Chapter 4

Leaning is Strength

Oh, no . . .  :(

I can feel this story getting away from me and starting to write itself.

It was just supposed to be a one-shot and now . . .    

Anyway, here is the next chapter. Hope you like it.



Chapter 4

On his way home to JinYoung, Mark pondered TaekMyun's words.

He broke my nose . . .

He just lost his temper . . .

Everybody's a little afraid of him . . .

When he loses it . . .


After putting down his bag and washing his hands, he went straight to JinYoung's bedside. He was asleep. Mark sat down gingerly on the side of his bed and looked at him. His face was so peaceful and gentle as he slept. He reached for his hand and held it carefully. He still felt warm, but his temperature must have dropped because he didn't feel anywhere as warm as he had this morning. The medication must have been working.

As he looked at his face, he wondered again if it could be true that he had broken TaekMyun's nose. It was hard to believe. And that wasn't because of how he looked just now: vulnerable and innocent. It was because of how he was.

Mark hadn't known him for very long, yet they had spent a lot of time together. While he was teaching Mark, even when it took a long time to understand what he was teaching him, JinYoung had never lost his temper. He had always answered every question and explained and given examples as many times as Mark needed until he understood. He was kind to him.

The children were another thing. None of the children had ever shown any sign that they were afraid of JinYoung and children were a great gauge where that was concerned. If they were afraid of someone, it would show, no matter how much they tried to hide it.

He should know.

But, why would TaekMyun say something about JinYoung that wasn't true?

Mark looked at JinYoung's face again. Although he loved the way it looked, he also liked the way it looked when he was awake. When he would smile. When he was concentrating. When he was explaining things. When he would laugh.

All of the faces of JinYoung were intriguing.

All of the faces of JinYoung, Mark found . . . endearing.

He felt a tug deep within him as he thought of it.

And while he stared at him and held his hand, JinYoung began to stir. His eyes slowly opened and he his lips before speaking.


"Mark-Hyung . . . " he said, his voice hoarse with illness and sleep.

"JinYoung, you're awake? You must be thirsty. I'll get you some water."

JinYoung held onto his hand.

"Don't leave me," he said in a raspy voice.

I'll get you some water. It'll soothe your throat and you should drink a lot when you have a fever," Mark said patting his hand. "I'll be right back."

He slipped his hand out of JinYoung's to bring him some water.


"Mrs Lee gave me this tray. It's got water, juice and some fruit. She says it has everything you need to get better," Mark said as he settled down next to JinYoung's side pouring his water. He held the glass as JinYoung sipped the water through a straw. He was parched.

Just sitting up and drinking had taken it out of him. He collapsed wearily on the pillow breathing hard.

"JinYoung, are you alright?" Mark asked anxiously.

"I'll be fine in a minute. I guess I'm weaker than I thought."

He reached for Mark's hand.

"But, I'm glad you're here with me," he said earnestly.

"I didn't want to leave you this morning, but Miss Jung said I had to go to school."

"She was right. I would have felt even worse if you'd missed a day because of me. How was it? Did you raise your hand today?"

"No. I didn't have a chance to. I made a lot of notes. I didn't want you to miss anything, so I wrote as much as I could."

JinYoung's eyes, which were dull with fever began to shine.

I am so proud of you Mark. So proud . . .



"Someone at school wanted me to give you their regards and their wishes that you'll get well soon."

JinYoung didn't know anyone who would do that.

"Who was it?"

"Someone named Cho TaekMyun," Mark replied.

"Cho TaekMyun?"

"Yes, he said . . . "

JinYoung sprang up, adrenaline giving him temporary strength, and grabbed Mark by the shoulders. In his anger and fear JinYoung forgot that being grabbed frightened him. "Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Did he do anything to you?"

Mark began to shake.

"He . . . he . . . didn't do anything. He just . . . he just . . . " he stammered.

"Mark! . . . Mark! Tell me what he did to you!" JinYoung insisted.

"He . . . he . . . didn't  . . . he only . . . " Mark couldn't get the words out. JinYoung was scaring him.

"Mark, tell me what it is," he said, trying to be calm. But just the thought of TaekMyun being anywhere around Mark was making him feel angry. And the knowledge that that happened while he was here and Mark was alone made him feel powerless.

Mark desperately pushed JinYoung's hands off his shoulders and stood up. He was still breathing heavily and looked so frightened that JinYoung was sure TaekMyun had done something to him.

"Did you . . . did you . . . break his nose?" Mark asked panting hard.


"He said . . . you broke his nose. He said . . . you have a bad temper," Mark said shakily.

JinYoung didn't know what to say. He used to have a bad temper, he couldn't deny that, but only because those bullies would never leave him alone. These days, he hadn't lost his temper because they were no longer bothering him. But, how could he explain it so that Mark would understand?

"I . . . I did break his nose," JinYoung admitted.

Mark looked away.

"It was during a fight. . . . To tell the truth, I used to have a lot of troubles at school. I used to have a bad temper but that was because they kept provoking me. I can't explain everything now, but I don't usually have a bad temper and I don't have one anymore," he tried.

But all Mark could hear was the memory of a rough voice in his head.

I didn't want to do it, but you provoked me. It's your fault. If you wouldn't provoke me, I wouldn't . . .

"Mark . . . "

Why do you keep making me do this to you? If you would just behave I wouldn't have to . . .

"Mark . . . "

But Mark just looked at JinYoung with fear and confusion in his eyes. Then, without speaking a single word, left the room.

Mark, please don't leave me . . .

That night Mark's nightmares returned. Miss Kang had to go to him because JinYoung was too weak to get out of bed. As JinYoung heard her soothe and comfort him, he felt helpless because it couldn't be him.

Each day, Mark would wake up and get ready for school, exchanging very few words with JinYoung. When he returned, he would bring him a tray, and even help him drink, but things weren't as they had been before.

Mark would avoid his eyes and this hurt JinYoung more profoundly than he ever would have thought possible.

He's afraid of me. Why is he afraid of me? I would never hurt him. Doesn't he know that?

But, the truth was, each day Mark was getting more and more afraid of JinYoung.

TaekMyun and his friends were regaling him with accounts of JinYoung's fights every day during lunch. Mark didn't want to believe it, but other students agreed with what TaekMyun was saying and as far as Mark was concerned he couldn't think of any reason they would all have to lie.

So, by the time JinYoung was well-enough to return to school at the end of the week, the damage had been done.


JinYoung took his seat next to Mark as usual, but Mark had never once looked in his direction. When the bell rang, Mark headed straight for the lunchroom and sat by himself. JinYoung sat next to him and they ate in silence. Until . . .

"Pak JinYoung. I heard you weren't feeling well. Did Mark give you my regards?"

It was the taunting voice of Cho TaekMyun. JinYoung couldn't stand hearing Mark's name come out of TaekMyun's mouth.

"What do you want," JinYoung growled, standing up.

"Hey, why so testy? I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Mark said you were sick," TaekMyun grinned.

"Look, I'm only going to say this once: stay away from Mark," he warned. "I mean it . . . "

"I only came over here to be nice. I don't think you should be getting so upset about nothing. You were the one who broke my nose, remember? Not the other way around."

Mark was feeling more nervous and scared as he sat there. He didn't want to see a fight break out.

"I mean it, TaekMyun."

"I can talk to anyone I want and if I want to talk to Mark, I will. While you were gone, we got along fine, didn't we Mark?"

Mark just looked bewildered and nodded his head slowly.

"See? You're the one making trouble, JinYoung, not me." He reached over an brushed invisible dust off of JinYoung's lapels. "When are you going to learn to control that temper of yours, huh?" he asked snakily. "You really, really, really have to get yourself under control. If you don't there's no telling how you'll end up. Or, anyone who happens to be around you."

Mark could now see what was really happening. TaekMyun was making sure to say things that sounded right; things that if you were to repeat them would sound harmless, but his voice, his eyes, his manner were communicating something else.

JinYoung was being provoked. And it looked as though he might be ready to retaliate.

Bad temper or no bad temper, JinYoung was his friend and Mark had to help him; to save him from TaekMyun and from himself.

He took JinYoung's hand and held it tightly. When JinYoung felt Mark's hand in his, he turned to him.

"Let's go," Mark said, looking him steadily in the eye.

JinYoung saw in his eyes that Mark was frightened, but he was fighting that overpowering feeling just to stay by JinYoung's side.

And probably to stop me from doing anything dumb . . .

JinYoung nodded once and then, with his hand still in Mark's, they both left the cafeteria.

"It looks like our JinYoungie is in love," he smirked to his cronies. "Well, if he's going to be a ****** at least he has taste."

Although he wanted to, TaekMyun knew better than to follow them. It was one thing to see each other, accidentally in the lunchroom, but going after them would be hard to explain. Principal Nam had personally told him to stay away from JinYoung, and something of the consequences that would result if it could be established that he started any more trouble. If he went after them, there would be plenty of witnesses to report what happened. He couldn't chance it.

This time.


The rest of the day Mark and JinYoung hardly spoke a word to each other. They finished school, travelled home together, ate, did their homework together, only talking when it was necessary, and then each got ready for bed. Neither had any idea how to start talking about what they each wanted to say.

But, that night as Mark slipped into bed, JinYoung walked over and sat on his bed.

"Mark . . . I just wanted to thank you for today. If you hadn't done what you did, I might have got in trouble again."

Mark just lay there looking at JinYoung, the look in his eyes soft with understanding.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. I'll understand if you don't want to be around me much anymore," he said quietly.

"I . . . I'm the one who's sorry," Mark returned. "I was sort of scared of you because of what TaekMyun said, but I shouldn't have believed him. Today, when I saw what he was really like, I felt . . . I . . . I . . . was ashamed because I'd believed him and not you . . . you're my friend and I didn't believe you . . . "

"It's okay, Mark-Hyung . . . "

Mark smiled because JinYoung called him 'hyung'. He didn't know why, but it gave him a nice feeling inside. It made them seem close, somehow.

"We'll always be friends, won't we?" JinYoung said, taking Mark's hands in his.

"Yes," Mark breathed.

Then JinYoung the hair across his forehead tenderly. His eyes were filled with so much affection that, as Mark watched him, he thought his heart would burst.

He hadn't felt so much love coming from anyone since . . .


He shuddered at the memories that flooded his mind, unpermitted, unwelcome . . .

"Mark, what's wrong?" JinYoung asked anxiously.

"I . . . I . . . it's . . . it's nothing," Mark finally uttered haltingly.

JinYoung wanted Mark to tell him. He wanted to help Mark, but the other wouldn't let him in. He knew better to press the subject: he didn't want him to be any more upset than he already was. Not after today. He just hoped that one day Mark would trust him enough to confide in him.

"Can I hug you?" JinYoung asked.

This was the first time he'd asked Mark that question. For some reason, Mark began to feel his heart beat a little harder and faster. He answered by sitting up in bed and leaning towards JinYoung. As he felt his arms encircle him, Mark leaned his head on JinYoung's shoulder and felt him rub his back gently. Mark then slowly raised his arms and held JinYoung.

They had hugged many times before. The hugs of those times, born of Mark's terror and JinYoung's desire to comfort him, had been even closer and tighter than the embrace they were sharing now. But, this felt so different. They both felt that there was a difference, but neither knew why.

After a long while, JinYoung pulled back. He looked into Mark's eyes and brushed a few stray hairs away from his forehead. He felt a pull in the darkness of Mark's eyes. Eyes that were somehow revealing Mark to him, if only he had the courage to find out what lay behind them.

"We should go to sleep now," he whispered softly.

Mark just continued to look into JinYoung's eyes, almost willing him to know what lay inside him.

But, JinYoung just the side of Mark's face, slowly and tenderly tracing its outline. He was so intrigued by this quiet, timid boy. He felt as though he wanted to know everything about him; share everything with him; be the one he could lean on whenever he was in need. He felt suddenly and intensely that he never wanted to leave his side.

I feel like I could give anything, just as long as it would make everything alright for him. Anything, just as long as it would mean he would be happy. Is this what true friendship is about?


"Goodnight, Mark-Hyung. Sleep well and have beautiful dreams," JinYoung said.

As he rose from the bed, Mark reached out and took his hand.

Then he lifted that hand slowly to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

"Goodnight, JinYoung-ah."


As JinYoung lay in his bed, his entire body felt like it was on fire.

What was that? And, why do I feel this way?

He could still feel Mark's lips against his skin. The image of him tenderly kissing his hand, vivid in JinYoung's mind, played and replayed, raising in him feelings he'd never felt before. Those feelings disturbed and confused him.

But the feel and the image, as they lingered, were also . . . so strangely pleasurable.

It took a long time for JinYoung to fall asleep.

*                                 *                                 *                                 *                                 *

It was a bad night. One of the worst he'd had so far.

Not even JinYoung's presence could sufficiently calm him. Miss Kang had to come and many of the children woke up crying and afraid. It took over an hour to get everyone calmed down and back to sleep.


The following morning there was a big meeting. Then Mark was called in.

"I'm sorry, Mark, but this can't be allowed to continue. The situation is getting worse and worse. You don't want these dreams to go on either, do you?"

"No, Mrs Shin," Mark said looking down. He looked just like he did the day he arrived.

"We're here to help you, you know that, don't you, Mark?"

"Yes, Mrs Shin."

"Then, as long as you trust us, we can work together to make sure you get better."

*                                 *                                 *                                 *                                 *

Mark burst into the room. He looked terrified.

"JinYoung! . . . JinYoung!" he shouted.

"Mark, what's wrong?"

"Don't let them do it," he pleaded. "Don't let them. I can't go through it again," he started to sob. "I can't go through it again . . . "

He held Mark tightly, promising himself that, if he had any power to stop it, he would never let anyone or anything hurt Mark.

"Mark, tell me what's wrong?"

"They want me to go away, JinYoung."

"Who wants you to go away?"

"Mrs Shin. Miss Kang, Miss Jung . . . all of them."

 "I don't understand . . . . Where do they want you to go?"

Mark couldn't answer.

"Mark . . . Mark-Hyung . . . please . . . tell me . . . "

Mark swallowed hard, though his mouth was dry. Then, looking into JinYoung's eyes, he said in a trembling voice . . .

"Child Crisis."



I have an outline, so I'm hoping this story won't get too far away from me. I'll try to reign it in.

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Sophia1017 #1
Chapter 14: i came back to read this even though i know its not yet completed. i love the story. i lived re reading how they were there for each other. i hope someday you will have the inspiration again to finish the story. with a happy ending ofcourse. 😊😅
xoxomaurice #2
xoxomaurice #3
xoxomaurice #4
Bettsums #5
Will you ever finish your stories?
Risa04 #6
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
jinyngz #7
Chapter 14: Ahhh your stories are so good!!! I hope you'll get to update soon <3
Markjin_trash #8
Chapter 14: I love this story so very much. Please update soon? Thanks author-nim~
Chapter 14: Update please PPPLLLLEEEAASSEEEEEEEEEEE <3 <3 <3
Risa04 #10
Update please :(