Her ultimate CRUSH?!

Working For A Mafia (Hiatus)

She is walking through the school hallway lazily when suddenly she heard a voice calling her name. She turned around and tried to find the source of the voice and that is when she regret her action the most. She was terribly shocked that she even forgot how to breath. Why you ask? Well it is entirely because of... HER ULTIMATE CRUSH EVER SINCE THE FIRST MOMENT SHE STEP INTO HIGH SCHOOL, LEE SEOJUN is the one who had been calling her and right now he is jogging to her direction!!! "Hey... Why is it... So difficult for me... to meet you... these past day?" He manages to asks between his pants.

Hmm... Difficult to meet her??? Oh yeah! Of course it was difficult. She had been ditching school and her studies these past days. "Urgh... Urm... I had been skipping school lately... H-How can I-I help y-you, s-sunbae-nim." She stuttered and keeps her head low because she didn't even has the courage to look at him at all. especially in his eyes. She is just to shy to do so. Hey don't judge her, okay? Thinks as if you're in her spot. Who won't be flustered if your ing crush had just told you that he had been looking for you, hmm?

"Urm... I just want to asks about Taehyung's condition. How is he?" He stated making her a bit sad but she quckly shrugs it off. "H-He is s-still recovering. Th-Thanks for y-your concern, sunbae-nim..." She stuttered while her gaze still glued to the floor. "I see... Okay then. I'll be going now but if you ever need help, you can always find me, okay? I'll try my best to help you. Oh... And by the way, you are very pretty, you know? You should have some confidence on yourself." He said making her eyes pops out from its socket. She is already blushing like some crazy people.

"Urgh... Urmm... I-I need t-to go now. S-See you later, s-sunbae-nim." She said and rush to her classroom. When she had finally reached her destination, she quickly took her seat and touched her burning cheeks. 'OH MY GOD. What's happening to me? He... He actually talks to me!!! Kyaaa~! And... And he said that... I... I am pretty! Waa~! This is the best day ever!' She thought as she fans her face using her hands. Trying to ease her burning cheeks.

"Yah, Kim Eunji! What's wrong with you?" Hyesun asks her. " Jinnie-ah, you totally won't believe this. Seojun sunbae-nim actually talked to me earlier! He ing talked to me!" Eunji whispered to her best friends excitedly. "What?!" Hyesun burst out and Eunji quickly covered Hyesun's mouth using her palm to prevent Hyesun from saying anything else. "Shush... Low your volume, missy." Eunji whispered to Hyesun. "Hehe... Sorry... By the way, did he really, really talked to you or you are just imagining things?" Hyesun whispers.

"Duh... Of course he did. Why should I lie to you? You know what, Kang Hyesun? Sometime, I wonder why we are best friend?" Eunji whispers annoyingly. "Aww~ Sorry, Jijie-ah... You know that I do believe you. Beside, we are best friend because you love me so much that you can't live without me." Hyesun states playfully, earning a playful slap from Eunji. "You and your boastful self." Eunji said and chuckles.

"By the way, congratulation sister. Informs me again once you finally had became his girlfriend, okay?" Hyesun said excitedly and winks playfully. "It's not like that, Hyesun-ah..." Eunji informs and sigh. She did want their relationship to be more than just schoolmate. But that is just her selfish self. "Aww~ Too bad then. But don't be sad or give up. I'm sure that one day, you will eventually end up with him. Fighting!~" Hyesun said encouragingly but Eunji know that it won't be true. Nobody would wants a girl like her. She's not pretty or cute. And she doesn't has anything that is special about her. Well at least that is what she thought.

"Thanks Hyesun-ah..." Eunji said weakly and managed to forms a small smile. Hyesun knows that Eunji thinks very low about herself but she didn't said anything about it. This is because everytime Hyesun did tried to talk about it with Eunji, she will just brush it off and refuse to talks with Hyesun about it again.



As soon as the last period of the day had finally ended, Eunji quickly went out from her class and rushed to her workplace. She is ordered to helps in the kitchen today, since the one who is in charge of the work can not come to work today. Eventhough she isn't good with the job, she didn't said anything or even complain about it. She accept this as a way to repay back the days before. The days that she had not been able to came to work because of her brother.

"Eunji-ah, how's your school, today?" Sera, one of the workers approached and asks her. "Just the same usual boring days..." She answered plainly and shrugs. "Nothing happened?" Sera asks again. "Hmm... Oh, there's one thing! My ultimate crush talked to me earlier." She answered and continue to washs the plates. "Seriously?! Okay, okay. Then what happened?" Sera asks excitedly. "Then... There's nothing happened. He only asked me about my brother condition. That's all." She informs sadly but still manages to form a smile. "Aww~ Too bad, then. But it's okay. Don't give up, okay? Fighting!" Sera said and also continue to do her job.

"Urm... Unnie?" Eunji called Sera. "Yes?" Sera answered and look at Eunji. "Urm... How can we be sure that we had fall in love?" Eunji asks. "Well... When the time had finally come, you will eventuallyfigure it out by your own self." Sera states. "Owh... Okay." Eunji said. They continue to do their job while Sera told Eunji about her love story.

"Eun-Eunji!" One of the workers suddenly rushes to them making their attention focused to the worker. "What's wrong?" Sera asks. "There's a customer that insisted that he wants only Eunji to serve him. Please go quickly. He said that he is going to close this cafe if he didn't see you, Eunji..." The worker said, terrified. With that, Eunji quickly rushes to the said customer.



"Excuse me, sir? How can I help you?"Eunji asks the customer. Eventhough she can't see the customer's face because she is facing the customer's back but she is clearly sure that the customer is a guy. Upon hearing her voice, the customer turns around and face her. "Hello, Kim Eunji."



A/N: Guys, I am so sorry for not updating for like... 2 weeks, I think. I don't have the strength to do so. Everytime I went back from school, I will just end up sleeping. And I will went to bed very early too. I even didn't do any of my homeworks. I am hopeless, seriously. TT.TT

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