Cute Yet Evil Magnae

Birthday Letters




Jungsoooooooooooooooooooooooo~ hyung.

Okay, that’s quiet long. Anyway, happy birthday.

You got your a new year added again, but don’t be sad. You’re not getting old. You’re fantastic. You didn’t lose any of your energy. Tsk, why so mushy. Blame Donghae hyung. He’s the one who taught me this.

Hyung, You know, right. Even though our ’s quiet big, we can be close. Or maybe it’s because my evilness? Hehe. I’m happy to know you. You’re so wise. Even though you’re somehow a loser. You’re older than me but you’re such a cry baby. Just kidding, hyung. I know those tears. You’re extremely strong. You’re taking care of the members more than yourself. Stupid! You should think of yourself as well. If you’re sick, you can’t take care of us anymore, right? Take care of your health, hyung. You know we love you, all of us.

Maybe I’m not as kind as Hangeng and Siwon hyung, not as wise as Heechul hyung and Yesung hyung, not mature enough like Kibum, not as cute as Sungmin hyung and Henry, not that funny like Eunhyuk and Shindong hyung, not as gentle as Donghae hyung and Zhoumi Ge, not innocent like Ryeowook, and strong like Kangin hyung. But I love you more than anything. You know when the MC asked which member I loved the most and I came to hug and kiss you, it’s not just a fanservice or lies in front of cameras. I do love you. Don’t you ever forget about that, hyung.

Maybe it’s enough for me to write. Ryeowook’s idea was quiet good because I don’t think I can say it straight to you. I keep erasing my letter to find the right words. I couldn’t even concentrate because of that pabo Donghae keeps on crying randomly.

Happy Birthday.


-Cho Kyuhyun-


P/s: kisses from Zhoumi Ge and Henry.



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pinkaddict #1
cool story!!