MOL 001

Miracle of Love

Yeah finally after four years stayed at UK, you decided to come back to Seoul. You wanted to start a new life there. You don’t have any girl or boy friend because you know they are want to friend with you by taking advantages as you knew you’re a daughter of a famous billionaire in Asian. Plus, the girls only want to friend with you because you have four amazing handsome brothers. They just want to get closer with your brothers, not you plus they’re jealous you can buy anything you want and they want to be like you. The past actually give you a lesson for not trust people easily. You only put your trusts on your family, no others beside them. You missed them very much especially your twin,Kim Jongin or Kai. But you still want to call by his real name.

You are already in the plane, only to wait the flight landing on Incheon Airport. You took out your iPhone 6 Plus and checked your LINE messages. A group messages from Kim’s Family.

Xiumin: dongsaeng-ah !! we’re on our way to pick up you. Wait for us okay? ;)

Suho: neh minrae ah. Omma and appa are already waiting for you at home. So only us take you.

Chen: auww my minnieeeeee. Oppa misssssshhh youuuu . come back home~can you come back home~

Kai: yah chen hyung,don’t sing here. My phone near to breake. Ah raerae-ssi. Jongin oppa miss you my twin,my sister and only little princess. Here my selca for you


Chen: yah don’t you said that to your hyung. I’m your Almighty brother Kim Jongdae. Ah kai-ah your selca is bad :p

Xiumin: don’t bickering in here guys! I will kick your .

Suho: -__-‘’

Kai: chen hyung start first! If you dare xiumin hyung… ;p

Suho: mianhae minrae-ah. They cannot control themselves.Just ignored them.

You giggled reading their conversation. They alway being like this. Bickering about something nonsenses that is just small matter.  You typing a messages to them

You: aigoo my oppasss I miss you all too and omma and appa. I can’t wait to meet you and hug you guys. Jongin oppa my twin !! You’re still cute and dark hahahah ;p

Kai: yeah I know I’m cute but hey I am not a little bit whiter than before okay.

Chen: hahaha cute? Hahaha . It was because I always spill the flour on his face

You can feel Chen is rolling and laughing over Kai. Chen always likes to troll his siblings. ‘Lucky’ I am right? You slipped your phone in your skinny jean’s pocket. And then the pilot announced that the flight will be landing in every minute. You came out from plane and walk passing the departure gate. You pulled out your luggage and covered your head with your red hoodie to avoid from paparazzi. You looked at the aisle to find your brother and titled up your head since you know they’re taller than you. After that, you saw  four guys are bickering, jumping and shouting your name while holding a banner “WELCOME BACK PRINCESS!” at the middle of the airport. OH MY GOD what are they doing? People around them were staring at the as they thought those guys are insane. Those brothers ruined Kim’s image. You face-palmed because of shame. You covered your face with mask too and walked passing them. They noticed a girl that looks exactly same figure like you. “is that minrae?” Xiumin looked at you. You can feel a burning stare from behind. “y-yah! Minrae-ah! Is that you? Where are you going? We are here!” Chen shouted. Ohmyyyy chen oppa.. I will kick you later. Suho oppa smacked his head. Chen rubbed his head and pouted. You kept walking forward and pretend to not hear them. Kai’s heart told him that girl is you. He quickly ran to you and hugged you from the back. You gasped in shock when you felt someone hugged you. You can smell his perfumes because he is too near with you. Ah I know who is this.

“How dare you ignoring us. We hurt you know” He pretended to sounds hurt. Kai leaned his chin on your right shoulder. You can felt he was pouting now. You chuckled with his cuteness act.

” Yeah it is true my beloved dongsaeng. We’ve missed you a lot since forever and now you ignored us” ayeee so cheesy. Xiumin appeared in front of you and blinked his eyes like a lost puppy.

Suddenly, Chen pinched your nose playfully. You whined as he pinched hardly. He is guy,of course he didn’t think it was too pain. You are struggling to hit him as you are still in Kai’s embrace. “oppa..don’t pinch my nose. It is hurt” you pouted and pretend to cry and Chen quickly kissed your nose as he want the pain go away. “

aigooo Chen hyung make her cried” Kai turned your body to face him and hugged you. “sshh.. don’t cry my little princess. You’re still a baby cry” He tried to convince you and patted your head.

You grinned evilly in Kai’s embrace because they thought you crying for real. Suho noticed you are grinning and he couldn’t hold his laughter. He suddenly burst his laughter, make his brothers looking at her weirdly. “why this hyung laughing suddenly?” Chen asked them. “yeah this guy are wei..rd..Is there anything funny here?” Xiumin looked at Suho with unreadable expressions. “you guys are too idiot! Hahaha” You laughed along with Suho and high-five with him. Xiumin frowned.

“you pranked us?”

“kekeke mian oppa” you hugged your brothers tightly. “Welcome back to home,dongsaeng” Suho kissed your forehead. “me too oppa. I hate and missed you a lot my dorky oppaaassss” you teased them but get a smacked on your arm as Chen did it. You want to hit him back but Kai stopped you. “okay enough kids. Let’s go back home.”

A girl with her two friends saw the Kim’s siblings are hugging and kissed you that they never saw. They were suspicious about you. “damn that lucky bastard girl. Who is she?”

“Omo kai oppa hugged her! Why kai oppa hugged her?”

 “What are their relationship is?” They starting cursed you and want to investigate you more. But one of them seems like she knew you well but she clueless.

Xiumin lifted up your luggage and put in his Audi Q5. You sit in the middle of Kai and Chen at the back while Xiumin at the driver seat and Suho at the passenger side beside Xiumin. You yawned,covered your mouth with you right palm. You felt tired and sleepy because of jet lag and then you leaned your head on Kai’s right shoulder. Kai rest his right arm around your shoulder to pull you closer. Chen smiled looking the twins. You are totally very close with Kai and nobody can denied it. You looked similar as Kai ; Kai girl version. Chen held your right hand and put on his lap. He played with your finger. Your finger looked tiny for him. Aigoo I cannot believe my only little girl one had grown up, he thought. Suho turned his head to back and saw his family now are completed.

The car stopped in front of a mansion house; your home. Xiumin parked his car in the garage. “okay, we’ve arrived!” Xiumin announced. Kai tried to wake up you,but you refused and continued to sleep. You snuggled on Kai’s chest. “aigoo people will thinking both of you are love birds, not twins. Haha” Suho said. Chen smirked. “hyung,I will bring Minnie to her room.” Kai lifted up you like a bridal-style. Your parents eagerly opened the door but they saw you’re sleeping in Kai’s arms. “She is so tired. We can celebrate with her later” Xiumin said to your parents. Kai put you on your bed gently and pulled up the blanket to cover your body. Suho entered your room to put your luggage near your closet. Kai kissed your forehead and your black hair. “Sleep well my little princess” Kai caressed your cheeks with his thumb. Your brothers went to downstairs together and gathered with your parents at living room.



actually there's more I want to write for first chapter but I think it was too long since now the first chapter already 1400+ words.

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yehet the poster is too beautiful ;)


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Jae_yoomi #1
Chapter 3: fix your grammar ......
Chapter 10: Finally you update!!!!! Oh my smurf!!! Thanks for you ♥♥♥
EXODyo12 #3
Chapter 9: I really like this fanfic. Update soon authornim.
Chapter 9: What?! You called the boring chapter?!! You know what this is super daebakk okayyy!!
Chapter 8: Sehun-aahh
Frozenxiumin #6
Nice story^^
EXODyo12 #7
Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Oh my gosh , i can't wait for the ending.. Btw, update soon author nim..
Winterberry04 #8
Chapter 5: Update soon
wahhh,, i like tihs fanfic,,
plesae update!!! author-nim..i can't wait...
K_Junghwa #10
Chapter 3: omo this story is so good
keep updating and keep write such beautiful chapters hwaiting