Chapter 10



As Jae Ni arrived at her house, Woohyun smiled at her. She told him to wait one second as she went to check if anyone was home. Seeing that no one was home, she sighed. *They went somewhere without me again…*

Hearing her sigh, Woohyun asked what was wrong, to which she answered that she didn’t have anywhere to stay. Woohyun pointed to her house, tilting his head. Jae Ni shook her head,

“They went somewhere without me and I don’t have a key.” She lowered her head in shame of her sad life. Woohyun nodded as he came up with an idea.

“How about you come and stay at my place?” He asked, smiling at her as she bit her lip. She had not known Woohyun for very long, but the thought alone of sleeping outside sent shivers down her spine.

She sighed as she nodded hesitantly. Woohyun immediately brightened, sensing that Jae Ni was beginning to forgive him. In fact, she was still deciding whether she would forgive him or not. Due to Woohyun’s kind actions, she no longer knew which decision to go with, as both decisions had a down side.

“Well, then follow me.” Woohyun said, waving her over with his bag filled hands.

“Is it far?” Jae Ni asked, to which Woohyun nodded. Seeing the bags in his hands, she offered to carry some of them, but Woohyun, being the gentleman he was, shook his head. She sighed as she grabbed some of the bags anyways.

Woohyun chuckled as he jogged to catch up with her.

“You’re heading the wrong way.” He said, laughing as Jae Ni’s face reddened. He turned to his right, as Jae Ni followed behind closely, looking around at the eerie atmosphere like a paranoid person.

Noticing Jae Nis frightened behaviour, Woohyun transferred all the bags to one of his hands, grabbing her free hand with his.

“Don’t worry, I’m here, so no one can hurt you.” He assured Jae Ni. Jae Ni smiled at the warm feeling in her heart and squeezed Woohyun’s hands thankfully. Woohyun smiled as he continued to walk to his house.


They arrived in front of a small house, as Woohyun walked up to the doorstep. He told Jae Ni to wait as he stepped inside the house.

“WOOHYUN HYUNG! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” A girlish voice said from inside. *He has a girlfriend?*

Quiet murmurs followed, as a different voice yelled, “WHAT?! YOU DID WHAT?!” *How many people are there?*

Jae Ni stood awkwardly outside as she looked around at the building surrounding the small house. The door opened abruptly, as Woohyun stepped out and closed the door behind him. Woohyun sighed as he saw Jae Ni’s confused expression.

“If they do anything to you, you need to tell me right away araso?” Woohyun asked, putting his hand onto Jae Ni’s arm. Jae Ni tilted her head to the side, *What will his girlfriend do to me?*

Jae Ni nodded anyways as Woohyun opened the door, gesturing for her to walk in. She walked in slowly, only to come in contact with 6 pairs of curious eyes. She dropped her bags as her jaw hug open. *He didn’t tell me there were 6 guys here…*

She bit her lip as she shuffled and hid behind Woohyun. Woohyun chuckled as he moved out of the way, leaving Jae Ni standing in the middle of the crowd.

“Come on guys, introduce yourselves.” Woohyun said, as he gestured to Jae Ni.

“HELLO I’M SUNGJONG!” Jae Ni was slightly taken aback by his girlish voice, but recognised it as the voice from before. *Mmm so he doesn’t have a girlfriend.

“Sunggyu. Kim Sunggyu, nice to meet you.”

“I’m Dongwoo!”

“Howon. Lee Howon. But you can call me Hoya.”

“Sungyeol!” The tallest boy cheered as Jae Ni smiled.

“L.” Jae Ni furrowed her eyebrows at the boy’s extremely short introduction, but waved it off and she introduced herself quietly.

“I’m Jae Ni. Kwon Jae Ni. Sorry for intruding like this…” She bit her lip guiltily and looked down at her feet. Chuckles could be heard around her as she lifted her head curiously.

“It’s fine it’s fine. Woohyun already told us the story.” Sunggyu said, waving it off as Jae Ni looked over at Woohyun. *What exactly DID he tell them?*

Noticing Jae Ni’s stared, Woohyun looked away and rubbed his neck nervously. Jae Ni laughed as she smiled at him. Woohyun, taken aback by her smile, returned it. *Her smile is really cute.*

*I get the feeling my  stay here will be very interesting…* 


DADAAAAAA Infinite as a whole will probably be more of the main characters than just Woohyun for a while, just to make it 'interesting' :L 


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Chapter 69: Awww that was so cute!
AHHHH~ I love this so much!!!!!!! :DDD
Thank you for writing this ^^ Saranghaeyo! :DD
Awww.. It's already the ending... Your story is really cute.. Can't wait to read your other ff.. :D
cooooool !!!
they're so sweet :)
wow!! like the ending....
soo sweet..... ^^
mymai0407 #6
mymai0407 #7
i love you story!
@ayshienjulie; thankyou for reading <3
one of my favourite fanfics! haha, i loved it ^^
LOL CH27 ngawww the loveliest and cutest thing ever xD <3 I love her relationship with the boys ;a;