Never Tell
Never Tell


The first time I met her was in San Francisco. I was traveling with my company of performers and happened upon her warm-ups. Of course, it was a full class... but my mind seemed set on her. Piles, degages, grands battements, every movement of the routine builds upon each other and gradually, it encompasses all of the body. The strength and endurance it takes to achieve. Instant captivation. Her highly arched feet, like that of a well-crafted statue, the perfect shape to complete the graceful line of the body. I have only seen a few dancers possessing such ideal feet.


And then, coup de foudre... struck by lightning. It was too perfect. Inhumanly so. That's when I decided to stay in San Francisco, join her company, attend her classes, and ultimately befriend her. A human who wishes to be a monster. Through her performances, she lays bare the urges to hurt, to take joy in manipulation, to lust for power. She explores every aspect of that darker side before purging it from herself. It brings tears to my eyes. That is the most memorable kind of dancing. She presents to her audience a compelling idea, it overwhelms and they have no choice but to follow it... while she's simultaneously hiding the real purpose of action so it's never seen. The core cloaking principles... of a spy. I wouldn't have known it... if it wasn't for her perfect feet.


Eventually we became more than acquaintances. Intimately link through dance. When she returned to her country, I joined her as a soloist. After two years of working closely with her, she surprises me... by marrying a monster. A monster who wishes to be human. When he smiles, no matter what mood you're in, you are made to return it... that smile. If anyone should be blamed for it all... it's him. He did it. He's the real monster.


I had thought we clarified this, Miss Shibasaki... the autopsy confirms it was a suicide.


You don't know the mentality of a dancer of her caliber. To thrive in such an environment, one is expected to work and grow continuously. Fear arises, but one must go on. She is not someone who would take her own life when things become too difficult. Even in the face of greatest despair.


We appreciate your story, Miss Shibasaki, but a confession is still in order. The murder of Kim Jaejoong and Wang Xinling's daughter, Kim Jaeling. Your accomplice has already made his confession. And now, it is your turn.


I don't think I understand you... how is it murder when she's still alive?


The girl is not alive. Your accomplice has made—


He lies! He is a liar to the very end! And you believe him? You people are stupid enough to believe him?


We know of your emotional distress. It is only natural to feel guilt. Guilt often leads to denial.


He told you I'm crazy, did he? He said she's only alive in my head, did he? He's a liar... he's a liar to the very end! You'd be a fool not to believe me. He has tricked you. Do you not know who he is? They are all spies. They are capable of such convincing lies. And you believe... so readily? Baka! Baka! Baka! She's not dead. Jaeling is not dead! I wouldn't kill her... not for all the luxury in the world. Don't you... don't you know? She's the most beautiful little angel you will ever meet on Earth.


Have you also forgotten the fact that you are also a spy?


Am I? Then who will you believe? Only one of us can be speaking the truth. Can't you tell?


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Looking forward to this. *in love with spy/assassin fics* GL Vi.

( ° 3 °)m