Chapter 3

Somewhere Only We Know

“Isabel, is that really you?” Nathan asked

“I know, It’s been a while” She replied calmly. She didn’t look too happy to be standing here with us and by the looks of Liv, neither was she. Liv went from calm to aggressive in less than a second, “We thought you were dead! Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I know I have lots of explaining to do but-” *slap*


Oh my god!


“Isabel what happened to you? You crossed every line you said you wouldn’t! You promised me that you wouldn’t get plastic surgery done! You persuaded me to not touch my face, you taught me to love how I look, you hypocrite!” Liv was red as a tomato, the anger in her face. I could almost see the steam escaping her ears.




I was walking past the school’s garden to get to the basketball courts and I could hear a girl crying. I could see the backs of Isabel and Olivia sitting on a bench, it looked like Olivia was the one crying while Isabel had her arms around her. I was just far enough to hear them but not too close to be seen. 


“I hate everything about me. I don’t even understand why Nathan likes me. I’m not pretty, I’m fat and I have a garbage personality. Plastic surgery will make me so much better. It’ll make my eyes bigger, my nose will be prettier and if my cheek bones are raised then I’ll look prettier when I smile.”

“HEY! Don’t you ever say that about yourself. You are beautiful the way you are. God or who ever you believe made the universe, made you this way for a reason and it is not to make you feel terrible. Your face is beautiful the way it is and your body is like this because of genetics and it is a way to test your patience, you can’t help it. And you don’t have a garbage personality, that’s just the way you see yourself and you’re being too hard on yourself. So stop it. ”


She was so good at making others feel so good about themselves. Just listening to her voice made me happy. 


*End of Flashback*


Isabel’s eyes changed, the warm looked had vanished, “Remember, promises are made to be broken. Excuse me, I have to be somewhere.” and just like that, she walked off. 

Nathan sighed and I was about to explode! “Olivia! What the hell is wrong with you? If you had just let me talk to her then it wouldn’t be this way!”


Isabel POV

Jesus! At least I know that Olivia’s temper hasn’t changed. I made my way over to Jeremy and apologised for making him wait. He started talking about a collaboration project with me, him and Adidas and I was interrupted again. 

“Excuse me, but do you mind if I take Isabel away for a little bit?” It was Kris again. Did he not take the hint?

“We’re just finishing up our conversation, she’s all yours.” Jeremy smiled at Kris

“So then I’ll see you in LA next week?” His smile never dropped from his face.

“I’m still on vacation so I’ll be in New York next month then I’ll be in LA the month after.”

“No worries, there’s no rush.”

“I’ll see you then.”


I turned around and I was feeling a little tired, not really interested to have that conversation again, especially not after how Olivia yelled at me. 

“So it really is you” his smile showed his bright pearly teeth and his gums. He looked so happy to see me but I wasn’t so thrilled. 

“Maybe we shouldn’t talk here.”



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A/N: Subscribe, comment, upvote and thanks for reading :)

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qinmad #1
Chapter 5: Am I the first one to comment? :O Well, good for me! :D I am soooooo looking forward to the updates bc even tho I found your story today, I already like it! :) How could Kris say that "That doesn't mean I'm not your friend"

UGH NOPE NOPE NOPE YOU ED UP THAT ONE CHANCE BRO >.< But lemme tell you something - I really hope the story will end happily, they both need it :) Well, update soon! Good luck! :) xx