


Terakhir; Sufian Suhaimi.
Hi semua lama tak jumpa.  Cerita ni dah habis tapi dah dengar tak lagu Terakhir dr Sufian ni?

Ya ampun, lirik dia sangat sangat menggambarkan fotograf. Boleh jadi soundtrack fotograf ni!

Nah, dengar la lagu ni lepas tu cuba baca balik cerita fotograf ni. Kena kan? Kena kan? hahaha <3


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rereading this
and my heart still hurts
you majestic little star
misz_dina #2
Chapter 5: wLaupun pendek jer,tp padat.ohsem la oneshot ni.DAEBAK!!
Chapter 4: serious best!
Chapter 5: Ringkas dan padat.tidak complicated dan penggunaan bahasa aras tinggi yang tidak dapat dicapai oleh akal saya... hehehe keep up the good work cik author :)
Chapter 4: Okay nak comment ni. /cracks knuckles

First of all, cerita ni sangat mendalam maksud dia, even though jalan cerita boleh diagak sedikit, still, you managed to come up with an amazing storyline and ways of explaining things ;_;. Kai dengan perangai playboynya tu, Na Seon yang jadi keras hati, Baekhyun yang playful, semua perfect ;_;
Akak baru nak tanya maksud message yang Na Seon tulis kat belakang gambar tu LOL, and thank goodness you explained it in the epilogue. Bahasa tinggi sangat Sue guna ni OTL I just can't ;_;
And kenapa cepat sangat Baekhyun mati? ;_; OTL that's kinda shocking because I thought their relationship would develop throughout Chapter Two tapi tapi tapi /I shouldn't complain bc you're the author here but but ;_;

And everything else is perfect. Akak suka bila akak dapat bayang macam mana cantik and sempoinya si Na Seon tu, tapi seorang yang tak peduli pasal semua kecantikan bagai tu sebab focus dia on photography and her precious camera only. Tapi sedih camera tu jugaklah yang dah merakam segala perbuatan jijik orang tersayang dia pernah buat. Like, okayyyy sedih sangat. I really love it bila Sue buat analogy pokok tu :'> Bila fikir balik, betul jugak kan, hidup kita ni macam gelang pokok tu. Tapi sedih bila fikir balik pasal hidup Na Seon. She doesn't deserve this, lagi² bila Kai tipu dia ._. Akak mula² ingat Baek yang ada kat atas bangunan sekolah tu hahaha tapi macam boleh detect mesti Kai ni budak playboy.

Overall, semua perfect macam biasa MY HEART JUST SANK OKAY. Kalau Sue tulis buku, akak sure I'll be one of the loyal fans of your talent/books/writings/and you ❤ Keep on writing, dear. Don't ever waste it, okay? /silently clicks on the "subscribe to author's story" button :)
hannahhannah2 #6
Chapter 1: DAEBAK! nk nanges dh aku ni ;-; continue this hard work . fighting!
Chapter 5: story ni menyentuh jiwa raga...
story ni macam sangat bernyawa..tak tahu kenapa but tersngat daebak...bahasanya,cara penulisan,plot semua sempurna...im crying..huu T^T
ButterflyShida #8
Chapter 5: Akak daebak!!! Teruskan penulisan akak ni ye
Chapter 4: oh. em. ji.
sooo, sume mati.
feel gilaa. TT0TT
u shot me right in the kokoro.
u just make kai, who is ur current boyfriend, a douchebag. okay..
anyhow, alia sukaaaaaaa~ ohokohok.
/major thumbs up