Chapter 6


After they had finished their breakfast that Jongin and Mongji made for them, they led their way to amusement park. Although Mongji and Jongin kept insisting that going to amusement was boring, Junmyeon and Kyungsoo managed them to go together with them.. Junmyeon brought his sport type car and he drove. Kyungsoo sat beside him and Jongin and Mongji sat at back.. Even though, Junmyeon and Kyungsoo kept talking on their way, Jongin was sleeping while Mongji busy solving puzzle on her phone. It was been a while that she didn't play as she was busy with school works and these brats. She tried to concentrated on the spots to connect without crossing the line while Jongin head fell to her shoulder.. She was surprised and accidentally crossed the line. She lost and had to start over again. Mongji cursed Jongin, tried to pull away his head but his body was too heavy and finally she gave up. Junmyeon looked at them from mirror and smiled.


"Mongji yah.. gomawo.. My little bro changed alot now.. At least, he seems to know how to smile again."


Mongji just responsed with smile.. She was afraid she would wake up Jongin if she talked back to Junmyeon.. Kyungsoo looked at them also and smirked gesturing that they two looked good together. Mongji shot deadly glare to Kyungsoo. Even though she thought herself that she was a bit into Jongin, a part of her still didn't wanna admit. When they arrived at amusement park, Junmyeon and Kyungsoo already left to buy tickets while Mongji still waiting for Jongin to wake up.. She knew Jongin couldn't sleep well at night because of his nightmares. She wanna ask but she was also afraid that Jongin might misunderstand her.. Then, Jongin yawned and woke up.. He was leaned on Mongji shoulder and stretched himself.. And he realized he was leaning onto someone and saw it was Mongji.. 


"Omg.. have we arrived already? Sorry i was sleeping like dead" 


Mongji didn't reply anything. Instead she massaged her shoulder. Jongin was quite heavy for Mongji.. Jongin removed her hand and started to massage Mongji shoulder. She was surprised and tried to remove Jongin hands..


"Stay still.. I will help you.. " Jongin smiled and said..


Mongji felt like tons of butterflies in her stomach seeing Jongin smile.. He should smile often.. 


"Awwnn.. Kyung yah! Hurry! You need to look at this romantic caring scene too" Junmyeon shouted from outside and calling Kyungsoo to see Mongji and Jongin.. 


"Hyung, it's not like that" Jongin protested.. 


Mongji blushed and got out from car..


"Sorry Baby Jong.. seeing is believing. Continue your session later. Time to feel the happiness"


They went into the amusement park. Since it was Saturday, the park was full with people.. Mongji and Kyungsoo waited in front of rollercoster while Jongin and Junmyeon got in a row for tickets..


"Are you Mongji?" A stranger voice they heard and they looked at that person..


"Omg!" Kyungsoo said surprisingly.. Mongji went speechless for a while..


"Long time no see my squishies.. " The boy with blonde hair wearing simple white shirt and blue jean pants greeted Mongji and Kyungsoo with bright smile..


"Oppa.. " Finally she said.. 


"Where have you been Hyung? Haha.. Do you know that Mongji cried alot when you transferred to another school" Kyungsoo teased Mongji and said.



"Shut up brat! I wasn't" Mongji hit Kyungsoo arm..


"You two still don't change anything.. Tome and Jerry like in the past" The boy hugged both of them.


At that time, Junmyeon and Jongin came back from buying tickets.


"Who's that guy beside them?" Junmyeon saw firat and questioned.


"No idea" Although Jongin wanted to know, he pretended like he didn't care. When Kyungsoo saw them, he shouted at them to come and introduce with that boy.


"Guys.. it's Hyun Joong hyung.. Kim Hyun Joong.. Sanbae of our primary school. To be exact, Mongji first love" Kyungsoo introduced Hyun Joong to Junmyeon and Jongin.


Mongji cursed and kept hitting Kyungsoo while he couldn't stop teasing her. Hyun Joong shaked hands with Junmyeon and Jongin..


"We are their high school friends.. " Junmyeon greeted but Jongin didn't say anything. He just smiled at Hyun Joong.. Hearing the word Mongji first love, he felt uncomfortable.. He didn't even know himself why he had to feel like this but he didn't like that guy. Hyun Joong was too handsome like prince. 


"What brings you here hyung? When did you come back from England?" Kyungsoo asked Hyun Joong.. Hyun Joong was three years older than th and he was also neighbor of twins.. He moved to England with his family when he was in last year of primary school.. 


"I arrived at yesterday.. Seoul has changed alot and I think I need to wonder around the city.. that's why.. "


"Oh.. I see.. By the way.. are you still single? I mean no girlfriend?" Kyungsoo asked Hyun Joong and smirked to Mongji. 


"Akinda.. I still have no love interest" 


His answer made Jongin alittle bit worry and he looked at Mongji. She was busy to hide her pink red cheek.. Jongin felt alittle bit hurt. 


"Guys, Stop talking and lets spend our free time together.. Hyun Joong hyung, why not join with us?" Junmyeon invited him and he agreed.. 


They played around the amusement apart for the whole morning and finally went to a small bistro to have their lunch.. Mongji was quieter than other days and so was Jongin.. Only Junmyeon and Kyungsoo talked alot.. Hyun Joong didn't say much as he kept looking how Mongji was.. 


Kyungsoo made Hyun Joong to sit beside Mongji.. Jongin sighed quietly and sat beside Junmyeon. The place was in front of Mongji. Jongin looked at her and she looked back. They felt awkwardness in their stares.. 


Kyungsoo grab the spoon, put full of salad and gave to Junmyeon.. "Hyung.. open your mouth, ahhh" 


Junmyeon gladly took that and he did the same back to Kyungsoo.. There was some sauces at the corner of Kyungsoo mouth and Junmyeon wiped it with his thumb. Kyungsoo giggled.. Hyun Joong looked at them and smiled. "Are you guys dating? You look cute together.."


Before Kyungsoo couldn't say anything, Junmyeon said "Still not, but We are gonna date soon" Junmyeon gently grabbed Kyungsoo hand, interwined their finger and showed to Hyun Joong.. Junmyeon felt a little jealousy that Kyungsoo was being close friend with this handsome guy.. Kyungsoo surprised. He didn't expect it would happen like that. But he was screaming in his mind with happiness.. 


"What about My Squishy Mong?" Hyun Joong asked Mongji..


"I am still single Oppa.. " Mongji answered quietly.. 


"Aww.. I see.. why don't anyone make a propose to my squishy baby?" Hyun Joong pinched Mongji cheek lightly.. 


"Because I am ugly Oppa" Mongji laughed.. 


"Oppa is here baby.. " Hyun Joong patted Mongji head.. "By the way, I am gonna be part time PT teacher at ×××× High school as Headmaster of that school is my dad close friend.. He invited me to help the students.. "


"What??!! That's our school Hyung.. What a coincidence.. " Kyungsoo shouted with Joy.. Mongji smiled too.. Jongin saw Mongji smiled of joyfulness.. He couldn't take no more. He made excuse to them and went first.. 


"He is jealous.. " Kyungsoo whispered to Kyungsoo while looking at Jongin back.. She was worried for him but she didn't wanna show. So, she kept quiet.. Knowing the condition of his brother, Junmyeon said he had to leave.. Junmyeon also said he would drop Mongji and Kyungsoo at their house but Hyun Joong said he would drop by.. 





When the weekdays came again.. Mongji and Kyungsoo led their way to school. When PT time arrived, the teacher of their class came in and said that he would introduce new PT teacher with them and called Hyun Joong to come in. All girls in class shouted seeing Hyun Joong.. He was so handsome wearing sweat pants with body fit shirt.. His unstyled fluffy hair fell on his forhead.. He eyed on Mongji and smiled at her.. Some girls noticed that and shot disguisting look to Mongji. Mongji sighed. It was enough of her getting bullied because she was close with Jongin and Junmyeon.. 


PT time was before Lunch break and they had to play basketball for today. Mongji knew Hyun Joong was fond in playing basketball since he was young. Hyun Joong taught how to play and showed some moves. Female students cheered alot and male students looked at him amazingly except Kyungsoo, Junmyeon and Jongin. Kyungsoo was busy speaking and squealing with Junmyeon while Jongin looking at Mongji. Hyun Joong looked at Mongji and winked.. Mongji shyly smiled back. Jongin saw that and made his move to sit beside Mongji. 


"Do you like him that much?" Jongin asked without looking at Mongji.




"That prince like brat.. "


"What? brat? No, he isn't.. He is kind-hearted and caring.. " Mongji protested from Hyun Joong side and it made Jongin blood boiled.. 


"Then, friend with him. Not me. " Jongin stood up and left out of the room.. Students puzzled the event. Hyun Joong saw what happened and he could guess.. Mongji sighed again.. Junmyeon realized it too.. 


"Kyung yah. Is Mongji still crushing on that Hyung?"


"I don't know but during these years, she didn't even have any love interest except Jongin.. " Kyungsoo spoke and he realized he said something that he shouldn't. "Junmyeon Hyung.. please don't tell Jongin back. It is still my guess that Mongji interest in Jongin. She doesn't admit."


Junmyeon nodded.. "Your secret saves with me"


When the PT time was over, Hyun Joong called Mongji.. "Are you free this evening?"


"I guess so.. What do you need Oppa?"


"I want to go library but I don't know which one is good so.. "


"Ok.. I will join.. Libraries are my favorites.. " She laughed..


"Finally, You laugh.. Since yesterday, you haven't laugh. Only hearing the library makes you laugh.. Aww.. My Squishy is totally bookworm.. "


Mongji nodded.. She loved to read. She loved books. She wanted to be an author some day chasing her dream. 


After the school had finished, as usual Junmyeon took Kyungsoo to home. Mongji said to Junmyeon that she needed to go somewhere so she couldn't join. Junmyeon asked Kyungsoo where Mongji went and Kyungsoo said "Library date with Hyun Joong Hyung.. "


Jongin went home alone.. At first, he was thinking of walking home together with Mongji but he saw her with Hyun Joong leading to somewhere..


"What's wrong with you Kin Jongin. ! Mind your own business." He cursed himself..


Mongji and Hyun Joong went to near by university library.. They walked together and Mongji found out Hyun Joong was quite taller than her.. "Oppa, you grew well.. " Mongji said and giggled.. 


"Of course I am.. " Hyun Joong grinned too..


They reached library and chose a place where they could study well.. Hyun Joong wanted to know which university he would choose.. 


"What about acting or musical major Oppa? you can be idol.. You are handsome"


Hearing Mongji complaint, Hyun Joong smiled and pinched her cheek. "Baby talks well. Haha.. If you want me to, I think I will try for that.. "


"Don't make my heart flutter.. " Mongji pouted.. 


"I am not" 


Then they laughed together.. Librarian came and warned them to talk quietly.. They giggled and continued studying about universities.. 


The thing they didn't know that there was someone who was watching them.. 



Another Update.. Sorry if the story is .. I am not in good mood today.. And today I hate Jongin.. :3


Thanks my suscribers and upvoters ^^ 

those silent readers, plz comment too! I know my story is terrible but still i wanna read your cmt.. :(

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SuhoSandi #1
Chapter 9: Whenever I read this, author's face always pop up in my mind at OC character hehe...also prefer this JonJi's relation more than official couple, is really cute.
Omgloveaverly #2
Chapter 9: Update soon
thethtarkyungie #3
Chapter 8: Update plzzz~~!author nim
Chapter 8: update please...?
dreamerexol #5
Chapter 8: Oh god KyungMyeon is so ..... i can not get my feelings
SuhoSandi #7
Chapter 8: Oh tht newly couple's cheesy stage is totally speechless...hope Jongji will ok soon,too.
Yes author, wish really hard for Panda will get well soon & join with his brothers with EXO-L prayers -_-
SuhoSandi #8
Chapter 7: OMG!!!!!!! fluffiness point to the peak!!! ahhhhh!!!!...can't even control my emotion level...xoxo sweet, tht propose is ...<3 <3 <3 Author u r Jjang!!! Chessy KM also eeek! this is the cutest fic ever~
Chapter 7: Wow!! So much fluff i died!! Who da hell left my poor babe jong innie!! Oh i thnx her anyway ha ha
Chapter 7: cute af!!!