I heard that girls are from Venus and the guys are from Mars. But in the end they all leave us, once they've destroyed your heart.

Nowhere Left to Run


And oh, oh, how could you do it?

“Changmin-ah, please don’t be upset.”

He held the phone to his ear, waiting for a further explanation. Waiting for anything other than a sorry plea for forgiveness.

“Chanmin-ah, please forgive me. I just need to figure some things out. It’d be unfair to try and continue this right now.”

There she went, asking something of him again. Making it seem like she was actually thinking of his well being too, instead of being the selfish fool she had proven herself to be. What gave her the right to ask him to forgive her? What gave her the right to just leave him this way? Why didn’t she want him anymore?

Oh, I, I never saw it coming.

“I know you must be confused and hurt. All I can say is that I’m sorry and I care for you. Goodbye, Changmin-ah.”

He heard the phone click, signaling her exit. For a moment he listened to the silence on the other end, wishing she would call back, wishing he could rewind to the days before and figure out what he did wrong. Then he crashed back to reality and grasped the magnitude of what had just happened. She was gone. She had left him, like so many others before (most notably his three so-called brothers) without so much as a personal visit. She left him with a vague phone call, robbing him of any kind of closure he could hope to receive by getting an explanation, by seeing in her eyes that she didn’t mean to hurt him.

Oh, oh, I need the ending.

Why did this keep happening to him? With the exception of Yunho, as soon as he found someone he thought he could really lean on, tell his secrets to, truly be himself with, they found some reason to leave him broken and alone. People wondered why he was so quiet and shy, why he kept his heart buried so deep in his pocket while others seemed to be able to wear theirs on their sleeve for anyone to take and embrace. People wondered why he kept to himself with the exception of a few close friends while Yunho could befriend anyone. People wondered and wondered, both aloud and in their minds, but never bothered to think about how it might feel to be left behind by the very people who always promised never to do just that. They always chalked it up to him being a little bit of a selfish brat, a loner, the type to hold a grudge. That all may be so, but were the other parties not just as guilty? Is it okay to leave those who count on you in the dust on your own path of self-discovery? If they get to leave and rob him of their comfort, doesn’t he get to be angry? Doesn’t he get to be a bit selfish? Doesn’t he get to rob them of something too? Why does everything always turn bad on him when he never asked for this life in the first place? And finally, why the hell does he have to wait around for them to realize he’s important? That they need him?

So why can’t you stay just long enough to explain?

She left him like so many others before, without a proper goodbye. Why was he suddenly no longer enough? Did they expect him to just wait around wondering? wondering. it all. They didn’t need him; he doesn’t need them. The sun will rise again and the world will turn. The world, at least, knows it needs Shim Changmin.

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Wow Idk why you were embaresed to write such a great story!keep it uppxD