Monkey Returns

Birthday Letters





You’re Park Jungsoo for us no matter what. Park Jungsoo who’s sensitive, crybaby, and emotional. And of course, you’ll be a Leeteuk for us. Someone who’s special, kind-hearted, and always smile.

You both are the same person, so, stop trying to make differences between your own selves; Park Jungsoo and Leeteuk. Both of you are the same persone who will lead us wherever Super Junior steps. A strong leader who faces every problems with smile. You’re the one we’re proud of.

I’m sorry for being a problem for you, hyung. I hope someday I can be the one faces all the problems instead of you. I love you, hyung. Don’t get sick like yesterday again.

Happy Birthday!


-Lee Hyukjae-



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pinkaddict #1
cool story!!