Duh Besst Faaanfic Evarrrrrr

I'm Here to Bash Your OC (In the Head)

The following is an excerpt from Princess Mary Aria Eunji Galaxy Miku Dawn Satoshi Sue's unpublished book, 'Arranged Marriage with My y Boss Childhood Friend????'. She took my writing prompt very seriously. Which is to say that you should not take her story seriously. At all. 

Arranged Marriage with My y Boss Childhood Friend????
Princess Mary Aria Eunji Galaxy Miku Dawn Satoshi Sue

Prologue and aboat the authur

Hello friends!!! I got a prompty thing from mai friend Riverfawn sooooo..... here u go! the prompt was 'Hey you useless lump can you actually write a good OC story for once?' so i didddddddddd! i hope u like!

FOr those of u wwho follow my instagram, snapchat, twitter and facebook, i finally got engaged to satan-senpai!!!! It took a few centuries and a lot of blood and dead parents but he finally askeded me yesterday while we were gazing into tartarus and listening to the screams of the sinners ^^ He got down on his knees and i thought that he wAS gonna impale another undead rat but infact he took out a ring made from the compressed ashes of my sacrificed siblings and said 'Princess Mary Aria Eunji Galaxy Miku Dawn Satoshi Sue, u are the evilest, most sadistic demon i have ever had the misfortne- msifortuune- misftne (i dont know how to spell dat wordpllease email me at [email protected] if u know) of meeting. ... will u rule hell 2gether with me and uf course i sed YESSSS! so here is teh ring: 


Real nice right??? it only cost my siblings' lifes and several thousand babies' tooooo :D yes, those are real eyeballs :D it was half price soooo

Soon i wont be Princess Mary Aria Eunji Galaxy Miku Dawn Satoshi Sue, ill be Her Majesty Queen Mary Aria Eunji Galaxy Miku Dawn Satoshi Sue Lucifer, joint ruler of Hell, head demon with a demon head and owner of several McDonalds. It really is a dream coem true!

And the wedding will be in the lava torture chamber, for anyone who wants to come for my special day ;) just take a left at the gates or else the death mages will rip your limbs off -_- soo annoying! we'll honeymoon in the Hall of Undead, have a swimm in the Serial Killer Pile, yknow, all that cute and romantic stuff :) 

So ive gotta bit of spare time between ruling hell, using social media and burning dictionaries. ive decided to write a book. it will be the greatest work of all tiem. so without further ado, here is the first chapter ;)

Chapter 1

Kim Hana walked down the sidewalk and then she BUMPED into someone! "AHHHH! You stupid pabo watch where you're going!" she screamed. When she looked at the person, he was very handsome... and annoyed.

"You watch where you're going okay?"

"Hmmph!" Hana walked away. Even though he was handsome, he was so rude that it cancelled out his handsomeness!

...Almost ;)

But OMG! Hana was so mad that she stomped all the way home.

She had an interview for a job soon, so she put on an outfit: this outfit! www.polyvore.com/696969 She looked in the mirror, and she was really pretty. The outfit hugged her curves and make her eyes look big (somehow).

"Omo, this is perfect!"

She walked out on the street and everyone stopped to stare, stunned by her beauty. Several cars crashed and a guy walked into a pole and died (but thats okay, my hubby satan will take him to hell ^^). 

Suddenly, she arrived at the building. She went upstairs and a guy was waiting for her. When she walked into his office she saw a bunch of plaques and degrees bcuz the guy was super smart.

"Wait... Omo it's youuu!" the guy screamed. And then Hana realized that he was the rude guy she bumped into in the morning!!!!


"Whatever lets do the interview." He crosseded his arms and let her sit down. 

"I have a degree in this... and I worked at that company."

"Wow," he sed, "ur actually pretty good. I guess I'll have to hire you."

"Yay!" she cheered. "I meean... ok."

"Whats ur name?"

"Kim Hana!"

"I feel like I know u from somewhere..." he rubbed his y stubble. "I'm Oh Sehun."

"NOOO WAYYY SEHUNNNNN!" she screamed very loudly. "Did you go to Love Angel High School???"

"Oh MY GODSH YOU'RE THAT KIM HANA????" he scremed. "I've been looked for you everywhere?!"


He blusheded, and then she realized and she blusheded too.

"Anywayys Hana we should catch up. I'll pick u up at six ok?" he gaved her a y stare

"O...ok." she blusheded harder and rushed out. 

At five she put on this outfit: www.polyvore.com/666 and curled her hair and puuted on the makeup. Then at six sehun rolled up to her driveway with a SUPER LONG LIMOUSINE! It lookeded like this on the inside:


Sehun holds the door open for Hana and she blusheded and got insidw. 

THey were quiet until they got to the restaurant. Hana looked up andn in big letters it said 'Lotus Restaurant'. WHoa! U had to be really rich to eat there!

Sehun saw Hana looking and laughed. "I'm a billionaire so it's ok. My parents are always lookin for a wife to help me manage the company, so."

They went inside and ate and Hana remembered all the reasons why she crushed on Sehun in high school. He was super funny and wsmart. He kept making jokes and got relaxed as the night gotted on. At the end Sehun walke d Hana to her mansion and then leaned in. hANA thought he was gonna kissed her but he aws just ttripped. 

"WHY do i feel disappointed??" she askeded herself. and then grabbed her heart. 

Next day hana parents look really excited.

"Wahts up umma appa??" Hana asked, and her umma winked and said 'youll find out soon!"

They drove somewhere... and then Hana realized it was Sheun's company!!!!

Sehun was stand in his office wth his parents when they went up. THen theyre parents said 'guys...'

"You're getting married!"

"WHAT?!" they screameded.

"U need someone to help manage the company sehun," said parents.

"Hana can i talked to you for second?" sheun said. "outside?" he didnt wait for hana to answer and just took her hand and pulled her into hallway.

"ouuhhh..." hana blushed feeling his hand. then sehun turned around and looked at her pretttty red cheeks... then leaned in and kissed her soft red lips!!!!!!!!

Ok hubby Satan is callin me right now for dinner but hoped you like the preview!
Princess Mary Aria Eunji Galaxy Miku Dawn Satoshi Sue

P.S. OH yeah question of the day!!!
Waht should Satan-senpai and I name our kids? Leave ur answers below and sthanks for rreaidng!!!v


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i'm not dead yet O^O 101 subscriber special coming up soon!


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Chapter 3: How do you manage to get the reader's name over there!? Because, damn, that's lit O__O
areumia #2
Chapter 1: Yes ×10
Hana is so overused. I just want to shake the author and slap them. Jesus, there are so many Korean names out there. Would it kill you to be a little different?!
Chapter 13: Why are you so funny?? I love your wtiting. A. Lot. You're super duper funny. Are you a comedian? Kkk XD
You just basically explained the reasons why I don't read romance/cliched/OC stories anymore, ahaha xD
And plus I'm a beta-reader and reviewer, it can get pretty bad for me ;-;
CuteSnowflake #6
Chapter 2: ....thanks for using my username partially. Thanks...?
CuteSnowflake #7
Chapter 1: *I just can't