Chinese Man

Birthday Letters



Dear Jungsoo-hyung,

Happy Birthday! Saengil chukkae! Congrats because today you’re older by one more year. I believe you’ll be more handsome. Or pretty? I don’t have much to say. I was shocked when Donghae called and asked me to write this. I’m sorry for all my fault, hyung. I miss you, Super Junior, dorm, even manager-hyung. I want to sing with you guys again, dance, and joke. I miss those days.

I feel coming back again. But it’s hard. I hope you guys are fine. Take care, hyung. I know you’re a leader. But don’t forget to eat. Visit me someday, I’ll cook you a whole plate of my beijing fried rice. Ah, I wrote this with Zhoumi and Henry. They’re obviously busy so I write this letter for them as well. Hyung, do you know? You’re the best leader for me and the members. Sometimes I envied you. You got a lot of loves from member yet problems and you always take care of them. As a leader, you’re the one who we lean ourselves to. Thanks a lot hyung.

Once again, Happy birthday.





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pinkaddict #1
cool story!!