curves. And as you already know homoual is wrong. It is considered a sin in our religion," She said with a fake smile. That's the problem with them. They use every single chance they get to shoot you down. 

"Umm.. I don't think homose-," She cut Hanbin off rudely, saying, "But save it. I don't care who you marry. But I'm feel sad for you that you won't be hearing angels' voices singing like I do."

Before I could retort, Sehun scoffed and dropped his glass of champange causing it to shatters and clapped his hands under her ears hardly. 
She flinched yelling,"what the ?"

"Here. I squashed your angles floating above your shoulders like mosquitoes," Sehun dusted off his hands as if he really crushed the "angles" and grabs one glass of champagne from a waiter passing nearby and cooly sips from it. 
"You little-"
"Now shut the up and you better listen to me cause I'm the satan whispering into your ears."

She just stood there like an idiot with an offended look on her face before stomping off somewhere else. 

"Whoa. That was..," Mino trailed off not knowing what to say. 
"Yea yeah. Keeps your words of respect for me. I know I'm your GI JOE," he said and wanders off somewhere.


"I'm sorry about that," I said to Hanbin, noticing his look of discomfort. 
"Nah. Hyung, it's okay. It was just unexpected." 

"Since your friends are here, I'll be going somewhere," I said, leaving him. 


"Song Minho! Finally. Where have you been? And where's your fiancé?" Taehyun asked once he spotted me. 
"He's with his friends. Where's Jinwoo?"
"We left him alone with Seungyoon. We got him something strong to drink then when Seungyoon came we told him we were going to the toilet and left them," he explained, beaming brightly. 
"Yea, so we better leave quickly. He's going to kill us tomorrow," Seunghoon added. 




Hanbin's POV

"You are drunk," I said as Bobby hugged me. 
"No. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP. See? I can recite abc correctly," he said, his words slurring. 
"Your eyes have disappeared completely."
"When did I even have eyes? Is that a buffalo?" He asked loudly, squinting his eyes if that is possible, eyeing a fat lady. The woman turned around, her face all red. 
"What did you say?" She asked. I think I saw steam coming out of her ears and nose. 
"Noth-" Bobby cut me off saying, "OMG!! Hanbin, the buffalo talks!!! 
The woman scoffed and raised ready to slap Bobby but the guy beside her grabbed her hand, stopping her. 
"Mom, I'm sure he didn't mean it," the guy said. 
"Yes. He is drunk," I said trying to ease the situation. 
"Bling Bling Buffalooooo," Bobby said and I dragged him away as fast as I could. 


"What the hell do you think you are doing? She was ready to kill you!!" I exclaimed once we got to the backyard where there is a big swimming pool. 
"La la la la~~~ oh! Where's your earring?" Bobby asked with a confused look on his face. 
"What earring? I don't even have a piercing," I told him but he just shook his head. 
"Stop lying, you lying ! Where's your earring?!!!" He asked pulling my ear. 
"Ya. Stop it!!"
"Where's your earring?!!!"
He held my face in his hands and I tried to pry them off but to no avail. And suddenly his lips were on mine. 

The next thing I knew, we were both falling. 




Today is Open House so yeah.. Lets pray I don't get killed. Currently at my school, waiting!!! 

The story is going to get a lot complicated. Drama gonna start next chapter.

Love you guys. Just in case I die. 



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Got the trailer ^^ but I wont be updating much as exam is near :(


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Karai00 #1
Chapter 7: I enjoyed this soo ing much thank youuu
Karai00 #2
Chapter 7: Please please please don't drop this i know you probably won't be seeing this since the last update was 2015 but GOD THIS STORY IS GOOD. I like the sarcasm and LITTERLY EVERYTHING ABT THIS. PLESEE dONT DROP THIS
SatsukiCl #3
Chapter 7: Please don't drop this story, there are not many Mino x Hanbin stories. Please continue this
Green_Bamboo #4
(also the humor and the weirdness sorta feels like I'm reading a crack fic which was unexpected but hey expect the unexpected)
solar_ #5
Chapter 7: update
solar_ #6
Chapter 7: we still waiting for an update plese
kiddo21 #7
Chapter 2: Hanbins friends are a bunch of idiots and cuties.I like hanbins character here though.Seems a bit tough but actually really cool.
Chapter 7: I'm loving this. Goodluck with life and hope you'll update whenever. Fighting~
fujoshigirl #9
Chapter 7: I love this fanfic, i hope you update soon! <3
pururunka #10
Chapter 7: Please update soon authornim :")