The Beginning of the End

Acquisition Costs






‘What are you, little birds, discussing so intensely?’ As usual, Sehun came without prior notice and let himself into Suho’s office without as much as a word.

Both heads shot up from the monitor.

‘Believe it or not, some people have work to do.’ Suho commented, looking at his younger friend more sternly than usual.

‘I don’t think Sehun is that familiar with the vocabulary that you’re using.’ Chanyeol replied, humorously, turning his eyes back to the documents at hand. Suho just scoffed.

‘Look at your cousin, all cheeky today.’ Sehun observed, casually and plopped onto the chair on the other side of the desk. Suho occupied his usual place, with Chanyeol hovering over him, bent at the head level. ‘But jokes aside, what’s got into you?’

‘Nothing.’ Suho replied courtly, typing furiously on his  laptop. It was not a good day.

‘Should we apply a small dose of Irene? I don’t believe you have taken any today.’ Suho only scoffed again. ‘Or maybe a bigger one…’ Sehun mumbled to himself.

‘It’s nothing.’ The older only repeated.

‘I think I know what it is. Is it that thing that you’ve recently talked to Minseok and Baek about?’ Chanyeol prompted with a smile. Suho’s fingers froze above the keyboard immediately.

‘He’s already told you? I can’t believe it.’ He hissed. Chanyeol kept smiling. His cousin had his moments of wrath but he was a total softie inside, therefore the taller man could never take offence in the older’s moodiness.

‘How do you expect him not to tell me? Besides, I had told you things in the past that you eagerly passed on to Irene and I was totally understanding about it.’

‘It’s different.’ Suho huffed, finally rolling his chair back a little in order to see Chanyeol’s face better.

‘How is it different? Relationship is a relationship. And I should be mad, not you. You chose Baekhyun over me. Me, blood from your blood. I’m the romantic one here.’

‘That’s exactly my point. I’m done with taking advice from romantic people. You all mean well, but it never works. I need an objective perspective.’

‘So you chose Baekhyun the Sarcastic and Minseok the Nice Guy?’ Chanyeol shot back.

‘Guys, guys!’ Sehun raised both his hands, extremely confused and tired of the conversation he did not understand a word of. ‘What the hell is going on?’

‘Nothing.’ Suho replied immediately. Chanyeol shrugged.

‘You might as well tell him, you know. The moment he leaves this room, he will call Minseok anyway, and find out about everything.’

‘How is that none of you can keep a secret?’ Suho sighed, giving up.

‘As I just said, Minseok is too nice.’ Chanyeol shrugged again. ‘Suho is about to turn his life around.’ He motioned at the hyung, but Sehun was no less confused. It was getting annoying.

‘You have five seconds to confess your sins or I’ll squeeze them out of both of you.’ Sehun’s expression was nothing but pleasant as he regarded the men in front of him.

Suho dropped the annoyed façade and replaced it with a desperate one, as he dropped his head right onto his desk, his forehead hitting the surface. He groaned.

‘My sampling period is soon going to expire and I need to seal the deal before it’s too late. But I don’t know how. Apparently, my offer was not very tempting the first time around.’

A second passed with Chanyeol and Sehun exchanging silent glances.

‘..Did you understand any of this?’ Chanyeol asked after a moment, just to make sure. Sehun tsked.

‘He wants to propose and he doesn’t know how.’ He leaned across the desk and patted his friend’s back. Suho was still splayed across the surface. ‘Do you seriously not have any bigger problems in your life?’

Suho’s suffering eyes appeared above his forearm.

‘This is my problem! What if I don’t ask on time and she will just decide she doesn’t want to meet me anymore? Or what if the time to ask have already passed and she’s just waiting to dump me?’

‘First of all, your dear Irene is not leaving you because she’s just as crazy about you as you are about her… for a reason I still cannot fully comprehend. Secondly, you’re been dating for just under a year now so if anything, it might still be too early for you, not too late.’

‘I don’t want to wait any longer.’ He just replied meekly. Since he had lost face in front of his friends a long time before, he might as well pour his soul out to them. Or something. ‘I feel like I just need to take that last step. I really cannot imagine not having her. Just like I can’t remember the times when she wasn’t with me.’ He added, quietly.

Chanyeol smiled at him, fondly and Sehun just snickered. He rubbed both palms against one another, as if for a warm up.

‘Well then, I shall forgive you for not coming for my advice directly and instead turning to Baekhyun. That was stupid. You don’t have to apologise.’

‘Hey, Baehyun is not stupid.’ Chanyeol interjected, offended.

‘Of course, you have no choice but to defend his honour. I understand and I forgive you also.’ Before Chanyeol had a chance to recover from his shock, Sehun had already turned back to Suho, who despite himself, was falling yet again for the temptation that was Sehun’s romantic experiences.

‘Give me a piece of paper. We have to write everything properly, step by step, so you don’t mess up. Everything you’ve been plotting up until now is nothing, comparing to proposing.’

Suho groaned again.



He had been staring at the plan that the three of them had created (since Chanyeol actually sat down and started brainstorming with them) for the past twenty minutes. He should not be affected by this during his working hours, since it significantly decreased his efficiency and Suho absolutely hated being inefficient. But he couldn’t help himself.

  1. Take her to the place you have fond memories of.

That would be the restaurant next to the beach. They often sat down at its balcony and Irene adored the view. That, and Suho could personally vouch for the cleanness of their cutlery. Although it wasn’t exactly necessary, he added that bit of information next to the point, just to further reassure himself of the choice.

  1. Buy a beautiful ring.

That was not a problem. In fact, Suho had done his research well and already purchased the jewellery  that he wanted. Neither him nor Irene liked big rocks and tacky looking decorations. He had no doubt that less was more and the simple band made of white gold with three little blue diamonds would be something to his girlfriend’s taste.

  1. Write down what you want to say to her. From the heart. (Send it back for approval)

The last sentence had been underlined by Sehun with three thick lines. Suho sighed. This was very hard, not to mention humiliating. He had to be at least a bit romantic. Should he put down the objective first and go from there, trying to modify the content with whatever appropriate he could think of?

Yes, he should do that first, he nodded to himself. Deciding that he could not focus on his work anyway, he pushed the folder aside and instead, put the piece of paper in front of himself promptly. He bit the end of his pen, deep in thought. Finally, he began to write.



The reasons why we should marry are as follows:

  1. I love you. He crossed it out, immediately annoyed at himself. It’s too sappy, don’t start with that. He wrote below. We look good together.
  2. We understand each other and therefore, will be able to forever live comfortably.
  3. You’ve made me a better person. He hesitated. Write it in a way that doesn’t make you sound like a creep.
  4. Sometimes you annoy me and I don’t understand why you’re doing what you’re doing, but with time, you make me realise that it was for the best, and that as a result, both of us benefited and are happier. I think I can leave this bit like that, he thought proudly, smiling to himself.
  5. You are the most reasonable woman I have ever met, apart from my mother - he ended up crossing out that part – and I can’t let you waste your reason on somebody less reasonable than I am.
  6. I have made space in my wardrobe for you. But I have enough money to purchase a new house for you if you think we can’t leave together after marriage. I will understand.
  7. I never thought I would ever meet a person whose hand I would be able to hold so comfortably and whom I would like to kiss. I don’t want to kiss anyone else and I hope you don’t want to kiss anyone else, either.
  8. You’re so reasonable. Wait, you’ve already written that. Don’t mention it again. He crossed out the first sentence.
  9. I love you.



He stared at the list he made. He mentioned her good qualities and his wealth. And if she looked closely enough, she would be able to understand his feelings. Hopefully.

Anyway, Sehun would look it over.

The phone on his desk beeped.

‘Sir, have you finished signing all the documents for the Red Velvet Industries? They are waiting for our consent to ship the materials.’ Assistant Do’s voice sounded timid.

‘Come in five minutes. I am almost done.’ Suho replied suavely and put aside the sheet that he had been working on. He looked through the folder he discarded again and finally signed at the bottom. Kyungsoo came in just seconds later.

‘Your coffee, sir.’ Suho didn’t ask for one but he was pleasantly surprised by his assistant’s thoughtfulness. Over the last year, it had increased to 92.3%. Suho decided he would have to think of giving him a raise.

Just as Suho stood up to receive it and pass him the documents instead, Kyungsoo managed to somehow trip over his own leg and ended up spilling the coffee on the desk. Suho shrieked and quickly gathered the documents that fell of his hand to prevent them from wetting.

‘Asisstant Do.’ Kyungsoo was ready to cry.

‘I’m so sorry, sir. I have no idea what just happened!’ He apologised profusely, albeit too late. Suho only sighed, counting to ten. It was nothing, he told himself. People have flows. People make mistakes. Irene’s voice rang in his ears.

Irene likes Kyungsoo. Ok, he could work with that. If she liked his employee, he couldn’t get mad at him.

‘Nothing major happened. Send a cleaner and pick up the papers. Fax them all immediately, directly to CEO Bae’s office. Don’t forget a single sheet in his folder, it’s very important.’ He emphasised and Kyung frantically nodded. The shipment had to be sent by tonight or there would be a delay in manufacturing. Delays always meant additional costs.

‘Right away, sir.’

Suho thanked the cleaner once he was done and sat down again, leaning against the back of his chair. All of the sudden, he felt very tired.


Thirty minutes later, Kyungsoo came back carrying a single sheet of paper. He knocked on the door nervously, picking through the crack to assess his boss’s mood.

‘Sir… this fax from CEO Bae has just arrived.’ Suho looked up, surprised. He texted Irene earlier, telling her to check all the documents he had just sent but he never received a reply. He brushed it off, though, since she was probably equally busy. To receive a fax, instead of a direct call was somewhat strange.

‘What is it about?’

‘Er… It seems to be… private.’ His assistant bit his lower lip, trying to look everywhere but at his boss. He approached the desk and handed it over.

The moment Suho’s gaze fell on the paper, all colour left his face.



The reasons why we should marry……   He closed his eyes, as if in pain. He did not just… His assistant did not just… Did not just fax the marriage proposal draft to his girlfriend’s office! This was no happening. When he opened his eyes, something even more obvious caught his attention.

Right at the centre of the page, there was a big round stamp. It said APPROVED.

Suho blinked at it several times, before slowly raising his head to Kyungsoo.

‘What just happened?’ He asked slowly, trying to comprehend.

‘I believe you have been accepted, sir. Please, receive my sincere congratulations.’

‘Why did you… why would you send this… why….’ Suho groaned.

Kyungsoo looked at him, not understanding.

‘You told me to send everything exactly like it was in the folder. I assumed… that was your way of proposing…’ His assistant started stuttering.

 ‘Have you ever heard about anyone proposing like this? Ever?!’ Suho struggled not to raise his voice, but it instead became dangerous high pitched. Kyungsoo grimaced, expecting the outburst.

‘Well, no… but sir, you don’t exactly behave like anyone else I have ever met…’ The other’s voice was now almost inaudible.

‘You sent this! She read it and accepted it! I can’t believe you- Wait, what?’ He looked back at the page. ‘She’s… accepted? She’s accepted my proposal?!’

‘I believe she has.’ Kyungsoo prompted, relaxing slightly. Maybe there wouldn’t be any screaming, after all.

‘She… she accepted..’ His cell went off and he picked it up. He had one new message.

Your proposal could use a little more eloquence but I ultimately decided it was the thought that counts. However, if you don’t show up here with the ring within the next thirty minutes, I’m going to be really mad.

‘She… she…’ He was lost for words, so he just handed his phone to Kyungsoo. The owlish eyes looked at the text apprehensively. ‘What do I do?’

‘You, sir, have to go immediately. I will call the driver.’

‘Where is…?’

‘You have put the ring in your safe. Let me get it for you. Please, put your jacket on properly.’ Suho didn’t even question why his assistant would boss him around or know the combination to his safe, he just obediently did what he was told.

Kyungsoo came back and put the little box in the inner pocket of the latter’s jacket. He then strengthened the hem.

‘Just be yourself, sir. I’m sure she’ll like that.’ Kyungsoo said firmly and Suho nodded at him, equally determinedly. Just before leaving, he turned around.

‘You deserve a raise, Kyungsoo. We’ll talk tomorrow morning.’ And he left.

Kyungsoo’s legs gave out under him and he fell to the floor, breathing deeply. He had no idea where all that sudden courage and confidence came from. His boss was still unnerving as hell.





~ 6 weeks later ~


‘..No wonder our invitation came by text.’ Baekhyun mumbled to Chanyeol, sitting next to him at the table. The latter elbowed him quiet. His partner was clearly not impressed with the scale of what was supposed to be the wedding of the ultra rich hair Kim Suho. Chanyeol only shook his head, amused.

They both knew that it was the married couple’s wish to conduct a quiet ceremony for the closest family and friends, and to have a simple dinner afterwards. While Chanyeol found it adorable, he was also well aware that if he himself were to ever get married, he would have to spend a fortune just on the food alone. One look at Baekhyun was enough to confirm this theory.

The ceremony passed without any major problems, much to the surprise of all their friends. Not being especially religious, the couple opted for a legal ceremony in the city hall and moved to the rented for that occasion restaurant straight afterwards. Suho and Irene sat at one side of the table with their parents and Irene’s younger sister, Sooyoung.

Minseok, Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were seated on the other side, surveying other present guests. Irene’s best friend Seulgi, along with those who presented themselves as Yoora, Jongdae, Taehyun and Jinwoo took the remaining seats. The biggest surprise, however, was probably the appearance of Do Kyungsoo.

‘How did you get in here?’ Sehun shot, looking at him incredulously. Kyungsoo looked at him, offended.

‘I received an invitation from Irene. Why?’

‘Nothing. Sehun is being a jerk. In fact, he is a jerk.’ Minseok hit the younger’s head, and the latter yelped in pain. ‘Manners.’

‘You’re very welcome, Kyungsoo. We were just all under the impression that you…’

‘That you hate Suho’s guts.’ Baekhyun prompted helpfully. Chanyeol shook his head at him, again.

‘That you are not close with Suho.’ He said, instead.

‘Mr. Suho is my boss. But Irene is my close friend. She invited me to come, so of course I would come.’

‘Well, just don’t try to make any moves on Irene’s sister. She’s mine.’ Sehun added, continuing to look over to where Sooyoung sat.

‘First of all, I don’t think you can own somebody, especially Sooyoung. She’s a feisty one.’ Chanyeol responded. ‘Secondly, she already has a boyfriend. If you as much as touch her with a stick, her wu shu boyfriend is going to break you in half.’

‘How do you know that?’ Sehun looked at Suho’s cousin accusingly.

‘We belong to the family, of course we have met Irene’s family before.’ Baekhyun chipped in. Sehun always annoyed the hell out of him.

‘How are you anybody’s family here?’ Sehun snickered, turning around to look at Sooyoung.

‘Sehun.’ Chanyeol warned the younger. That was always a sensitive topic.

Just then, Irene and Suho approached their part of the table and finding additional chairs, squeezed themselves in between their friends.

‘How are you, guys?’ Irene asked, smiling. It didn’t escape anyone’s attention that she hadn’t let go of her husband’s hand for even a second.

‘The question is, how are you?’ The girl called Yoora asked, winking at her teasingly. ‘You’re a married woman now…’

‘I don’t think anything’s changed, has it?’ She looked at Suho, expectantly. He just smiled back.

‘We already moved into the new apartment. Some of you were even there to christen the floor with countless litres of hard liquor.’ He looked at Sehun. The other grinned.

‘I’m really happy.’ Irene just said.

‘And I’m even happier.’

‘No, I’m happier.’

‘No, I am happier.’ Suho argued.

‘And I’m gagging hard right now.’ Sehun made a face. ‘Hey, Irene, can you introduce me to your little sister?’

‘No way in hell.’ She replied straight-forwardly and turned back to the conversation. Sehun’s jaw dropped, lost for words.

‘So… it’s pretty amazing. You should really treat Irene right, you know? After all you had put her through in secondary school, she still decided to give you a chance.’ Taehyun observed, casually, sipping his wine.

‘What? What secondary school?’ Suho asked surprised.

‘Here it goes.’ Minseok whispered under his breath.

‘He… actually doesn’t remember any of that, Hyun-ah.’ Irene responded, a little nervous.

‘What don’t I remember?’ Suho’s whole posture straightened as he turned to his spouse.

‘Suho-yah… Kim Junmyeon. We used to be attend the same school. But you don’t remember, do you?’ She smiled at him.

‘How is that possible? I don’t remember you at all. I know I definitely would.’

‘You’re blinded by love right now, my friend.’ Minseok added. ‘She was the girl you made me keep away from you every single day. The one who made you chocolate and wrote you letters and you took them only to correct her grammar. Does that ring a bell?’

‘I… There was a lot of girls annoying me at that time.’ Suho scratched his head. A second later, he realised what he just said. ‘ You don’t annoy me! I just… I didn’t mean…’

‘It’s ok. That’s long gone and forgotten. I thought it was quite funny that you didn’t recognise me at all when we met after so long.’ She patted his messed hair. ‘You did make me miserable, but only because I imagined myself to be so madly in love with you. I suppose it was my own fault, it’s not like you ever encouraged me.’

‘You were in love with me..?’

‘I thought I was.’ She shrugged. ‘But I don’t think it was real. I imagined what you might be like and I fell for the creation of my imagination. It was only after I met you again did I understand… that the real thing was so much better.’

‘I should apologise, regardless. I don’t remember you at all, but I’m sorry. Don’t be mad. I.. I love you.’

‘And I love you, Kim Junmyeon, my most infuriating yet amazingly reasonable husband.’ She touched his cheek as they exchanged a kiss.

Their friends started clapping and booing in encouragement. Minseok cleared his throat and announced loudly.

‘Well, fear not, Kim Junmyeon, because you’re in luck. Seulgi and I here, as your maid of honour and best man, have prepared a little presentation to go with our speech. In a second, we will all witness the dorky Bae Juhyun and the cold Kim Junmyeon, as we lead you through their lives up until now. Secondary school included.’ He grinned at Suho.

‘Oh, no. You didn’t.’ Irene grimaced playfully at her best friend who just laughed. 

Suho looked around. Even assistant Do, who in recent weeks had become strangely calm and unaffected by his boss's outbursts, was grinning widely. Suho groaned quietly as he understood that marriage was not his happy ending at all.

It was only just its beginning.

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ScandiumGermanium #1
Chapter 8: Simply fantastic! A perfect mix of humor, romance and business with two people on an equal standing. Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this masterpiece!
jmj1117 #2
I love this story!! I hope you will do a seqeul if their story
KeemNoona #3
Chapter 8: This is definitely one of the best surene stories i’ve ever read! I like how you wrote their characters and how funny and fluffy the plot is. Thank you for this story! ❤️
Crazy_Reader #4
Chapter 8: I have just read this story once again. It's such a good story Author-nim. Bravo!
suhoohus #5
okay i love surene so i cannot wait to start this!
deenda #6
Chapter 8: I NEED MORE STORIES LIKE THIS !!! please make a sequel hehe
Chapter 8: I.LOVE.IT!!!! My heart can't take myeon's cuteness. I just found my fave Suho fic. UwU
Chapter 8: The definition of fluff and cuteness ❤️?
Chapter 8: The cutest ceoau story ever!! I wish i could upvote every chapter as well haha and i love exovelvet :)))
Astronautswhale #10
Chapter 8: So cute!!!