Chapter 6 - Welcome to the Family

Kristmas Day

Coughing as he shifted away, Luhan repeatedly blinked his eyes and tried to figure out just where he was. He felt a mixture between light headed but heavy bodied and it was extremely disorientating indeed. Panic welled up in his chest as he recognised the room around him as being that of a hospital and he desperately tried to remember what had happened. He could remember eating breakfast with Minseok and then he had stood up to go and get their coats because they were heading to Yixing’s for a little Christmas celebration as was the tradition and then there was a blank until he woke up in a hospital room.


Before he could start to really panic however, a soft and familiar hand landed on his which was swiftly followed by a pair of lips resting softly against his own. Luhan wasted no time in returning the kiss to his partner and feeling his heart relaxing slowly back into its usual routine. “I’m sorry,” he breathed out, finding it strangely easier than it had been over the last few weeks, “I’m so sorry Minseok.”


Xiumin smiled gently and shook his head, “You don’t need to apologise for this Luhan.”


“But I scared you,” Luhan whispered, feeling tears prick at his eyes, “I would have scared you and I know that I should have gone to the doctors sooner but...”


“Shh, it’s okay,” Xiumin gently ran his hands down the side of Luhan’s face, “This time I’m glad that we got you here.”


Luhan blinked owlishly at him, “What?”


Winking, Xiumin pressed another series of kisses to his partner’s willing lips before pulling back, “You’ll see why in a second.”


Frowning, Luhan watched as his lover made his way around the bed, taking a moment to observe his favourite Baozi before finding himself blinking in a mixture of shock, fear and total confusion as he picked up a blue wrapped bundle. For a second or two he pulled away, until Xiumin beamed one of his rare one thousand watt smiles at him and Luhan blinked, “Meet our son, Luhan.”


“Son?” Luhan echoed back gently, taking the bundle from Xiumin and staring down at the little face which was sort of scrunched up like he was about to cry but then some form of instinct made the babe relax and attempt to snuggle just a little closer to the recognisable form of his mother. Luhan just stared down at the child in amazement, trying to figure out just all of the emotions that were suddenly whizzing around his head and heart in a mad panic and he looked up at Xiumin with wide eyes, “But...but how?”


“You were pregnant,” Xiumin said gently, his fingers tracing down the side of Luhan’s face, “That’s what all of the problems have been recently. You weren’t sick or in some form of early stage or were pregnant Luhan. You’re a...” pausing for a second, Xiumin decided not to insult Luhan’s manliness by calling him a ‘mother’ right now, “Father.”


Looking down to the child once again, the deer eyed boy just stared at the small pale bundle and felt his heart flutter. He noted that the boy had Xiumin’s sharp facial features but his soft pouty lips and presumably the large eyes too and the tears changed from ones of fear and panic to ones of love and joy, “He’s beautiful, Min, he’s so beautiful.”


“I know,” Xiumin smiled, pressing a kiss to Luhan’s forehead, “Just like his mother.”


A slight glare was sent his way but just at that moment the tiny baby boy in his arms gave a little noise and distracted both parents. Though Luhan couldn’t help but immediately jump on the opportunity, “See, even he agrees that I’m manly.”


Xiumin rolled his eyes, “You just gave birth to him, you are his mother.”


Stumped for an answer to that, Luhan stuck his tongue out at the other and then snuggled his face close to the little boy, “Ignore your Father, baby, he’s just a big fluffy Baozi.”


“Deer boy,” Xiumin warned but it was just in good humour.


However another thought distracted Luhan right at that second, blinking repeatedly before indicating the child in his arms, “What’s his name?”


Xiumin shook his head, “I haven’t given him one yet. Thought it was better for the pair of us to choose it together.”


Luhan smiled, “You just didn’t want me to complain about the name that you would have chosen by yourself didn’t you?”


“No,” Xiumin couldn’t hide the fact that he was lying too well but he just smirked, “Plus the others all chose their kids names together so I think we should keep up that tradition.”


Nodding, Luhan looked down at his son and tried to think, “It’s got to be a good name, something really nice.”


“And Princely,” Xiumin commented, before rolling his eyes, “Chen and Baekhyun have dubbed him as ‘Prince’ for some unknown reason.”


“Tai’s going to hate that,” Luhan commented with a dry laugh.


Xiumin chuckled, “I don’t think he’s noticed. Plus they started calling him King or something along those lines. It’s still way too complicated to follow where those two go.”


“Just wait until Baek’s popping out babies,” Luhan shook his head, “We’ll never hear the end of the constant nicknames.”


“That’s a day that I live in fear of,” Xiumin said cheekily, “But enough of that. We need a name for our little one first.”


Luhan paused to think once again. He ran through a selection of names in his head and then plucked one at random, “Haiyeong”


Xiumin blinked in surprise, recognising the name as a mixture of Korean and Chinese but not quite understanding the different meanings. Luhan smiled, “It’s a very brave man who crosses the sea.”


Rolling the name around in his head a couple of times, realising that it could be perceived as meaning a traveller crossing to another continent and he grinned recognising it as meaning Luhan travelling to somewhere different and he paused for a heartbeat, “As long as we can add ‘Ai’ onto it, I’ll be happy.”


“Haiyeong Ai?” Luhan tried, “Or Ai Haiyeong?”


“First one,” Xiumin grinned, pressing a kiss to Luhan’s lips before pressing them lightly to the little boy’s, “Hello Haiyeong, my beautiful son.”

Luhan smiled and snuggled the child close, “My little Ai, you will always be loved.”


Gently the new little family snuggled together, all thoughts of how they were going to cope or when the rest of the extended family were going to land back on them gone from their heads as they just enjoyed a moment of peace and allowed one another to share in the love that they felt for one another.


Authors babble for this bit:


Haiyeong  Ai (according to Behind the Name) would translate as ‘Sea’ ‘Brave’ ‘Love’ so hence the funny thing of it being a very brave person to cross the sea to find love. Don’t ask me, the characters were being mushy in my head when I wrote this. 

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wow life got busy all of a sudden. I will hopefully get things moving again soon but life is just crazy busy


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joanna20 #1
Chapter 3: Probably late to inform u but u use the wrong words. Shen Dan Kuai Le is merry christmas. Santa Claus is Shen Dan Lao Ren. Ty for yr cute sweet story ♡
joanna20 #2
Chapter 3: Probably late to inform u but u use the wrong words. Shen Dan Kuai Le is merry christmas. Santa Claus is Shen Dan Lao Ren. Ty for yr cute sweet story ♡
Chapter 7: I literally facepalm myself but kudos to u. Well done!
ExoKissAndHugs #4
Chapter 7: “Knew that horn of yours was magical.” Kkkkkk... So funnyyy....
Chapter 7: I think the best part of that chapter was the horn part lol
Chapter 7: It's finished and aw *cries* it was so cute, hope you make more stories bout this verse coughkaisoocough.
YWDA7204 #7
Chapter 5: Cute >_<
Update soon!!! I want to know Luhan's reaction when he wakes up!!!
nadrisa #8
Chapter 5: OMG!! Finally Xiumin become a daddy!
Update soon!
Chapter 4: I feel like I'll be a witch if it's happening what I thing it is with Luhan lol merry Christmas !