
I'm Yours, You're Mine
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It was Saturday morning and Jiho has been awake for an hour laying in his bed. He’s passing the time by playing with his friends hair next to him; waiting for her to wake up. Her hair was soft and a dark brown- shoulder length.

She liked having her hair played with..especially by Jiho. Ever since they were little they’ve shared beds when one of them comes over. It was normal for them.

They met when Sohee moved in next door when they were 10 years-old- that was 8 years ago and they’ve been inseparable since.

Jiho scooted closer to her, burying his face in her hair and tucked his arm around her waist underneath her arm and closed his eyes. He opened them minutes later feeling Sohee scooching further into his embrace and smiled to himself.

"Good morning." Jiho whispered.

"Mm." Was the response.

"Did you sleep well?"


"Are you hungry?"


"Good. Go make something for us to eat."

Sohee rolled over to face Jiho and grabbed his nose between her fingers and moved his head side to side making him whine in pain.

“Ok ok ok ok! I’ll make it. Hm?” She grinned, letting go of his nose and pushed him off her. He was too touchy with her.

The friends were always touching; whether it be looping arms together or cuddling. It wasn’t just her, though, he did it with all his friends. Well, friends that didn’t push him off every time he tried to hold hands.

Jiho rolled off the bed thanks to Sohee kicking him with her feet. , groaning and whining, Jiho went downstairs to the kitchen and started making food.

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wanjeonhansol #1
Chapter 9: DONE ALREADY? TuT