Chapter 5

Leaning is Strength

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Here is an update for you. I hope you like it.



Chapter 5


He had to do something. He had to find a way. Mark, the closest friend he'd ever had; his only friend, was depending on him.

"They want me to go there, but I can't go. Please, JinYoung."

"I think Mrs Shin is just worried about you, Mark. She just wants the nightmares to stop and for you to get better," JinYoung reasoned. "I don't want you to go either, but if talking to a professional will help you . . . "

"It won't help me," Mark insisted. "And she's only sending me there because she thinks I'm crazy."

"No, she doesn't she just wants you to feel better. She just wants to help."

"Do you think I'm crazy?" Mark asked looking steadily into JinYoung's eyes.

JinYoung felt as though Mark could see directly into his thoughts; as though he would be able to detect any semblance of a lie through the windows of his eyes. But there was absolutely no reason for him to lie. There was no reason why Mark shouldn't know exactly what he really thought.

"No, you're not crazy," JinYoung answered honestly. "But just as I'm sure of that, I'm sure that there is something upsetting you, something you can't seem to defend yourself against. She just thinks that if you talk to someone, a professional who's been trained to help, it might help you to fight against these dreams that are hurting you. If you could just talk to that person . . . "

"But that person is a stranger. They don't know me. They don't care about me. They won't believe anything I say. It'll just be some stranger who just looks at me like I'm a weird 'case'; someone who just wants to get their job done, they won't care about me," Mark said. "Why do I have to go away? Why can't I stay here? The dreams sometimes go away. Maybe that will last longer if I stay here."

JinYoung considered this point for a moment before saying:

"Mark, I'm not a stranger, right? And you know I care about you, right?"

"Of course, we're friends."

"So do you think . . . it might help if . . . would you maybe like to tell me about your dreams?"

Mark looked apprehensive.

"I . . . I want to, but . . . " he said looking at JinYoung, "you're my best friend. I don't want you to think I'm crazy."

JinYoung took both of Mark's hands in his.

"I would never think that," he said looking him unwaveringly in the eyes. "You believe me don't you?"

Mark looked down.

"I don't think you'd want to think it, but you might anyway . . . "

JinYoung lifted Mark's chin gently. And gazing at him with a kind, tender look, he assured him, "I promise you, I won't."

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

It was Minnie.

"Mark-Oppa!" she shouted cheerfully running to him.

Mark scooped her up in his arms and smiled at her.

"Hey, I'm here, too," JinYoung said.

"Sorry. Annyeonghaseyo, JinYoung-Oppa," she said bowing ceremoniously.

"That's better, " JinYoung smiled.

"Mark-Oppa, are you feeling better?" Minnie asked. "I heard a loud noise last night and Miss Kang told me you had a bad dream again." She the side of his face. "Are you better now?"

"Yes, I'm feeling better now. I'm sorry if I scared you," he said.

"It's okay," she said. "I have bad dreams too, sometimes." Then she, in her childlike way simply changed the subject. "Can we play now?"

Mark looked over at JinYoung.

"Go ahead. And don't worry, I'll take care of what we were talking about."

Mark set Minnie down and took her by the hand as they both went out to play.

And as soon as they left, JinYoung went to do what he'd promised.

*                                 *                                 *                                 *                                 *

"What can I do for you, JinYoung?" Mrs Shin asked him.

This was the first time JinYoung had ever asked to meet with her, so she was surprised to see him walk, voluntarily, into her office. He took a seat, cleared his voice and, trying not to look nervous, began to speak.

"Mark told me that you want to send him away."

"I don't think that it's a good idea to talk about Mark without him being here," Mrs Shin said.

"Mark won't mind. I promised him I would do something to help him to stay here, so that's why I came to see you," he said.

"Still . . . "

"Mrs Shin," JinYoung said moving forward to sit at the edge of his seat, "Mark is my best friend. Remember when he first came here? You asked me to help him with his schoolwork because he was so far behind and now he's almost completely caught up. He's doing a lot better, and a lot faster than anyone thought he would. He's a lot happier now than when he first came here, too. Minnie and the other children like him: he's out playing with them right now. He was really scared when he first arrived, but now he's doing better, so . . . "

"JinYoung . . . "

"He doesn't have to go, does he? If he goes, he'll have to change schools again, won't he?"

"Yes, I suppose he will, but . . . "

"But he's just got settled here. Won't that upset him a lot? Won't he fall behind again? And I'm sure he'll miss everyone here . . ." JinYoung was trying to think of all the reasons he could as fast as possible so that he could try to convince Mrs Shin to change her mind, because he could see that her face looked increasingly sceptical. She also had that, 'you don't quite understand the entire situation look' sprinkled with a small amount of the 'we know what we're doing and what we've decided to do is best for Mark' look.

So, he quickly continued on. "When he first got here, he didn't smile and he didn't want to talk to anyone. He wouldn't unpack his things either, for the longest time. But now he's unpacked all his things and put them away. He thinks of this place as his home. Won't it hurt him if he's sent away?" JinYoung tried.

"JinYoung," Mrs Shin said leaning forward to address him kindly, "I know Mark is your friend and you are concerned for him, but so are we. We also have to think of the other children. He's still having nightmares and judging by what happened last night, they seem to be getting worse. Now, that's not good for him and it's not good for the children who have also been entrusted to our care. I'm sorry, I can't let this situation continue. I have to think of him, but I also have to think of everyone else."

JinYoung couldn't give up. "But, couldn't he just keep living here and maybe see a therapist as well? Does he have to go away?"

"Child Crisis is an in-house programme. And if he's getting care around the clock, he'll get better faster, won't he?" she said in a voice that didn't make that sound like a question, but rather an assertion. "That way, he can have intensive therapy and return to us quickly," Mrs Shin said with a confident resolve.

JinYoung could see that there was no use in going on. She was convinced that sending Mark there would be the best thing for him, and nothing JinYoung could say would change her mind.

"So if there's nothing else . . . " she said.

"No . . . there's nothing else." He rose to leave. "Just . . . could you tell me when Mark will be leaving?"

"They will be here to pick him up on Monday morning."

JinYoung smiled a polite smile and bowed. "Thank you for seeing me, Mrs Shin."

"You're welcome, JinYoung. Come and see me anytime," she smiled in return, inclining her head slightly as a sign that their meeting was at an end.

He left, closing the door behind him.


That night, as if to confirm Mrs Shin's words, Mark had another nightmare. JinYoung got to him quickly and quieted him, but not before the noise had awakened a child or two. JinYoung knew that once Mrs Shin heard about this, she would be even more certain that she'd made the right decision, but JinYoung was just as certain that she hadn't.


That night before bed, Mark had sat on JinYoung's bed and told him something that convinced his friend decisively that Mrs Shin's decision was wrong.

Mark had already been to Child Crisis.

So, that's why he'd said that he couldn't 'go through it again'. . .

He wouldn't tell JinYoung much else other than that they didn't listen to him. They only listened to other adults. He had a faraway look in his eyes when he said that, that worried JinYoung.

If he goes back there, he might break forever.

He couldn't let that happen. He pulled Mark into his arms. He rocked him gently and his back. Mark just sat there stiffly for a few minutes before he lifted his arms and returned JinYoung's hug.

Then, as he held him, JinYoung spoke softly, next to his ear.

"I won't let them take you back there, Mark. I promise."

Mark slackened his hold on JinYoung just enough to pull back to look at him. Was he telling the truth? He looked into JinYoung's eyes.

He was.

"But how? How can you stop it?"

"I'm not sure yet, but there's no way I'm going to let this happen. I'm not going to let them force  you to go there."

"But you already spoke to Mrs Shin and she . . . "

"Shhh," JinYoung soothed. "Don't worry about that. I'm going to find another way. You trust me, don't you?"

"I trust you," Mark said gazing steadily into his eyes.

"You should," JinYoung said. "I'm your best friend," he smiled.

Mark smiled back and then both boys held each other tightly, leaning against each other with only thoughts of staying together no matter what, filling their minds.

*                                 *                                 *                                 *                                 *

"Make sure you take all the warm clothes you can fit," JinYoung whispered.

"I've packed them all," Mark answered. "I've still got some room. Should I take a blanket, too?"

"That wouldn't hurt. Just double check and make sure you've got everything you need."

"I forgot my toothbrush," Mark said worriedly.

"I took it when I got mine earlier. And some toothpaste. Don't forget a towel and a washcloth."

It was 2am. They'd had to wait until late to get started. Miss Kang had only turned off her light at 12:30am and they had to wait until they were sure she was fast asleep. So, as soon as 1:30am arrived, after they were sure they'd heard and seen no signs of stirring,  they'd both started hurriedly packing their cases. It was JinYoung's idea. It was part of his plan.

"Where are we going, JinYoung?" Mark asked. JinYoung hadn't shared that part of his plan with him. "We don't have any money."

"I have a little. I always save up most of my pocket money, so we won't be totally broke. But we won't need much where we're going anyway."

"Where's that?" he asked again.

"Shhh," JinYoung whispered conspiratorially. "It's a secret," he smiled.

In a few minutes, their bags were packed and leaning next to their door.

"Are you sure that you have everything?" JinYoung asked.

"I'm sure."

"All your textbooks and notebooks in your backpack?"


"And all your pens and pencils?"

"All there."

"Okay, then I think we're ready. Remember, don't make a sound." JinYoung cautioned.

They opened the door and made their way into the hallway. JinYoung then turned into the kitchen. "We'll go out the back door. It'll make less noise that way."

They started across the kitchen, when JinYoung stopped. He whispered very quietly, "let's take some food with us. I'm not sure when we'll have a chance to eat," he confided.

Mark felt a little anxious. JinYoung knows where we're going, but he doesn't know when we'll eat?

He also didn't like the thought of stealing food and told JinYoung so, in hushed tones.

"I'm sure Mrs Lee won't mind. She'd probably be on our side if she knew what was going on. And she'll be worried if she thinks we haven't eaten."

They stuffed some food into their bags and JinYoung scribbled a quick note. Then, they headed for the back door.

There, they paused for just a moment. They looked into each other's eyes as if to ask if they were really going to do this and if it was such a good idea after all. But JinYoung couldn't let them take Mark away. He was his best friend. And he'd promised.

And Mark couldn't go back to that place. Not after what had happened last time.

So, taking strength from each other, they carefully opened the door and crossed its threshold. And though they were slightly scared at the sense of finality that came over them at the thought of what lay before them, they quietly, but determinedly closed the door behind them.


They walked along quickly, carrying and dragging their bags through the streets. They walked down familiar roads, passing familiar buildings towards an unfamiliar future.

But, remarkably, before long, they'd arrived at their destination.

Mark looked shocked.

"What are we doing here?" he asked.

"This is it. We're here. Take a look at our new home," JinYoung smiled.

They were standing in front of their school.

*                                 *                                 *                                 *                                 *

"We'll be fine here," JinYoung said as he set the alarm for 6:30. "If we get up then, we'll have enough time to clear everything away and move to another spot Mr Kim comes in.

"How can we stay here?" Mark asked. "School? They've find us."

The boys were laying on mats in a corner of the gymnasium. They had made pillows by piling some of their clothes in a heap.

"Don't worry, Mark-Hyung," JinYoung said, "I know this place like the back of my hand. I know where people go and where they don't and when. I've spent half my time here trying to find places to hide from bullies. And, believe me, when a bully wants to find you, they're not like teachers; they won't give up. Anyway, when I was in one of my hiding places, no teachers or bullies could ever find me. They were only got hold of me when I was on my way from one class to another or on the way to or from the bathroom. But usually they caught me after my last class when I was on my way home. And that won't be a problem since we won't be going home," he deduced. "It won't be easy to find us. And, think about it: nobody will think we came here. They'll look everywhere else for us: train stations, the jimjilbang, probably even some cheap motels, but they won't think to look here. It's perfect," he smiled.

Mark smiled back, but behind that smile, he still looked a little worried.

"Come on, let's try to get at least a few hours worth of sleep," JinYoung said spreading out his blanket, and then laying down.

Mark took his place next to Jinyoung, laying underneath his own blanket.

But after a few minutes, both boys noticed that an empty gymnasium in the middle of the night was a very chilly place indeed.

"It's so cold," Mark said, his teeth slightly chattering.

"I know. I'm freezing," JinYoung said. "We're going to have to share these blankets. He took his off and standing up shook it flat and laid it on top of Mark's. That shake had blown cold air onto both of them making them shiver even more.

Then he quickly crawled in under both blankets, next to Mark.

"If we take our coats off and lay them on top of the covers, the insulation will make the blankets more effective," he suggested.

"But without our coats . . . " Mark started.

"We can get warmer with body heat," JinYoung explained. "Then the blankets and jackets will hold in the heat we produce. We just have to sleep really close together."

Mark looked at him.

Then he began to feel the strange sensation of his heart pound hard in his chest again, just as it had when JinYoung had asked to hug him.

JinYoung gestured for Mark to come into his arms. Moving his piled-clothes-pillow closer, Mark slid into JinYoung's arms. JinYoung flung his leg over Mark's and used it to pull him even closer. Mark closed his eyes and nestled even closer to JinYoung, if that were possible.

The feeling of Mark's body pressed so close against him was a sensation that felt comforting to JinYoung, yet it was causing him to experience some alarming new reactions. For one, he felt as if his temperature had suddenly risen several degrees and flooded his entire body.

After a few minutes of snuggling together, he asked gently, "feeling warmer?"

"Mmm-hmm," Mark hummed contentedly.

"Good," he said smiling serenely as they held one another in a snug embrace. "Sleep well, Mark-Hyung."

All their tensions, and the difficulties and fears that had been troubling their thoughts, slipped slowly away into oblivion.  As they lay enveloped in each other's arms, they slept deeply and peacefully, as if they hadn't a care in the world.

And that night, as he slept, Mark didn't have a nightmare. But, that had already happened before, so it wasn't so surprising.

But something else was.

He had a good dream.

It was the first time he could remember having had a pleasant dream in years. In it, he was almost unbearably happy. He was so happy, that when he awoke from it, he felt refreshed instead of how tired he normally would have felt after getting so little sleep.

JinYoung was finding it hard to wake up, but they still had a couple of minutes before they absolutely had to get up. So he took those few moments to look at JinYoung. He watched him as he slept and could only think that with him, life could be as wonderful as that dream. Because in real life, JinYoung was with him. And he was beautiful. Just as he had been in the dream.

And, in that moment, Mark realized something earthshattering. And this something made him feel happier than he would have thought was possible. But, at the same time, he also felt frightened, because he'd discovered something that could change everything.

Mark loved JinYoung.



Thanks for reading. I will update again soon.  (*^_^)

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Sophia1017 #1
Chapter 14: i came back to read this even though i know its not yet completed. i love the story. i lived re reading how they were there for each other. i hope someday you will have the inspiration again to finish the story. with a happy ending ofcourse. 😊😅
xoxomaurice #2
xoxomaurice #3
xoxomaurice #4
Bettsums #5
Will you ever finish your stories?
Risa04 #6
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
jinyngz #7
Chapter 14: Ahhh your stories are so good!!! I hope you'll get to update soon <3
Markjin_trash #8
Chapter 14: I love this story so very much. Please update soon? Thanks author-nim~
Chapter 14: Update please PPPLLLLEEEAASSEEEEEEEEEEE <3 <3 <3
Risa04 #10
Update please :(