
Birthday Letters




Dear, Jungsoo hyung.

Happy Birthday! I’m happy for you. You will surely be happy with the surprise we’ve prepared! Ups, I said it. Yah anyway, it’s not important. This is your birthday, hyung! And you have the rights to know everything, hehe.

I heard that Heechul hyung write a lot. I don’t wanna lose! Hehe. But I won’t say useless things like him, I’ll be honest. Well, I always am honest to you, hyung. Ah, I feel like crying when I write this. Will you cry when you read this? Hmm... I’m not sure. You’re not crying, hyung? But you know, I do really cry. I keep taking tissues because I’m afraid that this letter will be soaked because of my tears.

Hyung, you got a year again today. It feels so fast. You met me when I’m still in high school and take care of me until my age’s passed 20 like now. You’re the irreplaceable brother for me. You’re the hyung that I treasured like my own family. Super Junior is a family, but you’re more special than that. You’ve sacrificed yourself enough for us. I don’t want you to be sick or get into any accidents anymore. I don’t want you to be like what Kyuhyun experienced in the past. I can feel my heart stop beating when I heard that you, Hyukjae, Shindongie, and Kyu got into an accident. And both of you got more serious injuries.

Our is quiet big. But that doesn’t make me feel stiff. You always smile to us even in our hardest situation. You keep us energetic with your words. With you’re so not funny jokes. I’m so touched when you said that you’re going to take care of me because of your promise to my appa. Hyung, you don’t have to say that. You’ve taken care of me since the first time we met. As a dongsaeng, member, and your own family. You took a good care of me as a good leader. You took good care for other members as well. Actually, how many hearts did you have, hyung? Why can you give your hearts to the members this much? Your love is too much, hyung. You’re the one that are precious to me after my appa.

I heard about that accident. You keep calling Kyu that was still in the car. Why are you so stupid, hyung? Your life is in the edge but you’re still thinking about others. That makes me worried but relieved as well. You’re too kind. I’m sorry hyung, ’m not trying to remind you about that accident and compares you with Kyuhyun, but I was really scared that time. I’m sorry again. I cried and let my tears fall to the paper. Do i have to change the paper? But it will be the same. I’m sorry hyung.

There are more that I want to say, but then the paper will get wetter. I hope I can beat Heechul hyung. He’s not writing as much as I am, right? I hope.

Kyuhyun already stared at me in confuse because I keep crying. Hehe. Happy birthday, hyung. You’re the best leader ever. You’re the best hyung. I love you. I love you SO MUCH.


-Lee Donghae-



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pinkaddict #1
cool story!!