I Need To Find Her

What Is Fate?

Hanbin waited for Jieun’s reply, thinking that maybe she was still changing, which was her reason for not replying. But after a couple of minutes Hanbin thought that she might have not noticed the text, because she usually doesn't take more than a minute to reply. He decided to call her instead this time. As he placed the phone to his ear, he was greeted with the voicemail recording. 


Hanbin knew that jieun always made sure to leave the house with a fully charged phone, and he also knew that she never, and he meant NEVER, turned off her phone, because she was always afraid that she might miss an important call if she turned it off.


It was only second period, and he had talked to her right before first period and she seemed perfectly fine. For some reason he didn't have a good feeling about this. He went up to Ae Young and asked her if she could go check in the girl’s locker for Jieun, using the excuse that he didn't want her to be late for class. Ae Young came back and told Hanbin that she didn't find anyone in the locker room or in the girl’s bathroom. 


Hanbin really didn't have a good feeling about this, but the teacher had already walked into the class, so he would have to wait an hour to find out what was going on. 




Jieun set her stuff in the booth across from her and slid into the her’s. The cafe was mainly empty except for a couple of college students on their laptops and the occasional business person who stepped in for a coffee or a break time snack. 


Jieun could barely think straight. Her mind was all over the place and her heart felt a hundred different ways. She really needed someone to talk to but she didn't want to turn her phone on and see the many texts and calls she knew would be waiting for her, all from the one she couldn't face at the moment. 


Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by the figure sliding themselves into the booth across from her. 


“What are you doing here at this time? Shouldn't you be at school honey?” Jieun looked up to meet the warm and comforting eyes of ajumma. She couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved and relaxed when she saw the smiling old woman. 


“I should be, but right now thats the last place i want to be.” Jieun sighed as she tapped her fingers on the table. 


“And why is that?” Ajumma placed her elbows on the table and placed her face into her palms, leaning, as if to signal that she was ready to listen. Jieun couldn't help but feel grateful towards Ajumma because she really needed to confide in someone.


She took a deep breath, and then began her soft, yet confused rant. “Ajumma, i just feel so confused, i could go crazy. In all of the time that i have been in this school, i have never felt like i belonged there, that was until a couple of weeks ago. There is someone that i met that just makes me feel so important. He is someone that i never thought i wold ever talk to or would ever get along with, but he is the complete opposite. I feel like i cant go a day without talking to him. Whenever he’s around, i just feel safe, but more than that, i feel happy. I’ve never felt like that until i met him. I never knew how much i needed something like that in my life until i got close to him. But…but—“ Jieun took a pause as she felt her self get chocked up thinking about it.


Ajumma slowly placed her hand on top of Jieun’s, signaling to her that she should try to continue her story. 


“It’s all over now Ajumma.” She diverted her vision to the table. “I—i knew it could never work. I prayed and i had a glimmer of hope that maybe it was possible, but its not. Life isn't that easy, or at least for me it’s not. I have to let him go. If i don’t, even if he doesn't say it, he’ll end up resenting me, because i will be the reason why he couldn't accomplish his dream. I — I cant do that to him. He’s worked way to hard to get to where he is now, and i wont take that away from him.” Jieun let out one long sigh as she felt the tears start to brim her eyes. 


“I’m going to guess that this is the same boy you bring in here all the time. I could tell from the way the booth of you look at each other, your bond is really strong. You might think that whatever is coming between you two now is to big for any of you to handle, but I promise you that if you two talk about this, you’ll figure out a way out of this. The war isn't won by a single soldier, it is won an entire army.” Ajumma patted Jieun’s hand and went back to work. 


Jieun didn't believe that it could be that easy. Knowing Hanbin, if she told him what HyeSung told her, he would want to race to find HyeSung and confront her, which wouldn't leave either of them in a good situation. 


For now, Jieun thought that the best idea was to stay away from Hanbin in anyway she could, and try to figure things out her self. With the big showcase coming up, it was enough to keep her occupied. 




As soon as  the bell rung for the end of second period, Hanbin rushed to the boys locker room with his stuff, Bobby right behind him. 


Hanbin continued to call Jieun’s phone but he got no response. Minah and Minho also texted him back that they hadn't seen her after first period and that she wasn't answering her cell phone and she wasn't home either. 


Hanbin felt like he was going insane because he had no clue what happened to her, and he had no way of finding that out. 


“Bobby, I’m going to go and try to find Jieun. This isn't normal for her, and i can’t help but feel worried.” Hanbin said, while sliding his fingers through his hair in frustration.


“Don’t worry. Go and find her, i’ll text you if i find out something, and i’ll join you after school.” Bobby said patting his best friends back. 


Hanbin mouthed a thanks as he grabbed his stuff and rushed out of the locker room. He dodged through the people at their lockers as he headed to the main entrance. That was, until his road was blocked. 


He silently cursed as he stopped in his tracks. He had forgotten that she was coming back to school today. She squealed as she attacked him with a hug. He couldn't do anything but sigh and hug her back. All he wanted was to go out and find Jieun, but that seem like it was going to happen, at least not at that moment. 


“Oppa~~, you haven’t even come to see me since i got back.” HyeSung pouted as she pulled away from the hug, but remained extremely close to him. 


Hanbin swallowed his anger and frustration and gave her a weak smile. “I’m sorry honey, I've just been so busy preparing for the showcase.” Which wasn't a complete lie, he had been putting in many hours practicing for the showcase, hoping this would finally be his opportunity out of this school.


“Really? Aw, you must be so tired. You know what, why don’t we just skip the rest of the day and just go relax instead?” 


Hanbin tried to come up with a good excuse, but it wasn't coming to him fast enough. Soon enough, he felt himself being tugged towards the other side of the building, away from the main entrance. As he was being pulled along, he passed by Bobby, who looked confused, but after exchanging looks, understood the situation. 


Hanbin felt a vibration in his pocket, and pulled out his phone to see a text from Bobby. 


“I’ll go find her. I’ll text you when I do.”


Omg, guys another update!! Hehe, hopefully this will wrap up soon. Im thinking for my next story, its going to be either Mark from Got7 or Yongguk from B.A.P :D. What do you guys think? Please comment and tell me what you guys think so far :)



I leave you with y/ Adorable Bobby until next time :D <3

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Linebae_93 #1
Chapter 9: keep up the good work author-nim~~~ it's really refreshing to read this kind of story.. and hell yaaaa I hate Hyesung..kekekeke...Jieun fighting!!!
haeena #3
Chapter 8: i can't wait for the next update. its getting really interesting. can someone throw a car to hyesung .. i hate her , urghhh :(
Chapter 7: omg i love this story but i hate hyesung. she's such a meanie
nunca11 #5
Love it!!!
Chapter 6: Hyesung is a meanie :/
wani_oneni #7
Chapter 4: Nice story! Good job! Will be looking forward to this :-)
Oh my god!! Your story is so goood
Chapter 1: good luck on ur fanfic! urghh looking at the mix&match photo makes me go crazy cuz I dont have one!!!:(
theGoddessOfKpop #10
Hwaiting on your new fanfic!