The Cocoa

The Cabin: Volume 1

   Wendy’s party was underway and she was excited. All of her close friends had shown up and most of her family was in attendance as well. With everyone back together again it made her feel nostalgic.

   She circled the room and talked with everyone. She knew that these people had supported her dreams and she felt she must thank them personally. Wendy was used to crowds; she lived for them, and thrived from their energy. This was why she had become an entertainer. Even if it took her all night, she wanted each person she had grown up with to know what they meant to her. She might not get another chance for a while.





Later in the evening, when everyone had gone home, and Wendy was thoroughly exhausted, she went to find her mother to thank her for throwing the party.


   “Mom, where are you?” Wendy asked.

   “In the kitchen,” Wendy’s mom replied. Wendy trudged to the kitchen.

   “Hey Mom, I just wanted to thank you for throwing this party for me.”

   “You’re welcome, but I think there’s something you forgot to do while everyone was here. Did you forget someone?”


   Wendy’s eyebrows furrowed in thought, “why do you ask that?” Wendy said.

   “Have you seen Irene in the past 5 hours?”

    “…..I…..oh my gosh, Irene,” Wendy said.


   “You were so busy trying to please everyone else, you didn’t see Irene escape to the guest bedroom. She bowed to me on the way there.”

   “….” Wendy was speechless.

   “It would have been nice to introduce everyone to Irene, she stayed on the couch by herself for a while, then came in here to the kitchen and sat at the table. She couldn’t talk to many people. Remember the language barrier? Weren’t you supposed to be helping her this week?”


   “She didn’t seemed pleased, Seungwan, is this how you’ve been treating her all week?”

   “I-I-I’m so stupid, Mom!” Wendy exclaimed. “You’re right, I’ve been doing this all week. When we’re with my friends it’s been so difficult, I’ve ignored her even when she’s been beside me.” Wendy was incensed with herself. “Why am I like this mom? She’s so important to me.”

  “Are you afraid?” Wendy’s mom probed cautiously.

  “Afraid?” Wendy asked.

  “I saw how you were with her when you first came home, you held her hand, reassured her, helped her like she was made of glass. Then when everyone else showed up, you disregarded her. Are you afraid for everyone to know the truth?”

  “….the truth.” Wendy bowed her head as those words echoed loudly in her head.

  “The truth is powerful Wendy, are you afraid of what we may think? Because I’m not afraid of it.”




   After meeting downstairs, Wendy dragged Irene outside to build a snowman.

   “Do you wish your friends were here, Wendy? Or Joy or Seulgi?” Irene asked.

   “No, I’m here to spend time with you, I know I’ve made mistakes this week, but I want to be here with only you. I’m sorry if this isn’t fun,” Wendy said dejectedly.

   “It’s not that, Wan-ah. I just thought they may be more fun than me at things like this.” Irene said.

   “You’re right, they are more fun at things like this, making snowmen, singing silly songs, but you’re more important to me than just the fun of a moment. You’re everything…….that I’m not.” Wendy looked down at the snow.

   “You’re special to me too……” Irene whispered.

   Wendy looked up to see Irene close to her, staring with her deep brown eyes. Wendy smiled, “Let’s not get too serious out here, okay? We’ll talk inside? Let’s finish the snowman.”

   “….okay….I have to prove that I can be fun too, without the help of Joy and Seulgi.” Irene laughed.




   After taking a hot shower, and stoking the fire, Wendy took it upon herself to make cocoa for Irene and herself. Wendy knew that the time was approaching where they would have to have the “talk” they’d promised to have when they had been in the snow. The day had passed quickly, and most of that had been spent outside, but now the moment was upon them, and Wendy was nervous.

   With the water boiling, and the marshmallows at the ready, Wendy began to practice what she may say to Irene.


   “Hey…made some cocoa, want to sit and talk?”




   “Irene, I think it’s time that we have a chat!”




   “Hyun-ah, come sit down with me…”




   “Are you ready to talk……..”


   “What did you say?” asked Irene as she walked out of the steamy bathroom brushing her hair.




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Chapter 10: Ahhhhh cliffhanger 😭😭😭
so far, i really enjoyed the story so much, the cuteness, how they being lovely and honest to ech other🤧 can't wait for the next wenrene journey 💙💖
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 10: Holy crap the cliffhanger 😭
Chapter 10: I'm a few years late but just wanna say that I had fun reading this one.
mayjailer #4
Gosh this is so sweet I love it so much <3
Favebolous 11 streak #5
Chapter 4: somehow this chapter is funny
fatalpuppy #6
Chapter 10: I was a little afraid everytime i reached the bottom of the page cause i didnt want to reach the last chapter. This is one of those stories that comfort you and make you forget about the rest of the world. Very cozy, you know. When joygi pulled their prank on them i went "oh, so here comes the shattering cruelty of life... is this gonna be angst... damn", and I was gladly surprised that it was just that dumb duo being playful. Cant wait to read Part 2 and see how they react. Good job, author! Thanks for the fluff.
seungwan15 #7
Chapter 1: Wow!!! Why is it only now that i discovered this gem????!!! *sobs* the way u write is soooo beautiful ;^; can't wait to read the rest of the chapters...
This is one of the best WenRene fics that I've read.
Chapter 10: I just found this story today and I am totally speechless :x I am a er for cliffhangers, but that was just...UGH!!! Really excited for Volume 2! :D