V - Blooming

Three Crowns
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Junmyeon makes it his responsibility to check on the new prince the next morning, and is pleased to find that he was already awake when he enters his temporary room.


He’s looking a little rough around the edges, having slept in the clothes he presumably arrived in, but he’s not deathly skinny (Saying that, he’s not healthy either) and he doesn’t seem to have a cold.


Zitao immediately scrambles to stand and bow to him and Junmyeon merely laughs, waving his hand to tell him it’s not necessary.
“Please, we are past the stages of formality” Junmyeon says and Zitao nods bashfully. “I am King Junmyeon, and I understand you’ve already met King Yixing?” he enquires, to which Zitao nods quickly.


“I am so grateful to all three kings for letting me stay here, if it troubles you at all then I will not hesitate to leave and get out of your hair, Your Highness” Zitao fumbles with his words, to which Junmyeon chuckles softly.

“Unless you do something dire, we have no reason to make you leave, Prince. I understand that my brother has already taken a liking to you” Junmyeon says easily and Zitao relaxes a little; sitting gingerly at the end of his neatly made bed.


“I understand that you have bloodsucker genes?” Junmyeon tentatively asks, to which Zitao bows his head, clearly embarrassed, but nods.
“Is there any worries I should have about your diet?” he enquires softly and Zitao raises his head slowly.

“I am able to eat normal food, although not in large quantities, but I need the supplement of blood at least once every few days or I begin to weaken...” Zitao trails

“Oh! Please fear not I can survive without human blood, animal blood does well to sustain me, Your Highness” he quickly finishes for himself, noting the way that his King’s lips tightened when he mentioned blood.


Junmyeon visibly relaxes.

“I can have animals’ blood sorted out for you, and I shall make sure that the meals you receive are not overly large. I should also arrange clothing for you, I cannot imagine what you are wearing is terribly comfortable…” Junmyeon muses; mostly to himself although the prince visibly sits up straighter and his piercing dark grey eyes get brighter as Junmyeon plans out how he will take care of him.


“Would it please you to have your meals with the rest of the royal family, my Prince?” to which the young prince’s eyes shone brightly and he eagerly nodded before composing himself.


“If it would not impose too much on the arrangements you already have...” he trails off quietly and Junmyeon laughs loudly, his blue eyes shining brightly.

“My goodness, have you forgotten that you are a prince? You are always welcome in our home, at our table, wherever you wish” Junmyeon chuckles, offering out a hand to help Zitao up.

“Now, we must go to the tailor at once and find you some proper clothes. You cannot expect to go around the grounds in rags, my Prince!” Junmyeon laughs and leads Zitao away to the tailor, on the far East side of the castle.




On the other side of the castle, in the southern gardens, King Kyungsoo sees to the many spring plants that are blooming in the early spring climate; while Prince Jongin lies lazily on the grass adjacent to where he works.

“But why do you do all the work in three of the six gardens? Surely it is the job of the gardeners that you hire?” Jongin pesters while Kyungsoo tends to a patch of poppies which have been attacked by bugs.

“Because these are the gardens which my father tended himself before me, they are the gardens which only the kings may tend to. Gardeners do not use these three unless all three kings are away” Kyungsoo explains, smiling to himself.
Jongin had been brought up in a family that solely de

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Chapter 12: Krisho Hits different~~~❤️
Kihyungirl #2
Chapter 12: Hunlay was so sweet & cute, wish there were another chaps ^^
Chapter 12: Don't worry I'm cool
foreverachild #4
Chapter 12: :) don't worry about us author-nim we'll be here when you get back :)
Chapter 12: no one can blame you for focusing on your studies, i wish you the best during your important decision :D
make sure to de-stress every once in a while and take care of yourself!
Chapter 12: Good luck in college, babe!
Chapter 11: ing is love ing is life
And yass ur back
Hope ur New Years been awesome as well!
Chapter 11: Yes a new chapter .u. thank you~ I really like this fic and it's plot and of course ing! my fave //haha// I look forward to your future updates ♥
My krisho ship moving at the speed of light OuO
Chapter 8: Yasssss and omg xiuhan flirting and awkwardly shy krisho I cannot