
Working For A Mafia (Hiatus)

*Author POV*

"Hello, Kim Eunji." She froze in her spot as their eyes met. It is as if the time has stop and that there are only them at the moment. "WH-Why are you here?" She asks but more like a low whisper. "I want you to stop working here." He states and looks at her boredly. Waiting for her response. As soon as the information enters her mind, she burst. "No way! I'll never quit this job. I love this job. Besides, you don't have the right to command me as you like." She smirks, thinking that she has won.

"Don't have the right, you say? Well... I do have the right, actually. Remember our contract. It says that you may pay back your debt monthly, but if I want to do some changing then I may. Since it's my money, we're talking about. And so, I want you to pay back by working with me. So, you better quit this job or I'll just use my power to make this place shattered into pieces instead. You clearly know what I am capable of, Kim Eunji." He says and the smirk seems like has change it place.

At this moment, he's the one who's smirking and she's the one in a conflict. She doesn't want to appear as the weak one. She doesn't want to show her weakness and her fragile state to him. Her pride is just too high.

"No, I don't. I don't know what you are capable of, Park Jimin." She exclaim. She raised her voice a bit to show that she is not scared with him. That he is not a powerful person at all. But of course, she won't win this. Not when she is against him. "Well then... I am Park Jimin. The one and only heir of the great Park Seungchul, the owner of Hyundai Industries which is the most powerful in Asia. I can buy this place in just a blink of an eye, Kim Eunji. I always have my own ways in getting what I want."

"So, which one do you, prefer, huh?" He asks her, still smirking like a brat he is. "Fine! You jerk. I'll do as you say. Just… Just don't hurt them. Don't lay your finger on them... I'm literally begging you..." She turns around and walks to the manager office. She knocks the door and went inside as she got the permission to. She pulls into a halt in front of his desk and clears . "Mr. Kang, I want to quit this job." She voice out. "But why? What's wrong? I know how much you need this job so why?" He asks worriedly. Mr Kang is one of the most kind-hearted person that she has ever met. He treats her like his own family. Everybody in the cafe did. They always stick up for each other. That's why she loves them so much.

"I'm sorry but I have no other choice. I need to do this." She states. She always acts mature despite her age. She's still a little kid who need love and care. She is still too young to face this cruel life. And Mr Kang truly knows about it. That's why he and his wife have been taking care of her. They always look up for her and always try their best to help her dealing with her problems. "It's okay but if you ever need some help, you can always come here, okay? No matter what happens, we will always welcome you with open arms since we love you. Remember that, okay?" He states and pulls her into a hug. "Thanks Mr Kang. I truly appreciate that. Thanks for your kindness. Send my regard to Mrs Kang and tell her that I love her and I'll miss her." She exclaims.

She leaves the room with heavy heart and walks to the staffs' room. She packs her belongings and walks out from the place only to be welcome by her colleagues. Most of them are uttering some supportive words trying to makes her feels better. Sora, Eunji's best friend that she has treat like her own siblings approaches her and give her a big hug. "Just come whenever you are free. Or when you just miss us. Or when you need a friend... Or a shoulder to cries on." Sera's speech is cut off by Eunji's low chuckles. 

"I get it unnie... I can come here to see you whenever I want. I get it already. Thanks for everything unnie... I love you..." Eunji says in a low whispers. "Aww~ Just what will I do with you... I love you too, Eunji-ah. So much that I am willing to end my life just for you..." Sera exclaim making Eunji's grips on her tightens. “Now, now. Even though I did said that I am willing to end my life for you... I didn't means by you. You are going to kill me with your tight grips you know." Sera jokes making Eunji cracks a smile and slowly letting her go. “I get it. You didn’t love me anymore. Don’t you?” Eunji teases as she wipes away her tears.

“Don’t you dare to say that I didn’t love you anymore… I love you so much that it hurts me seeing you are hurting like this… Don’t pretend to be tough. Just cries and let it out. Don’t suffer alone when I’m here for you…” Sera states making both of their eyes became teary. “Hey, don’t forget about us, here… We love you too. Not only her. I want a hug too…” Jiwoo, one of her colleague said in a jealous way and pouts slightly making all of the workers that watch the scene falls into a pit of laughter. He always treats her nicely no matter what and she had always likes his company. Eunji slowly leaves Sera and goes to him and gives him a big bear hug.

“I’ll miss you oppa…” She mumbles softly. “Of course you will. You love me.” He teases and she was just about to say something when she is suddenly being yanks away from the man. “Now, enough with the drama. We need to go.” Jimin says as he drags her out from the place. “Wait- What the hell?!” She screams as she isn’t sure about the situation right now. He continues to drags her to his car and shoves her to the passenger’s seat forcefully. He went to the driver seat and get inside the car before he starts the engine and drove away to only God knows where. “Are you kidnapping me?” She asks, finally breaking the silence between both of them.

“Depends on how you describe kidnapping is…” He states without even taking his eyes off from the road. “Where are we going?” She asks… “I’m not telling. You’ll see once we have arrived.” He informs. “Then you are kidnapping me…” She mumbles softly but he still caught her words and hums softly. “Your brother operation is tomorrow. Did you know yet?” He asks but his eyes still didn’t leave the road. “Yeah… One of the nurses already informs me.” She exclaims. “Good then…” He mumbles. And… It becomes silence once again.


“We’re here.” Jimin announces as he pulls into a halt. He has brought her to a park which is located somewhere in the outskirt of Seoul. “It is beautiful.” She announces. The place do looks beautiful and serene. The colourful flowers that is blooming on the big trees. The scenery of the busy city is mind blowing as the buildings is opening their lights one by one due to the time. The skies already became dark signalling that the night is coming to greet them. “Come.” Jimin exclaims as he grabs her hand and brings her somewhere deeper. They pull into a halt and see the beautiful scenery of sunset. “This is amazing but why are you showing me all of this?” She asks out of the blue.

“This place is found by me and your brother. He said that he truly wants to show you this place so that’s why I’m bringing you here. He can’t do this by himself so I’m doing it on behalf of him. Once he has cured, I’m sure that he’ll bring you here if he didn’t lose his memories.” He states. “What do you mean? Are you saying that my brother will end up losing his memories?” She asks while trembling in fear. “The percentage of that situation to occur is very high. This operation is very risky. He might or might not lose his memories. What we can do is just pray for the best.” He explains. “No… No, no, no… This is not happening…” She mumbles between her sobs. She falls to the ground as she thinks about the worst. Jimin quickly went to her and hugs her to calm her down.

“It’s okay… If he ends up forgetting then we will just need to makes him remember.” He states. “I’ve made some researches and even the doctor said that it will only be a temporary effect. The shortest is just only around a month but the longest... It depends on the person. Let’s pray to God for the best, okay?” He informs and she slowly nods her head. “Now let’s go home.” He informs and just picks her up bridal style since he knows that she isn’t capable to get up and walks by herself. He puts her gently at the passenger’s seat and quickly went to occupy the driver seat. He brings her to his home since he is afraid to let her stay at her house alone in this kind of condition.

He picks her up bridal style once again and brings her to a guest room. “You can spend the night here. I forgot where your house is so I brought you to my house instead. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll find something for you to change to.” He says as he slowly leaves the room. Well that’s a lie. He did know her house it just that it doesn’t seems right to bring her there. He didn’t want to leave her when he can accompany her. He wants to take care of her even though he isn’t sure why but this just seems right. Her spending the night at his house. Somehow, it makes his heart flutters.

He went to his rooms and finds some of his clothes for her to wear. He can just ask his men to buy some clothes for her but that just doesn’t feel right. This is what he feels right. He went back to her room and sees her still sitting on the bed while her mind is drifting somewhere else. “Here. You can take a bath and change into this instead. I already prepare the things for you. I’m going to prepare something to eat.” He informs making her wakes up from her deep thought. He leaves her slowly after he has puts the clothes that he has finds for her on the bed. He went to his own room again to take a bath.

After he wears something proper, he goes to the kitchen and makes something edible for both of them. The maids aren’t in the house. They all lives in the house that is provided along with the other workers. He didn’t like to live in a house that’s full of people that isn’t his family members or got anything to do with him, that’s why he provides a place for them to stay not far from his house. He can just call a few maids to cook something for him and Eunji but that doesn’t feel right. Cooking by himself does feel right. Besides, calling the maids will need too many efforts. He starts to chops the ingredients needed.

“Where’s the workers?” Her sudden question startles him to death and shrieks a little. “From where did you come from?!” He scolds making her chuckles softly. He watches her as she chuckles and he feels like his heart warms. Unconsciously, a smile is forms on his lips. “Can I help?” She asks as she wears an apron. “Here. You can continue chopping these stuffs here.” He points to the works that he is doing earlier and goes to warms the pan.


They are now both sitting at the dining table, enjoying their late dinner. There’s a comfortable silence engulfing them. “So… Are you okay now?” Jimin suddenly asks her, breaking the silence. “Kind of… I need to be strong for him.” She answers in a low tone and Jimin hums as a sign of understanding. “You know… When I said I want you to work with me earlier… I truly mean it. Think about it, okay?” Jimin states and wakes up from the seat. “Just leave the plates once you have finished. I’ll take care of them later on…” Jimin says and walks away from the place. While Eunji… She has lost her words. Her mind starts to wonder somewhere else again…




A/N: There might be some changing from the real plot since when I re-read my original plot my reaction be like... "What the hell did I had wrote?!" I feels like I'm so stupid at that time when I first set up this story's plot. TBVH, my original plot only contains extremely too many fluff and cheesy stuffs which makes me kinda cringe when I re-read them... So, I'm changing those cheesy part into something less cheesy... Also there's a slight angst, I guess... Nevertheless, please stay with me till the end of the story.

( P/S: This is actually the longest chapter that I have writen so far...XD )

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