chapter 2

Until the ends of forever only with you.


The next day in school as luhan and sulli made their way thru the crowds everyone was staring over them ...

Sulli - from what i remember this is not something new then why is everyone shooting glare over us ? this is making me so uncomfortable luhan ...

luhan - you didnt know ? i uploaded our couple selca in my weibo the other day but i believe the main reason why they are looking right over us is because i actually used ur picture as my weibo dp ...

sulli - yahh , you how can you do this to me ? they might be thinking i forced you into this as u know how much they already hate me for being your so called best friend , how m i going to face them now ?

luhan - who cares right ? all i want is for all those fanboys of urs to stay away from you , and like you alys wanted i m being official with you not just in reality but even thru my sns acc..can u atleast aknowledge my sincere feelings for you ? 

sulli - how can you be so chessy early in the morning itself luhan ? and do u still remember you have tons of folowers in there what if they starts unfollowing you and the worst will u b able to stand it if someone speaks sth bad about me ?

luhan - that runs in my blood so dont act innocent i know there is firework running in ur hrt right now , and about the followers dont worry too much about it u know i m capable of dealing with every issues right ? 

sulli - lets see how u will deal with all those bad comments which are going to hit ur comment in the next few days and dont tell me i nvr warn you luhan..

luhan - you knw ppl cries n complains over every lil things and why shud we even waste our time over sth which does not even make any sense ? i know who you are and i dont give a about what others think about you ..

sulli - i wish if i was like you luhan but it rly gets me and sometimes it scares me thinking about how i am going to deal with all those hatred but everytime i see your face this burden starts disappearing and i am glad i have someone like you who is going to stand by my side thru thick n thin.

luhan - you know i will alys b here for you n we are in this together so dont burden urself with such thots ,, btw do you want me to give you some vitamins jinri ?

Sulli - vitamins ?

Luhan - wait for a sec ...

(taking a few steps ahead of her and standing right before her wearing a wide smile luhan cleared his throat and started off )
Dear Choi Jinri days are alys going to be long and its definately going to be unpredictable but i put all my faith in you that no matter how hard lifes get on you will alys stand strong and continue to be the same Old Jinri i have known for all this year long ..
This time i am going to stand by your side not just as your bestfriend but also as someone who loves you unconditionally n someone who is willing to promissy tect you and you have my word that during your hard times i will give you enough strength to keep going on ..
In return of everything that i am willing to offer i just want you to keep smiling , now will you smile for me ? please ?

Sulli on the other hand was speechless , this might sound so cliche but just like every other girl she too melted over those sincere words coming out from luhan..

Sulli - and what am i suppose to say now ? you are ruining my day luhan ..

luhan - its simple just smile for me .

sulli - i have been smiling all the times luhan ..

luhan - not that smile , i mean the real one ...

sulli - god what on earth are you trying to do luhan ? 

luhan - oh so you trying to play it cool now , alright take this one then ...


(closing the distance in btw them luhan started tickling her on the waist , then and there sulli brust out into a laughter )

Sulli - please stop it now , please....

Luhan - serves you right little missy .. any ways i got what i wanted so i will let it go now ..

Sulli - you are so weird how can you like my idiotic laughter , seriously i sound like a ahjumma when i laugh like that ...

luhan - you are even weirder then cuz you love the very fact that i like your laughter ...may be for you but for me its my daily dose of vitamin ..

Sulli - such a flirt ..lets go or else we will be punished for being late ...

(inside the class room )

Krystal - i am not even surprised but i have one question for you Jinri ..

Sulli - as expected from Jung huh ? shoot it i just hope i can give you the right answer though btw dont blame me if i fail this one ..

Krystal - the two of you its like you guys have been together for a very long time and how come you never get tired of each other ?

Sulli - that one is complicated but Jung do you know ? when someone makes you feel so comfortable even with the most akward conversation you ever had , when someone shouts over you for being so dumb , when someone cares enough to guide you through every lil s you have ever worked on , when someone is willing to accept you even with your flaws , when someone is daring enough to let others know how much they can stand you even when you are in your worst spot , may be thats how slowly they will grow in you and you become too addicted to them that you are not willing to let this chance slide ...

Krystal - how sure you are of your words jinri ?

Sulli - i swear instead of getting tired of him it is more of like i am getting so used to his existence day by day .. its just so different you know ? he is silently taking his root in me and the base is more then just stable ...jugn i am sorry i cant explain this feelings..

Krystal - i think i got you now and i am really glad he is the one for you , you guys are what we refer to as "meant to be " btw dont b too attached to the idea of living in fantasy though keke

Sulli - no worries i assure you luhan and i , we share the same world but definately its not fantasy dear Jung ...

Krystal - now now lets get going with our lesson oh btw have you completed your project ? 

Sulli - we are working on it i guess by next week we will be done , what about you Jung ?

krystal - how i wish if i have someone like luhan too or if i was you , how about we have a deal ? lets share ? 

Sulli - yahhh jung Soo Jung are you out of your mind ? i dont think you will go easy on me if i say something like "soojung ah lets share Jongin " ..

krystal - gosh girl you are so noisy you know i was just kidding , are you on your period or what ?

Sulli - hehe i was kidding as well ,  dont evn think about it and where is joing though ? i havent seen him around ..

Krystal - probably in basket ball court ...

Sulli - whats with that kind of response jung ? is everything all right ?

Krystal - idk .. i thot he was the one for me but i am not feeling this relationship Jinri ... i am confused and i need time ..

Sulli - ahh take your time n figure it out for good , i will wait until then and let me know if you need me ..well you knw you can alys count on me right ?

Krystal - i know right ?

Sulli- ahh this girl so full of attitude here .. but i love you so you have ur advantage ...

krystal - i win so how about we go out for shopping this weekends ? its already christmas now and we need to get some gifts for everyone ...

Sulli - umm sounds good then deal on sunday , now i need to go i have lot of things to take care of ...see yah in the evening ...lets walk home together ...

Krystal - all right Jinri take care until then ..

(in the basket ball court )

Luhan - how come you are here today Jongin ?

kai - Hyung are alone ? where is Jinri ?

Luhan - and why would she be here ?

kai - oh , it nearly slipped off my mind that cheerleaders will be practising in the evening only ..sorry..

Luhan - whats with that face ?

Kai - hyung this love life is so complicated dont you think so ?

Luhan - You just need to work out on certain things and everything will get back to how it was suppose to be , it just depends on how you deal with it ...i dont think its complicated..

kai - indeed you are more matured with your thoughts then me hyung , i just hope i can follow in ur foot steps...

Luhan - dont think about it too much .. give it some times and decide on whats best for yourself and her as well ...meantime dont be too selfish ...

Kai - i am trying not to be but it comes out naturally what am i suppose to do then ?

Luhan - just remind urself that she is someone you love and when you love someone you must respect them enough to let go ... that way your love will last for eternity sometimes ...

Kai - if i give up on her then a part of me will be gone as well , what good will it do to me ?

Luhan - even if you wont have her you will atleast have her memories and the memories itself is a big deal ... it gives you a entire new world where you can cherish every lil things about her .. dont you think its worth it ?

Kai - i think i am finally getting you hyung thank you for your words ...btw whats with that weibo dp thing ? are you seriously dating her ?

Luhan - why are you even asking like you never knew it would happen was given that she is the only one for me ...

Kai - no i mean its so sudden you know ?

Luhan - may be thats because i was too desperate waiting for this moment ...

Kai - friends turned lovers , thats a big deal ....i think it is one of the coolest thing ...

Luhan - trust me it really is specially when she is someone who can give sparks to your feelings...

Kai - who confessed ?

Luhan - we did , i was the first one followed by Jinri ...

Kai - how can you guys be this adorable ?

Luhan - we are ? 

kai - yes hyung ...

( meanwhile sulli who was heading towards the basketball court upon seeing luhan and kai together she decided to surprise them so she silently made her way towards the boys )

Sulli - am i interruppting something here ?

kai - not really we were talking about you guys only and how come you are alone today ?

Sulli - hopefully its not something bad you know i can get to the very end of your conversation Jongin ...oh and soojung she is still inside the classroom...

Luhan - you think i will let him speak something bad about you ? for god sake i am you boyfriend why are you even under estimating me Jinri

Kai - hyung is being over protective now how can you even stand him Ri ?

Sulli - oh i nearly forgot that you are my boyfriend luhan , well how can you expect me to remember you specially when someone as hot as Kim Jongin is right next to me ?

Luhan - Jongin you are getting on my nerves now ..

kai - what did i do hyung ? 

Sulli - he is probably still jealous over the fact that i called you the other day ?

Kai - ahh that was nothing hyung and how can you take her seriously , you do have a clue that jinri is a friend of Soojung right ?

Luhan - for a time being it skipped my mind but how come i never knew you were dating Soo Jung ?

Sulli - they were just going out nothing more luhan ...i wonder if this two kid was even serious with their relationship

Kai - dont remind me of that one ri and do thanks god cuz i was in the midst of asking you out if not for this hyung taking his step earlier then me  ...

Luhan - Jongin dont you ever dare cuz jinri is only mine ...fullstop now ..

Sulli - Jongin ah i know soojung can be real hard sometimes but please be careful not to hurt her feelings .. she is my only bestie ...

Kai - how can you say smething like that when i am the one who is being hurt right now ?

Luhan - try fixing it back who knows it might work out ?

Sulli - soojung is just being delusional i am sure she will get back to her right mind once she realise that its Jongin she has feelings for and not suho oppa ..

Kai - ahh its so complicated i dont think i can stand this anymore..

Luhan - giving up is one of the easiest thing you can do but after whats the "what if " word is surely going to haunt you so please..

Sulli - Luhan is right ... take some times but do take wise decision ,we dont want either one of you to go thru hard times ...

Kai - i think you guys will be my ideal type of a couple from here on , thank you both of you and Hyung you have got gold in there so better takecare of her ...

Luhan - i believe no one knows it better then me what i have actually got in here in the form of Jinri ... 

Sulli - shut up guys i m running out of words already...

kai - haha you are after all Jinri , lets go we have to do our projects now...

(after school soojung was waiting for Jinri near the school gate when out of sudden someone accidentally bumped into her )

Krystal - aishhh time watch your steps please ...

Kai - sorry soojung i was in a rush btw who are you waiting for ?

krystal - oh Jongin ? sorry i thought it was some random ppl ...well i am waiting for Jinri and where you are heading though ?

Kai - i am on my way to the store . mom asked me to bring some groceries...

Krystal - umm mind if i join you then ?

Kai - what about Jinri then ?

Krystal - Kai i know you have feelings for her but can you not make it so obvious infront of me ?

Kai - i was just ..sorry i dont mean to it just happened ...

krystal - dont worry i am not going to let her know about this secret btw the two of us and i have decided that i am going to work on our so called fake relation ..

kai - what do you mean SooJung ?

Krystal - give me a chance kai , i dont know if things will work out but i really want to try and be the one you can finally grow your feelings on..

kai - can you give me some time Soo Jung ? as much as i appreciate your concern i am also hoping for something good to happen but its not that easy ...

krystal - it wont ever be but you cant just stuck urself in here ... i am not asking you to give up on her kai , i am just asking you to let me be the one you can lean on during your hard times ..

kai - i hope you wont regret this choice of yours Soojung ..

Krystal - i dont think i ever will ..there is no harm in giving it a real try this time ...

Kai - if thats what you rly want then i respect your feelings .... 

Dear readers i hope you enjoyed this updates and i am really sorry if it was not up to your expectations and to those who have suscribed to my story thank you so much :)) please do comment and leave your feedbacks so that i can fix the errors i made while writing this story btw i will be adding new characters so prepare yourself , thank you and have a nice day :))) 





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Chapter 7: Happy new year!
I hope you can keep writing good ff especially sulhan one :)
I like this part so so soooo much! And please more fluff added in next chapter ;)
Chapter 6: Love this fic more and more. Sulhan is a cute couple! Need them to be real
Chapter 7: Lol jinri is being cute and y :)) too much fluff in here *^* luhan is the perfect boyfriend omggg so spontaneous! ♡
Chapter 5: Ahhh no hanlli moments here :(
And poor kai ...please let kai be happy ...
And please update soon :)
Chapter 3: Chanyuur XD that was cute
Anw need more intimate and funny moments of hanlli! Hehehe
Chapter 2: Ahhh they're my ideal couple fav couple best couple too jongin ahhhh
Chapter 1: Whoaaaa! So not-so romantic and funny! Ah too cute! Love sulhan!
f5sulli #8
Chapter 5: Ohh, poor kai, and I loved how thy still remained fried, both junglli and kailli.
can't wait for luhan surprise, Xmas special hehe
Chapter 1: Waahh!!! Update soon pls :)
f5sulli #10
Chapter 2: Ohh cute junglli friendship, and kai likes sulli, Yay! Go sulhan