11. Nine Out of Ten

Oh! Are You Late Too?

Chapter Eleven

Yoongi watched as the table filled with silence as he placed the tray down. Min and her friends all stared at him wide eyed as he took a seat next to Min, an innocent smile on his face. They were in the cafeteria; Yoongi had spotted them having lunch and seeing as he couldn't see any other of his close friends, he thought why not sit with them. He was beginning to regret it as they were all looking at him like he was an alien.

"You guys don’t mind if I sit here, do you?" he asked, picking up his sandwich.

The girl who sat opposite him raised her eyebrow as if holding back a sarcastic comment – he could see why she and Min got along. Before either of them could say anything, the guy with them shrugged, "Well, you've already sat down now."

Min sent him a glare, obviously not wanting Yoongi to sit with them. He and Min had a weird relationship; when making music they got along well and didn't argue at all but when out of the studio, they were like cats and dogs. Even the littlest thing could cause an argument between them and he just didn't understand why. Yoongi tried to be friendly, to not offend her but somehow, they just always managed to end up bickering.

"We kinda met at the football match but we didn't get to introduce ourselves, I'm Taehyung," the boy told him with a huge grin on his face, and then nudging the girl beside him with his shoulder, he said, "And this is Jang Mi." Jang Mi raised her hand in a half hearted wave, flashing her dimples instead of fully smiling.

"Would you rather we call you Yoongi or Suga?" Taehyung asked.

"Yoongi's fine," he smiled.

He was about to say something when Min blurted, "Why are you here?"

Yoongi's eyes widened slightly in shock.  Are we going straight to the arguing? "I'm eating my lunch," he replied, feigning innocence.

"No, I mean on this table," she frowned.

Rolling his eyes, he gestured to Taehyung, "He said it was fine."

"He's not the king of the table. It has to be a majority vote and Jang Mi doesn't want you here either," she said, then looking to her friend for agreement, she asked, "Right?"

Jang Mi looked startled that the attention was now on her as she glanced to Taehyung for help. He looked away, seeming as if he didn’t want to get involved. Yoongi gave her a pleading look which appeared to work because Jang Mi ended up sighing, "I don't mind if he stays."

Yoongi had to hold back laughter at the way Min's jaw popped open in shock and betrayal. Glaring at both her friends, she frowned, "You guys ." Scowling, she grabbed her drink, sipping at the straw furiously. They both looked at each other, urging one another to respond but it seemed none of them was willing as they were probably scared to irritate Min more. The table fell into silence again for a few more seconds.

"So, how's the song producing going?" Taehyung enquired.

"Fine," Min muttered, obviously still miffed.

Yoongi smirked, finding her anger amusing. "It's pretty good actually," he answered, "We just need someone to sing the guides."

Taehyung's eyes brightened and he began nudging Jang Mi as if to recommend her. Frowning, she shook her head lightly, "No." Her answer seemed to deflate him as his shoulders sagged slightly but that didn’t last long as he was soon grinning again, asking Yoongi more questions. Yoongi tried to not feel overwhelmed but Taehyung had so much energy it was draining.

"What's it like to work with Min?" he asked.

Yoongi glanced at Min who was pointedly ignoring him and everyone else. "It's not as bad as I'd thought it would be," he settled for.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Min frowned, jumping back into the conversation.

Yoongi smirked at how she'd already given up on ignoring them all; it was no fun if she did – as annoying as she was sometimes, he quite enjoyed arguing with her. Shrugging, he replied, "I thought you'd be a nightmare to work with – I mean, you're so," he paused, searching the right word, "Argumentative."

Her eyebrows furrowed in fury and just as she was about to counter, her friends snorted in laughter. They were laughing so hard that people around them were starting to look at them funny. Yoongi watched, his eyebrows rose in curiosity while Min just rolled her eyes – probably knowing what it was that they found funny.

"Min?" Jang Mi choked, still laughing. Her hand was on her belly as if trying to support herself.

"Argumentative?" Taehyung finished, tears rolling down his eyes. They continued laughing after that, even though it really didn't seem as funny as they found it.

"Guys please," Min sighed, rubbing her temples in frustration.

They laughed for a few more seconds before doing their best to stop. Once they had managed it, they looked up at Min, biting their lips to hold their grins back. "Sorry," they both said at the same time. Taehyung put his fist in his mouth while Jang Mi just coughed a lot. Yoongi wasn’t sure what to make of them; they were kind of weird.

"I don't get it," he frowned in confusion.

Jang Mi smiled, shaking her head, "No, it's not as funny as we made it seem. It's just that Min – when you first meet her, is one of the friendliest people ever. I guess we just can't imagine her being argumentative."

"Yeah," Taehyung nodded, "That's more Jang Mi's forte."

Elbowing him, Jang Mi muttered, "Yah, I'm relatively friendly."

He snorted, "Yeah, as friendly as a rabid dog."

"As friendly as a hungry tiger," Min added.

"As friendly as a black hole," Taehyung continued.

Min giggled, high fiving Taehyung, "Ooh good one… as friendly as-"

"-I get the point," she scowled, stopping them from continuing. They both grinned at each in triumph while Jang Mi did her best not to smile at how stupid they were. Yoongi wondered what they meant when they said that Min was really friendly; from the moment he met her, she'd been arguing with him. He wondered if it was just him that she was like that around and if so, he wondered why.

Granted, he hadn't exactly done himself any favours when he called her complaining about his stolen mojo. After thinking it over, he realised that his theory was dumb and that he was probably just having a block. She seemed to help him with that block so he asked her if she would work with him.

"Are any of you guys auditioning for the showcase?" Yoongi asked, trying to create conversation.

Taehyung nodded excitedly, "Yeah, I'm doing it with my girlfriend."

Jang Mi and Min sighed simultaneously at his comment, rolling their eyes and saying, "She is not your girlfriend."

"She will be," Taehyung argued, sticking his tongue out. They sighed, clearly thinking that arguing with him would be futile.

Curious, Yoongi raised his eyebrows, "Who?"

Min shook her head, resting her face in her palm, "He's currently stalking Park Yura – don't ask why, neither of us knows why he's so weird. Though I think it might be all that glue he ate when we were younger."

Jang Mi laughed at Min's final comment, nodding in agreement. Taehyung didn't seem as amused, gasping, "Yah! You can't talk about stalking Min, remember that time that you-"

Whatever he was going to say was lost because Jang Mi stuffed a piece of his pizza in his mouth. Yoongi found himself doing what he'd been doing from the moment he sat down, which is watching them with confusion. He wondered what Taehyung had been going to say that was so bad it had to be stopped with pizza and who Min had been stalking.

Trying to cover her tracks, Jang Mi chuckled nervously, "You should eat it before it gets cold."

Yoongi saw Min shoot Jang Mi a grateful look from the corner of his eye. Jang Mi just nodded, grabbing some fries and stuffing them into – much like Taehyung had done at the football match. Their behaviour now was pretty similar to then – odd – only this time, he could actually hear what they were saying to each other. They all seemed pretty close, which Yoongi thought was cute and he wondered how long they'd known each other for.

He was about to ask when he heard a gasp come from Jang Mi. Looking up, he saw her staring wide eyed at something behind him. He turned his head to see what it was but all that was different was that Song Yunji and Kim Namjoon had just entered the room. Jang Mi looked around desperately before grabbing her bag and getting up. She began to speed walk away but paused, quickly turning around and returning to the table.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows in amusement as she grabbed the smoothie on the table and blurted, "Time to make my exit. See you guys later – nice meeting you, Yoongi." With that, she turned back around and basically ran out of the doors. She was quickly followed by Yunji and Namjoon, both of them also speed walking in an attempt to catch up with her.

The whole cafeteria watched them go – including their table, confusion decorating their faces. Once the door shut after them, Yoongi looked to Taehyung and Min for an explanation for what just happened. Neither of them seemed to know what happened either.

"Even I have no idea what just happened – and that's saying something," Taehyung frowned, grabbing some chips off the plate that Jang Mi had left behind. There wasn’t much burger left but there were plenty of chips. It would have been a huge waste if Taehyung hadn't eaten them.

Eyebrows still raised, Yoongi looked to Min, "What about you?"

She snorted, shaking her head, "I don't know and I don’t want to know."

Sighing, Jungkook made his way out of his last class of the day. He was exhausted even though it was only afternoon as it had been 'one of those' days. Most of his close friends had bailed on lunch with him because they were all practising for their auditions for the showcase; he wouldn't have minded so much if they'd maybe invited him to watch but they said that if he wasn't going to audition, then he should leave. They're just trying to force me into auditioning, he frowned.

He'd contemplated asking Jang Mi – in fact, he'd spent ten minutes staring at her contact page, trying to think of the best way to ask her. He'd written it out several times, most of them consisting of failed attempts like:


Wanna have lunch… with me?

If you feel like you could eat a cow again, you're not the only one. Do you wanna grab some food?;)

Are you busy? Cause I'm hungry…

EAT WITH ME… please :3

It was safe to say that he would not be asking her to eat with him anytime soon that day. In the end, he just ate by himself, feeling bitter and resentful towards the showcase. Jungkook may have considered auditioning if it didn't feel so forced upon him – he actually enjoyed performing; everyone was pushing him to do it so he felt the need to do the opposite.

Turning the corner, he spotted an empty bench that he sat on. It was a relief to be sitting again – even though it wasn't too long ago that he'd been sat down. Stretching slightly, he noticed that some girls were smiling at him as they walked past. Jungkook was too tired to flirt with them, so he instead pulled his phone out of pocket and texted Jimin:


Jimin replied faster than expected:

What do you want?

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook responded:

Why must you assume I want something? -_-

This time it took Jimin a little longer to reply but eventually he did:

Because you called me 'Jiminie' and you only do that when you want something from me

Jungkook scowled at his phone, not all the time. Sighing, he texted back:

Are you busy? We should go do something, like watch a movie or go to karaoke… actually, I think there was a party being thrown somewhere... we could go to that?

Jimin's reply was disappointing – to say the least:

Wish I could but I've gotta practise for my audition, sorry

Resisting the urge to growl in frustration – he didn't want to freak out any passersby – Jungkook slouched back on the bench. Why was everyone busy? Was the showcase even that big a deal? Sure it was the school's hundred year anniversary but still. If his friends passed their auditions (which they probably would) then he would most definitely not see them often. Maybe I need to make new friends, he thought. Jang Mi popped into his head at that thought but he shook it off. You're becoming obsessed Jungkook.

The phrase 'speak of the devil and he shall appear' was the next thing to come to mind as he noticed Jang Mi, speeding down the pathway. She looked in a hurry and was basically running. Trying not to look too happy to see her, he stood for the bench, raising his hand in a wave.

"Hey," he said, right as she exclaimed, "Sorry, love to talk, can't right now, see you around, I'll text you, bye!" and walked right past without stopping. He frowned, watching her as she continued to speed walk down the street. Turning around, she cast him an apologetic smile before she disappeared around the corner. Sighing for the millionth time that day, Jungkook flopped back onto the bench again.

Grabbing his phone, he typed out a message to her:

What was that all about?

He didn't send it straight away – staring at it for a few seconds before hitting send. As he did, he noticed Namjoon – who he kind of knew – and a girl he didn't recognise come speeding down the pathway. Their pace was similar to Jang Mi and he wondered if maybe she had been running from them. Yeah but why, he thought, watching as they dashed past.

They were a few metres away when the girl paused, stopping Namjoon by grabbing on his sleeve. Jungkook watched as she nodded her head back the way they came and Namjoon turned to look. His eyes came in direct contact with Jungkook's before he nodded at the girl.

Unable to help it, Jungkook shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he watched them backtrack. They each sat on either side of him, the girl with a small – kind of forced – smile and Namjoon with a grin. Jungkook noticed that she avoided eye contact with him and that her cheeks were slightly flushed. He looked to Namjoon with a confused expression, "Hi?"

"We should get coffee," Namjoon grinned, more of a statement than a question. Jungkook looked in between Namjoon and the girl, eyebrow raised. He thought of his options and with all his friends occupied, he realised that it was go with them or spend the rest of the day alone.

Shrugging, he sighed, "Sure."

Fifteen minutes later, they sat inside a cosy coffee shop, all drinking their various cups of coffee – courtesy of Namjoon. Yunji wrapped her fingers around the cup as she sipped, her coffee being a minty flavour. She glanced at Jungkook for a second, taking him in. He was famous on campus for being a ladies' man and she'd heard a lot about his various skills. The guy in front of her, however, had a baby face – if anything, he was more like a ladies' boy.

"So, what's this all about?" Jungkook asked, placing his cup on the table.

Yunji looked to Namjoon, urging him to answer. He turned to Jungkook and shrugged, "Well, I thought you might like some company, what with your friends all busy."

He didn't look impressed by the answer but Jungkook nodded anyway. "Thanks, I guess."

"You know," Namjoon said nonchalantly, "If you auditioned for the showcase, you wouldn't be so alone."

Jungkook's eyes narrowed at this, taking a breath before saying, "I'm on the list, aren't I?"

Namjoon and Yunji shared a look of shock, looking back at Jungkook who looked like he was already bored of the conversation. Yunji did her best to reply, "H-how do y-y-you know t-that?"

Her forced words made Jungkook look at her with a look she couldn't decipher. Pity? Understanding? Apology? She couldn't tell and that slightly bothered her but she didn't dwell on it for long because she was soon focusing on his words.

"My friend was one of the people on your list. He explained that you talked him into it and that there was a list of more people," he explained, he then shrugged, adding, "If that's what you're trying to do, you might as well not bother."

Yunji tried her best not to look disheartened as she glanced around. At least he hasn't tried to run away like Joo Jang Mi, she thought, trying to make herself feel better. She wasn't sure which she preferred – someone downright rejecting them or someone running away from them. Looking at Jungkook's defensive sitting state; she decided that she'd rather chase Jang Mi around than sit there being stared down by Jungkook.

"That’s fine if you don't want to," Namjoon sighed, "But I've looked at the audition sign-up sheet and pretty much all your friends are on there."

"So?" Jungkook redirected his stare to Namjoon.

Namjoon didn't shy away from it like Yunji – he was much braver than her, she'd decided over the time they'd been hunting people down. Never once had he hesitated or seemed worried, which she found reassuring as she was constantly worried. Lately she'd been worried about why Namjoon liked her and what he wanted from her. He'd been so nice that she couldn't possibly believe that he had ulterior motives.

Yet she couldn't see what he was gaining from helping her or befriending her. Yunji believed she was boring and tedious to talk to. It took her around thirty seconds to say a ten second sentence and it was sometimes difficult to understand what she was saying. All her jokes lost their punch line with her; by the time she got to it, people were already bored. She just hoped that he wouldn't just ditch her when he got bored of listening to her struggle.

"So, if you don't audition, you're gonna spend the next few months lonely," Namjoon smirked.

Jungkook frowned, looking as if he was deeply considering what Namjoon was saying. After a moment's pause, he shook his head, "Nope, I still don't want to do it."

Yunji sighed, wondering how they could possibly get through to him. Her deadline for this task was the next day and only he and Jang Mi remained to be convinced. While she'd pretty much given up hope of convincing Jang Mi; she was determined to get to Jungkook. If she couldn't get a perfect score then she could get close to it. Scanning Jungkook, she came up with an idea she'd wanted to use but hadn't gotten the chance since all of the people had agreed first try.

Grabbing Namjoon's sleeve, she caught his attention. "F-forget it," her giving up voice didn't sound as effective with the stutter but she kept going anyway, "H-he w-won't do i-it. I-I-I don't th-think he c-can."

Both Namjoon and Jungkook frowned. Jungkook in offense and Namjoon in mock agreement – she could tell that he knew what she was doing from his eyes. Sighing, he nodded, "You're right. Clearly, he just doesn't have enough faith in his ability."

Jungkook snorted, "Excuse me? I'll have you know that I am very-"

"-it doesn't matter," Namjoon cut him off, "It doesn't matter how very good you are if you're not going to do anything with it. If you were really as good as you're trying to say you are, then you would snatch up this opportunity to show that, so obviously, you just ."  

Jungkook's flinched at the word ''. He looked torn – he obviously knew that they were just saying that to get him to audition, but he also wanted to prove them wrong. It was difficult to deny that Namjoon was right and he did want to show how talented he was. Yunji could read it all over his face so when he eventually sighed, she wasn't surprised.

"You guys are just saying all this so you can tick me off your list, aren't you?" he replied.

"N-no," Yunji said at the same time Namjoon answered, "Yes."

They looked at each other, then looked back to Jungkook. "Yes," Yunji said at the same time Namjoon said, "No."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Just put me down as a yes."

Nine out of ten isn't half bad, Yunji grinned, mentally high fiving herself.

Author's Note: Hola! Here is chapter eleven for all you lovely people. I'm in a rather good mood because it was the last day of school for me (you probably don't care, sorry) so I hope you all have good days today as well... unless your day is over already, then I hope you have a good day tomorrrow! Thanks to those of you who have subscribed and commented already, you're absolutely awesome and I really appreciate it! If you haven't already subscribed or commented, then you totally should - enjoy the chapter and stuff... till next week! ^.^

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acousticcafe #1
Oh my goodness, this is a wonderful story, I love how there's not just one girl and everyone seems to have some sort of connection with eachother. I can't wait to see how it turns out! I hope you come back soon :)
hippotodamax #2
This story should seriously get more subscribers and upvotes!! Am so loving it so far :)
crystal7 #3
Chapter 17: Heyyyy~~~ I really really really like your story!! And while I often like some stories this one got me hooked.. like really hooked.. I can't get away from it... >_< xD
Soo... Please update ok? Of course you shouldn't try too hard because you'll only get tired and bored and that's not the point, but you should not let us hanging right there!! I'm dying to see what happens next!!! You don't understand.. I need an update! Like NEED ASAP!!! joking.. :p but I want an update... :p
Fighting!!! *\(^0^)/*
Vangstergirl23 #4
Chapter 17: Yes! I've been waiting for this moment! Jungkook, you better watch yourself now. Thank you for updating again author-nim. I really enjoy this story. One of my favs.
hollowverday #5
Chapter 16: nooooooo :c I guess I have to live with that, but I really hope you come back to this story soon!
Chapter 15: this is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
gee~ author-nim, I miss you and your writing. .. when are you coming back?
Chapter 13: yes yes yes!!! one of my favorite chapters yet! keep up the great work, author-nim. <3333
hollowverday #9
Chapter 14: a full chapter with Min and Yoongi~ awesome :D it was really great! as always kekek ^-^ I always get really excited for your new chapter :3 ah~ I can't handle a lot of sadness so I guess I have to be strong xD anyways, awesome chapter !