We're in the same position

What Is Fate?

Hanbin just stared at the bouncy boy in front of him. It always surprised him how easily he got along with people; and the image in front of him was a perfect example. 


Bobby was bouncing down the street with Jieun by his side, giggling at his silliness. Hanbin had always wished that he could be as easy going as Bobby, and frankly, at the moment Hanbin felt pretty jealous.


He sped up his walking until he was right beside Jieun. He swore that it seemed like she had stiffened up a bit when she saw him walk up next to her, but he thought that he might have just been imagining it. 


“So, where are we headed?” He asked the two. 


“Ummm, well i was just going to go get some food because i didn't eat much for lunch…” “Ouhhhh yeah, yeah, i want some food too! Can we go Hanbin? Can we? Can we?” Bobby bounced around while asking Hanbin. 


“How are you older then me?!?” Hanbin asked incredulously. Jieun couldn't help but stifle a laugh. She stared at the elder acting like a five year old, and she couldn't help but think that he was extremely adorable and really did look like a five year old. 


“Alright. Alright, we can go.” Hanbin finally answered. “We’ll follow you.” He said facing Jieun as she nodded her head. 




They arrived at Jieun’s favorite little cafe. It has been the same little cafe she has been coming to since she was a little kid. It held a lot of heartfelt moments to her, and she has only ever shared it with Minah and Minho; So she was confused her self as to why she brought these two here. They had only met earlier today, and that meeting had only caused her trouble. She shook off the confusion as they walked in. 


“Jieun this is a really cool looking place.” Bobby said while admiring the place. A small smile spread across her face as she watched his look, happy he enjoyed it as much as she did. Jieun and Hanbin headed to the booth in the corner as Bobby stood at the counter looking over the menu. 


“How did you find this place anyways? Its like hidden?” Hanbin questioned. Jieun giggled, reminiscing about the day she had stumbled across the little place. 


She stared at him as she began her story. 


“Me and my friends were 10 and we were playing at the park nearby, but on our way home, we got kind of lost because it was our first time here. We wandered around until we saw someone coming up the stairs with a cupcake that just looked so good. We hadn't eaten anything since we left the house, so we like raced down here, but we forgot that we didn't have any money to pay for anything. So we just sat at this booth watching the other people eating and having fun. The ajumma over there saw us and came over with a bunch of snacks. We kept telling her that we didn't have any money, but she just placed the tray on our table and walked away. We just stared at the table shocked and confused, but our stomachs just kept rumbling, so we ended up eating everything. When we were done, we asked the ajumma how to get home, and she had her son drive us home. Ever since then, we’ve comeback any time we were tired, sad, mad, or happy. She’s made this place like our second home, and i think of her like another Grandmother.” Jieun took a deep breath after finishing her story. She looked up to Hanbin who was just staring at her with a faint smile. She felt her face heating up with the attention, so she turned to find Bobby.



As she told her story, playing with her fingers, Hanbin couldn't stop staring at her. He felt his heart skip whenever she flashed one of her smiles. They way she was telling the story made it seem so heartfelt and he was so surprised to see how she talked about the cafe and the ajumma. He couldn't help but smile at her. 


When she finished her story and looked up at him, he couldn't stop the faint smile that was plastered on his face. He noticed that she seemed to get a bit flustered when she stared at him, but he couldn't help but think that she looked so adorable. She finally turned her head, and hanbin followed her gaze to find his friend struggling to carry an over filled tray. 


“Oh my god, Bobby, why did you get so much food??” Hanbin asked so shocked. 


“Hehe, everything just seemed so good.” Bobby replied shyly after placing the tray on the table in front of him. 


Jieun burst out laughing, and Hanbin felt his heart beat increasing as her laugh filled his ears. He swore it was the sweetest thing he’d ever heard.



The three sat and ate, while laughing at silly stories each other told. Jieun couldn't help but notice how down to earth these two were, especially Hanbin, She wasn't expecting it, especially considering his girlfriend. 


Jieun just couldn't help her curiosity any more. 


“Hanbin, what do you like about HyeSung?”



“Hanbin, what do you like about HyeSung?”


Hanbin choked a bit on his drink as the question came out of nowhere. It had gotten a bit quiet as Bobby stifled a laugh. Hanbin kicked him under the table as he turned himself towards Jieun.


He thought about telling her what he had rehearsed when he had first accepted to this relationship; but after staring at her face for a couple of seconds, he didn't want to.


“I don’t like anything  about her.” Hanbin replied, creating a confused and shocked look on Jieun’s face. 

“I—I don’t understand. Why would you not like anything about your girlfriend.” 


Bobby jumped in before he got a chance to reply. “He doesn't like her. He was forced into a relationship with the devil because her father is the head of Kirin. If he had rejected her, he most likely would be kicked out.” 


Jieun turned back to Hanbin with wide eyes. “Really?!? Oh my god, i’m so sorry.” 


Hanbin flashed her a small smile. “Thank you. That’s why I'm hoping that i get into an entertainment company soon, so i can get away from her.” Jieun giggles a bit while shaking her head. “I feel the same way.”


Hanbin and Bobby both tilted their heads confused. Jieun took a deep breath, ready to tell them the whole story, now that she knew they were in the same position.




Omg guys, i'm sooooo sorry its taken me so long to update. I got a bit of writers block and schools been busy because of midterms. But theres gonna be a snow storm on tuesday, so hopefully i'll have time to update more :)




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Linebae_93 #1
Chapter 9: keep up the good work author-nim~~~ it's really refreshing to read this kind of story.. and hell yaaaa I hate Hyesung..kekekeke...Jieun fighting!!!
haeena #3
Chapter 8: i can't wait for the next update. its getting really interesting. can someone throw a car to hyesung .. i hate her , urghhh :(
Chapter 7: omg i love this story but i hate hyesung. she's such a meanie
nunca11 #5
Love it!!!
Chapter 6: Hyesung is a meanie :/
wani_oneni #7
Chapter 4: Nice story! Good job! Will be looking forward to this :-)
Oh my god!! Your story is so goood
Chapter 1: good luck on ur fanfic! urghh looking at the mix&match photo makes me go crazy cuz I dont have one!!!:(
theGoddessOfKpop #10
Hwaiting on your new fanfic!