Chapter 4: Smart Mouth

Devil of the Highlands

Chapter 4: Smart Mouth



After a week, everything seems to fall into place. It has became a routine for Hanbin to prepare breakfast for both of them before going to school. And dropping and picking up Hanbin to and from school occasionally doesn't burden Mino as much as it should anymore. But of course, they still have small fights and arguments here and there. Like the war over the bed. 

But things are really a lot better now considering the fact that Hanbin has started addressing him as hyung. 




"Someone's upset," Donghyuk said as I walked towards them. Jinhwan just finished taking out his books from the locker and when he saw me he asked ,"Hanbin, you look like...," he trailed off thinking of what to say. 
"," Bobby finished for him. 


"I know," I replied. My hair is messy and my shirt is not tugged in. I forgot my hoody and one of my shoes is red and the other is green. 

"What happened?" Yunhyung raised his eyebrow. 
"You won't believe what he did. That !!!" I shouted kicking the locker beside me denting it. A few students passing by gave me odd looks and hurried away when I glared at them. 


"This morning I woke up to find Mino beside me. Can you believe it? It was his turn to sleep on the couch but he was complaining about how his back hurt and all. So I didn't make breakfast for him and he ate mine like a he is while I was looking for my phone which he hid under the bed!!" I exclaimed. 

"Alright, man. Calm down. Three things cannot be long hidden. What are those?" Junhoe said placing his hand on my shoulder, quoting his favorite line from Teen Wolf. 
"You need to stop watching s," Donghyuk told him. 
"What did you say? I dare you to repeat it! Teen Wolf is NOT !!" Junhoe screamed in his face. 
"You just spat on me," Donghyuk said, wiping his face. 

"Okay. Okay. Come on, guys. What about we chill in the cafeteria for a while before going to our classes," Bobby suggested which we all agreed and followed him to the cafeteria. 

There were a lot of students in the cafeteria considering it's still pretty early. 
We bought a couple of drinks and something to eat before taking a seat at one of the empty table. 
Fate seems to not be on my side today when I saw the infamous group of self-proclaimed "badass" and number one at being dickheads walked into the cafeteria like they have the world in their hands.

You see since Mino came to school words have spread and assumptions are made. And few people ignore it. Some choose to engage in the subject, some decide to be judgmental while others are just s. And you would be surprised at how many s are here. If s could fly, this place would be an airport. 

I quickly turned around and focused on my bread trying to avoid them. 


"Hey, Hanbin!" Yup. Today is definitely not my day. 
"It's been a while since we have seen each other. Isn't it? We missed you," one of them known as Zico said, squeezing in between me and Bobby and sat down and tossing his arm around me. 
"Great. Now that you've seen me you can get lost," I said in annoyance. 
"What's up with my Hanbin? You are so mean," he said in a fake sweet voice. 
" off," Bobby told him, pushing his arm off my shoulder. 
"Oh.. You are protecting your boyfriend. How sweet," he said in a sickening voice, "But I heard that the got himself a nice to ," he added. 

And that was the last straw before I jumped on him making both of us fell to the ground. I straddled above him, and gave a hard blow to his face. One of his friends, Jaehyo pulled me off and hit me across the face, sending me to the ground. Bobby snapped and pushed him off and soon a brawl was forming. 

The crowd of students around us cleared when they heard the Satan's voice or our principle's yell. 
"What do you think you are doing?! All of you to the office," He shouted before gesturing us to follow him. 



"This is not the first time nor the second to have you little troublemakers here. This is school not a wrestling ground," He said pulling out a paper and wrote something down. 

"As a punishment, you all have to clean every single toilets, club rooms and rooftop. Now go. Your faces make me want to vomit," He said shooing us away. 


Me, Bobby, Chanwoo, Zico, Ji Hoon Taeil and Kyung were assigned to the rooftop so we went to the rooftop, giving death glares to each other along the way and slanging in worst way possible. 

The rooftop looks like no one has been there for ages. Like one of those in horror movie. I grab a broom and start sweeping the ground. Some were dusting off things while others ere trying to arrange the abandoned wooden boxes in an orderly manner. 

After a while, I sat on one of the bench, resting for a while. Bobby rest his head on my lap, whistling a tune. Chanwoo went to the toilet to ask Jinhwan hyung for some brushes. 

The sky is clear and blue and the trees were dancing as the wind blows gently. And for a moment, my heart was at peace. But of course, the baboon has to ruin it. 

"Oh look. The and the are having their moment," Zico said, laughing along with his minions. 
"Hey, Hanbin! A thought crossed my mind. Mind giving me a blow-job," He said, yanking me up and pulled down his zipper in an attempt to mock me. 

"Oh. A thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey," I said. 

"How much did you get paid for one hour, huh? 200?" He asked gripping my arm. 
"Just reminding you, there is a fine line between hobby and mental illness," I said and smirked when I saw his face scrunched in annoyance.  
"Are you ing with me?" He said still keeping the death grip on my arm. Bobby got up, ready to defense me. 
"Don't get too worked up. Cause another wrinkle and you'd pass for a prune," I felt a sharp blow to my face as soon as I finished my sentence. 

Bobby tried to help me but Taeil and Ji Hoon pulled him back. 

Zico then pushed me hard against the wall, kneeling me in the ribs. I fell to the ground taking deep breath before slowly standing up, wiping my bursted lips. 

"Is that all you got?" I smirked at him. 

He yanked me up by my hair and slapped me across the face sending me to the floor again. 

"You er! I swear I'm going to kill you if you touch him one more time," Bobby yelled, struggling to get free. 

Zico ignored him and kicked me rapidly in the stomach. I coughed up, trying to regain breath. 

"Have anymore to say?" He pulled my collar and said close to my face. 

"I-I would love.. to insult you but t-that would be b-beyond your intelligent," I provoked him further, smiling in success when his face famed up. 

He yanked my hair up again and slammed my head against the hard concrete. My vision blurred and I heard a crack and felt an escalating pain in my hand before darkness consumes me. 






Mino's POV 


"Sir, there's a phone call for you from Namsong High School. Shall I pass it to you or," my secretary said through the phone. 
"Pass it to me," I told her. I realized the school as Hanbin's school so I guess it's about him. 

"Is this Kim Hanbin's mother?" A man said through the line. 
"No. I'm his guardian," I replied. 
"Hello. I'm his principle. I would like to inform you that Kim Hanbin sort of got into a fight. And things got a bit out of hand and we have to send him to hospital," he said. The moment I registered what he just said. I stood up in shock, "What?! Which hospital? I'm coming," I asked, quickly gathering my things and rushed out after he said Seoul Hospital. 


Aissh. That brat. What did he do? 
I can't stop my mind from racing with worries at the possibilities of what happened. I speed up my car and at the same time trying not to break any rules. 



The moment I got to the hospital, I hurriedly asked the nurse at the reception where Kim Hanbin is. 
Room 402. Third floor. Left wing. 


I bursted into the room, eyes wandering aimlessly around the room. And there he was. On the hospital bed. Happily eating oranges. Besides him was one of his friends I recognized when they came to the apartment. 

"Oh. Mino hyung. Why are you here?" Hanbin asked me like nothing was wrong. He has a black eye, split lips and his head was bandaged. 
"Why am I here? Why are you here?!" I yelled marching up to the bed where he is seated. The other patients in the room glared at me. 

"Geez. Calm down. Will you? I just tripped," he answered like it made total sense, taking another orange into his mouth. 
"Tripped? Yea, right. From the third floor of your school building straight down to the ground floor?" I asked. 
"Yes," he said. 
"Stop with your nonsense. Your school phoned me that you got into a fight. Now tell me what happened," I told him. 
"I got into a fight. There. Enough?" He said. 
"And you lost?" I said patience running thin. 
"Duh no! You should have seen the other dude," he said. 

"Okay. Where's the doctor? I will just ask him," I said walking out to find the doctor. 




Third Person's POV

"Aigoo.. You can still smile," Donghyuk said, flicking Hanbin on the forehead. 
"Yah. I'm your hyung!" Hanbin yelled at him. 
"Shut up," Donghyuk said, forcing a orange into his mouth. 

"Just wait you little rascal, once I get better you are so dead," Hanbin gritted his teeth. 


"Two broken fingers and one cracked rib!!!" Mino stormed into the room. 
"Umm. Hehe..," Hanbin just smiled sheepishly. 
"And you won?!" Mino yelled. 
"Yes. The other dude's dead. They just confirmed his death just now," Hanbin said. 
"Stop fooling around! I need to inform your mother," Mino sighed in frustration. 
"No. You can't tell my mom. I'll tell you what happened. I was in a fight. Well, not really cause I couldn't even raise my fist against him. It was just my mouth and yeah.. Here I am," Hanbin explained. 
"Okay," Mino replied bluntly and stormed out again. 
"Hyung! Where are you going? When can I leave the hospital?" Habin yelled after him but no reply. 
"Volume down. We're not the only ones here," Donghyuk said.
"I told you he's a introvert," Hanbin said settling back on his bed. 


"Oh, you're back. Where did you go?" He asked Mino who reenters the room. 
"I asked the doctor to move you to a private ward," Mino said. 
"What? But-"
"No but. Shut up and just do so."




The next day


"Song Minho!!! I want spicy rice cake and chicken," Hanbin screamed through the phone. 
"Yah! I'm driving. I have to pick up my friend at the airport. Plus the doctor told you not to eat chicken," Mino reasoned. 
"I don't think he's a doctor. What kind of doctor drives their patient into eating disorder," He snorted. 
"Kim Hanbin. Shut up," Mino said and hung up the phone. 




I'm so sorry guys. I know I hadn't updated for ages. I just had a lot of things on my hands. I need good marks in my final exam and I applied for the exchange program to Australia so I was busy studying. But since exams are finished, I will try to update frequently :) 
17th March 2015





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Got the trailer ^^ but I wont be updating much as exam is near :(


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Karai00 #1
Chapter 7: I enjoyed this soo ing much thank youuu
Karai00 #2
Chapter 7: Please please please don't drop this i know you probably won't be seeing this since the last update was 2015 but GOD THIS STORY IS GOOD. I like the sarcasm and LITTERLY EVERYTHING ABT THIS. PLESEE dONT DROP THIS
SatsukiCl #3
Chapter 7: Please don't drop this story, there are not many Mino x Hanbin stories. Please continue this
Green_Bamboo #4
(also the humor and the weirdness sorta feels like I'm reading a crack fic which was unexpected but hey expect the unexpected)
solar_ #5
Chapter 7: update
solar_ #6
Chapter 7: we still waiting for an update plese
kiddo21 #7
Chapter 2: Hanbins friends are a bunch of idiots and cuties.I like hanbins character here though.Seems a bit tough but actually really cool.
Chapter 7: I'm loving this. Goodluck with life and hope you'll update whenever. Fighting~
fujoshigirl #9
Chapter 7: I love this fanfic, i hope you update soon! <3
pururunka #10
Chapter 7: Please update soon authornim :")