Ask in a Box

°°° CHANSOOooooo FLUFFY °°°

EXO-K is all prepared now. Even the place is all set, and few minutes later, they'll start taping Ask In A Box. Everyone is patiently waiting for them to be called in, and every member is minding their own world. Some members are sitting and some are not, just enjoying their free time before the show begins. But there is someone who enjoys joining the world of other members.



"Kyungsoo-yah... " The goofy Chanyeol called the doe-eyed who is silently standing at the corner alone.


The guy whom he called just look at him lazily, expressionless.


He beamed a smile to Kyungsoo and walked to him, wrapping his arms on the narrow shoulders.






"Ugh. So heavvvvy. Ya. Aish."


Chanyeol woke up from a voice that seems struggling and a body under him that's having a hard time pushing him away. He pulled his arms and legs from the early pissed off Kyungsoo and told him. "Good morning Kyung!"


"What are you doing here huh? Where's Kai? You enjoyed pressing me the whole night eh? I think I got my bones broken instead of a well rest." Kyungsoo frowned as he got up from the bed and stretch.


"Good morning Kyungsoo!" Chanyeol greeted again like he never heard anything. He just smiled showing his numerous teeth which made the other guy roll his eyes and throw a pillow on him.


"Good morning your face. What's so good waking up in the morning with a body pain? Pressing an innocent one the whole night?" Kyungsoo asked him as the man move his way to the bathroom.




Chanyeol chuckled upon remembering that scene. He knows Kyungsoo isn't mad, but pissed. Who wouldn't if you haven't rested well, right?


Yet, he knows Kyungsoo will not stay pissed off at him for a very long time. And he's enjoying it for now. Seeing a pissed off Do Kyungsoo is such a cutie.


"What are you laughing at?"


"Nothing, nothing." He said and Kyungsoo just nod and walked away leaving him alone. He just chuckled again by the man's action.

Ask In A Box will finally start.



They were arranged in seats starting from Sehun - D.O - Suho - Him - Baekhyun - Kai.


The program started and so is the fun. They had a staring competition first in which the winner will have the honor in opening the show alone. And with luck on his side, even if he's sleepy and his eyes hurt because he keeps on waking up in the middle of the night just to catch a glimpse of another sleeping position of Kyungsoo, he won teary-eyed.






EXO K is now halfway in finishing the taping for their guesting. They continued answering all the questions thrown to them by their avid fans. And currently, the members will be reading the questions asked by the fans for each one of them.


The first question is for Chanyeol and it was read by Suho.


"Chanyeol, do you have your own pick-up line to make girls addicted to you?"


"Great question! I wonder!" Baekhyun gleefully reacted right after hearing what is asked.


"It's not really a pick-up line. But I like saying 'I love you' so I tell the members all the time."


"HUH?!" All the members were so shocked and clueless of what Chanyeol is talking about. And all of them has a terribly confused look.


"What are you talking about?" Baekhyun bravely asked immediately to clarify things out.


Chanyeol holds his chest as he say "Not out loud.."


Right there and then, a loud laughter filled the air.


"Just inside yourself?" Kai asked still laughing.


"He doesn't really tell his feelings." Baekhyun spoke.


"He just run it over by himself." Suho seconded.


(water bottle falls)


"What was that?" Chanyeol asked, curious of the sudden noise.


"Ah, I'm sorry." Baekhyun apologized smiling.


"Did you just show what you feel?" Sehun told Baekhyun while laughing on his seat.



Chanyeol just smiled and looked at the camera, making a heart shape using his hands. "So, saranghae."


"I think they will CG the heart and stuffs." Baekhyun said.




The next question is still for him and his adorable mate read it.


"Have you ever tried pranking others and failed miserably instead? Who was it?"


"A person?" Chanyeol asked unbelievingly." You!" He pointed. "You D.O.


Whenever I try to pull a prank, he ignores me."



Then the members cracked a loud laughter knowing Chanyeol is telling the truth.


"Before he goes to sleep, he keeps calling for D.O like 70 times. D.O-yah~~ D.O-yah~~" Kai revealed while imitating Chanyeol.


Baekhyun clapped as he laugh his heart out and Suho only said, "Of course he will ignore that!"


"D.O-yah.. Kyungsoo-yah.. Kyungsoo-yah.." Chanyeol loudly spoke, as he reenacted his actions, like it just happened.


"There's a reason though. I mean, when we call his name, we got fed up. I think only Chanyeol doesn't." Kai explained.


"Kyungsoo-yah! Kyungsoo-yah! Kyungsoo-yah! Kyungsoo-yah! Kyungsoo-yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Chanyeol continued imitating himself as he admitted, "That's what happened."



Kyungsoo only laughed cutely.



The following question is again for Chanyeol and Sehun asked, "Chan-hyung, if you can be an actor, what kind of genre would you choose? Melodrama? Comedies? Horror?"


"I would like to do horror."


"How about horror Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asked from nowhere resulting a Sehun and Chanyeol laughing widely, the latter moves his body back and forth from his seat while clapping. The others soon laughed too.


On the other hand, Kyungsoo was surprised of the sudden questioning. He was caught off guard that his face has written it all over. "This question isn't about me! It's about Chanyeol!" He answered strongly while pointing himself, him looking like he's defending his life or denying something.


The members continued laughing that Chanyeol, who's still laughs back and forth on his seat, find it hard to breathe. Suho and Baekhyun standing from theirs.


D.O stand up from his chair and walked away, Suho only watched him, but then, he immediately went back, now timidly smiling.


"Well, it's horror for Chanyeol-hyung too." Kai told in no one particular.


"I thought the question is for Kyungsoo too," Baekhyun blurted and he then bursted out laughing one more time.


Meanwhile, Chanyeol thought of Kyungsoo's probable reactions if ever he'll be doing a horror film.

"Soo will be like... HAAAH!" He acted shocked then laughed loudly again, still clapping. "For me, it's horror."


Questions and answers went on, and now, D.O is the one asked.


"It is said that D.O is the cook in EXO, what is the food you often cook for the members?" Suho is the one who read the fan's question.


"Since we debuted, I think it is spaghetti. I couldn't cook for them much but I am putting together a secret recipe, so I can cook for them soon."


"I heard that you took cooking classes?" The non stop talking Baekhyun said, but D.O along with Suho just laughed.



"What do you want D.O to make for you?" From behind the camera asked.


"I want pizza!" Chanyeol shouted.

"I want raw crabs in soy sauce." - Kai.

"Chicken." - Chanyeol again.

"Sushi." - Suho.

"Spaghetti." - Baekhyun.



"D.O makes great spaghetti," Chanyeol said proudly, like he's telling someone a fact they won't even know.


"He makes great kimchi too." Kai praised and Chanyeol agreed.


"Yes, I want him to make us kimchi."


"Let's make kimchi." Suho suggested but no one answered him.


"His spaghetti is the best! He has this kimchi spaghetti recipe. I am drooling now." Baekhyun said while acting like he drools. "It's really good."


"I will make you something new soon." Kyungsoo  promised.


"We can't wait for that." The maknae Oh Sehun told Kyungsoo.




"Hand c caught my eye. Among Kai and D.O, who can clap faster? Please compete each other." Baekhyun read the question intended for the two and the members just laughed.


"Ok, right now, look at the camera. Someone count the time too." Chanyeol commanded s as the two competitors prepare.


"I will count the clap too." Sehun volunteered.


"I will count to five," Chanyeol said, "one.. two.."


The clapping competition started and Baekhyun is shouting, "Ya! Ya! Ya!" as if he noticed something.


"Three... Four.. Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. Stop!"


The two stopped and Baekhyun looked at Kai, "He's just rubbing his hands!" He exclaimed while mimicking Kai and all of them laughed.


"What are you? A fly, huh?" Suho asked Kai while grinning.


"I think D.O won." Chanyeol stated.


"I think he clapped like a million times!" The amused Sehun wondered.


"It's not about just clapping a lot. It's clapping to beat." D.O demonstrated the hand movements along with Sehun, Suho and Kai, then the two beagle soon followed. "That's how it is done."


"Come here boy" Kai clapped while looking at D.O, while Baekhyun clapped too saying the first line in Overdose song. "Come in."



Another question was read and it's for Kai.


Chanyeol asked, "Kai's unique hand gesture in choreography is looking special, what does it mean?"


Instead of Kai answering first, Baekhyun stole his turn, "Well it means, trying to free himself," he said while making a heart using his fingers, "trying to get back on track so he break it then stepped on it."


"Then punches some number to call the doctor I am fine to ask to be free, that's it." Kai finished explaining.





The following question is now for Baekhyun, and Kai asked, "Which member do you want to put in as a new member of Beagle line?"


"D.O!" Chanyeol screamed making Kyungsoo laugh. Baekhyun answered Sehun though, and he explained why. The question and answer continued and it seems everyone is having a fun time.





The program ended happily and EXO-K are smiling widely as they talked about what just happened. They had a good time answering the fans' question to lessen their curiosity and that they didn't get bored. They are currently heading to their van, but before going back, Suho invited s if they want to grab some snacks.


"Thank you hyung. But just suit yourselves. I'll be heading first. I'm not hungry." Kyungsoo refused the offer.


"Ok then. Just wait for us." Suho said with Baekhyun, Sehun and Kai excitedly following him, but he immediately stop and turned to Kyungsoo one more time, "Sure you don't need anything?"


Kyungsoo nodded slowly and smiled. The four guys then started walking again.


"Ya. Kyungsoo..."


"Y-Yeol?" Kyungsoo is about to head to the parking lot where the van is, but is stopped when an unnoticed Chanyeol called him. "Why are you here? Aren't you going with them?"


"Nope. I prefer to be with you." The giant said smiling and he dragged Kyungsoo with him. The latter though, did not gave any reaction and just stood still. "Hey, what's the problem?"




"Are you angry? Did your patience ran out because of my jokes?"


The man just stared at him and pulled his hand from him. Kyungsoo then went to the van alone.






They are now inside the van and now he, along with Kyungsoo sat on the back part together. Pulling an empty tissue box under the seat, and got out some paper and pen from a bag, Kyungsoo then wrote something on the paper. It took him time in writing. He tried to look what is it but Kyungsoo covers it and put a two ruler- distance between them. Later on, he folded the paper and cut it into rectangles.


Chanyeol is only watching the younger in confusion as the latter put the cut outs in the box. After some time, Kyungsoo at last, handed him the box and placed it on his lap, but without moving on his seat.



"Get one paper inside." Kyungsoo commanded him and so he obeyed.


"What is this?" He asked, waving the paper on the air, totally confused upon reading what was written.




"I know, I mean what's this? I don't get it."


"Questions. Ask In A Box. Just answer right away."


"O.. K?" He nodded. "Why did you laughed so hard and embarrassed D.O when Baek asked him if he could do horror movies?" Chanyeol furrowed his brows and looked at Kyungsoo. When he met the looking-at-the-window Kyungsoo, he frowned a little.


"Did I embarrass you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. It's just so funny to think how could you make a horror film when in fact you couldn't stay alone in the dark. I know you will not be acting scared anymore because you are already really scared by that time. I'm sorry if I laugh at you, it's an adorable truth I find amusing. No offense meant.


Don't worry. If you'll be doing a horror movie, I'll be beside you. I'll hold your hand before you film." He said reassuring the doe-eyed. He doubts himself if he did saw Kyungsoo smile for a second or he is just imagining things.


He picked another question from the box. "You chose D.O to be in the beagle line. Why did you do so? He's not like you...


Yes, I picked him and yes he's not an extrovert like us. But even if, he's still so playful and adorable. Maybe some fans didn't know it, but D.O is a dork too in his own ways. You, D.O, shows this 4D personality and gives off a light aura which make people love you." Chanyeol explained softly and this time, he really saw the squishy guy twitch his lips into a smile.



"It is asked earlier if you've failed pulling pranks on whom, and you said it's with D.O. Why do you want to prank him? Why do you keep on calling his name?


Actually no. I mean, I don't pull pranks on you really. I don't want to, but I need to. Because you ignore me, I need to do something uncommon for me to get your attention." Chanyeol hold the man's shoulder and the smaller was surprised that he made an eye contact with him without intending to. "Why do I keep calling D.O's name?" He get his hand from Kyungsoo and rubbed his chin, maintaining the eye contact. "Because Kyungsoo is cute. I mean, the name is cute and I like saying it, but the owner, D.O Kyungsoo is way cuter in any angle."



Chanyeol smiled to poker faced Kyungsoo while pulling out the last question from the box.


"Do you really like telling the members 'I love you' all the time?"




"Of course I do! Even if not in words, I like telling them through my gestures. I want everyone to be happy so I tell them jokes and funny stories. I play with the members every time I get because I want them to feel my presence while we're not all busy and vice versa. I spread the happy virus so everyone's day is bright. I like expressing my love for the members in the form of actions to show I really care. But honestly, there's an exception..


If I'm asked to say 'I love you' for a certain person I find special, it will be him. The one who is small, who looks so dense, who looks so cute when pissed off or not, who is really special in infinite reasons.. It's him. It will really be him."


"Who's him?" Kyungsoo spoke with full curiosity, after a long time of staying quiet.


"You are curious aye? Hahaha." Chanyeol blurted and he earned rolling eyes from Kyungsoo. He slide to the squishy guy's side and closed the gap between them. He hugged Kyungsoo from the side and locked his hands on the surprised male's waist.


"If I would tell someone what I really feel and it is 'I love you', I'd say it to you." He broke the eye contact and leaned down. "Ya, Soo-yah. I love you." He whispered on his ear, softly and happily.


Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes again on him while biting his heart-lips to stop himself from smiling.


Chanyeol saw it and so, he tapped the moist lips, "don't do that. Just smile if you want to smile."


And Kyungsoo did really smile. "I think, I should immediately make you pizza, chicken and kimchi spaghetti later then. Hahaha."








Yeah! Hohoho! Chansoo. ^__________^


At last! I did really succeed to type this done! It took me long though, because instead of typing, I sleep. I can only sleep well in front of the screen without being bothered by unwanted thoughts and snapped out of my slumber ^^ Heho. (And I'll wake up with too many alien words presented to me. XD)


It's good to slowly regain my sleep. I'm feeling more comfortable now. :)


So yeah, leave me comments! Let me feel you!


- Sangmi #12




P.S: I'll soon update my other stories after some time. I can only be online for today because I'll be attending some important matters and I'm gradually looking and functioning like a human again. Lol, so I think I can update fast next time. ^^


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kyungiiee #1
Chapter 4: Yeeeyy chansoo..i really like so cute
Please make chansoo again..please
kkaebsong365 #2
Chapter 4: Awwww~~ this is so cute!! And welcome back!!
can you do a jealous yeol?
kkaebsong365 #4
Chapter 3: This is sooo cute, I'm melting.......
Chapter 2: I saw my fic! Omooo! Thank you dongsaeng-ah! I'll be waiting for your other fics, Riz!!!! :)
Chansoo is one of my OTPs and i could only say, nice job! this isn't bad for a first timer :)
kkaebsong365 #7
Chapter 1: Kekekeke I love Kyungie and ship him with everyone, the story was awesome and OMG!! Chanyeol, I could feel his mini heart break
Chapter 1: Fluffy! Hope to read more chansoo fanfic from you! I really love shipping Kyungsoo with Chanyeol. I just love them xDD ♡
dyosquishy #9
Chapter 1: Thank you for this wonderful fic! Soooo awesome! Continue writing more Chansoo fanfics please. I really really like it ^_^
Thank you! @arisa12 and @dokyungshaf :) Let us be friends.. We love the same persons.. Hihi.