Silent Charisma

Before and After: The SHINee affect


Dear reader,

I figured since I'm throwing this journal after I finish it I might as well say dear reader. What's your name? How old are you? How did you come across this journal?
It was October 22 the year is of no importance to the journal. Well today is the 22...oh whatever.
It had been about a month since my on again off again rendezvous with Jonghyun. He would catch me off guard in the morning with his kisses. It would leave me in a daze for the rest of the day. But this month is different! This month I shall not succumb to his feather light kisses that make my knees wobble. The thrill it gave me of knowing he looked at me and not my sister,of who was only 3 years older then him. I shall prevail and end this inappropriate relationship of Oppa and Yodongsaeng if it so much as
kills me!
...Well not so much that last part but you get the drift.
It had to be around the time I was getting out of study hall. There was this extremely tall guy getting goo-goo eyed and gawked at by girls in my school and high school. He was extremely attractive no doubt about that one. This silence that caused girls to flock together and surround him.
His name...was Choi Minho. He had been in my school when I was in fifth grade. I am quite thankful I didn't have to change schools for junior high. It went all the way to 9 (A/N: forgive me. I don't know how the Korean school system works)
I was quite curious as to why he was standing outside of the school.
"Uh...excuse me" I murmured,"It might not be any of my business but why are you standing out here in the cold Minho-ssi?"
He turned towards me,"I'm waiting for Taemin. Do you know where he is?" he questioned looking down. I smiled and nodded,"Mm~ Ne. He should be coming out soon. He was in study hall with me"
Minho smiled,"Kamsahamnida uh..."
"Minhee" I said bowing,"Park Minhee. Nice to meet you Minho-ssi"
"Likewise" he says back.
"If you want I can keep you company. I have nothing else better to do" I said looking up at the giant.
"So if you had something else important to do you would not keep me company?" he said in a hurt voice. His eyes twinkled letting me know he was joking.
I sniffed and turned my head away,"I refuse to answer that question"
"Fair enough, and yes your company is greatly appreciated" he said nodding.
"So...I'm curious. What's high school like?" I said scratching my head.
"This times 10" he said sighing.
"Hyung!" someone yelled running.
"That should be Taemin" I said walking off.
"Where are you going?" Minho asked looking at the dark sky.
"Home" I said in a duh voice.
"You can't go home by yourself" Taemin yelled looking at me,"It's not safe"

I sighed looking at him,"What are you going to do about it?" I questioned.
"Walk you home" Minho said. I cursed under my breath,"No no. Thats okay"
"You really have no choice when Minho makes up his mind" Taemin whispered before getting smacked.
"Aigo~ Whatever floats your boat I guess." I sighed in exasperation. 

Minho walking me home was a feat of itself. He is quite tall...and hot...and girls are like carnivorous man eaters. I'm serious we smell a hot guy a mile away. So he was constantly stopped,
"Oppa...are you dating anyone?"
And guess who he used as a cover...Mhm you got it...Taemin.
"Hyung you said only I can call you Oppa when we know" Taemin would blush. Minho would look over to him,"Taemin-ah not in front of the girl"
I would sigh and sit down or walk away as the girl would pout and back away. Then they would catch up to me and continue to play around.
"That is so wrong" I said rolling my eyes,"Your using his cute acting skills for your own benefit"
"Keeps the chicks away" Minho said looking at me. I rolled my eyes,"Your such a "
"Is that any way to speak to your Oppa?" Minho asked.
"No" I said laughing,"But this is my stop"
"Well I can't just leave without a parting gift" Minho said smirking.
"Hyung ple-"
"What do you me-" I was kissed by him. It was sudden, so fast. So...nice. I waved smiling like an idiot when I walked into the house.
"What the hell was that?" Jonghyun asked pissed.
For tonight dear reader,

"There are no questions. Just simple confusion"

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Oh boy! Caught!!!
First I just want to say I had to reread this story because it is so good second, that was not a bad chapter at all!!! Showing you an angry face for that! I really liked it!!! I LOVED The Gifs!!! This story is so much fun to read!!!!
Omg I love your story its so funny!! I just hope dino and the girl don't get caught...<br />
please update soon!!
me too!awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Uh Oh if Key finds out... I can't wait to read Minho's and Taemin's Chapters!
If the fact that the first chapter didn't make me want to subscribe( which it did)the puppies at the end would! I saw the title and had to see what it was about because I love SHINee and then I read the first chapter started laughing and realized I had to subscribe and then I saw the puppies and well I had alread decided to subscribe but they made me want to subscribe even more! Now I am going to read the other chapters.