Chapter 5 : Coincidence

Never Gonna Happen

The 5 of us  walked out of our rooms and were talking about our roomates or our room environment. 

Sulli :" My roomate in 202 is Youngji and she is really cute but she is extremely quiet. We talked alot about ourselfs and i think i am gonna have fun with her!"

Luna: "My roomate in 207 is Nana. She have that really cool personality and she is really pretty. She is very fashionable and very easy to comunicate so she is really fun and she is lively like me!"

"omg they are so pretty"

"omg i like luna"

"sulli looks cute"

We could hear whispersed every where but this often happen in our previous school so no one technically cared about it.


Even though we were all talking and laughing, i could see our dear soojung pouting and not talking throughout the whole road. Maybe something happen, as a leader, i think maybe i should find a chance to talk to her. 


"Everyone seems so happy while i am like so lonely, sigh." she mumbled to herself

When we arrived at this restaurent called " Swensen",i picked my favourite Fish and Chips along with a sea salt caramel ice cream. 

VIctoria told Amber,Sulli and Luna to go along to order once everyone was done with their decision. 

"What happen to you? I can see your mind is not with us."

As expected, victoria is oberservant.

I told her everything that happen in the room and i told her to keep it a secrect and we should talk later as i saw the girls were already coming back.

After eating for an hour or so , i was on my favourite sea salt caramel ice cream. The ice cream did cheer me up a bit, just a bit. 

When we walk out of the restaurant, i was still holding on to the ice cream, it was too precious and i always like to eat it bit by bit. 

We decided on just walking around and shopping for clothes. 


When we were walking, i heard luna scream and i looked up.

Luna:" Isnt that infinite?!"

Krystal : "How unlucky can i be to see that craxy person" she thought to herself.

Sulli: "OH MY GOSH, they look hot with casual clothes. No wonder they were popular"

Everyone beside krystal was smilling. 

VIctoria walk up forward to sunggyu and give a smirk and said : "Hi guys."

Sunggyu: "Hi victoria~ Let me introduce you girls to the guys, hoya, sungyeol,sunjong,dongwoo,L and lastly woohyun and we are called the infinite~"

VIctoria: Hi!!! I am sure you know who they are already, we are known as the f(X) and i am f(x) leader. Nice to meet you all."

Infinite: Nice to meet you all.

Fx member give a little smile.

Krystal look up and also did the same thing. However, she was looking around for L and she realised him staring at her with a stare

Krystal gave that annoying look and look at the rest of the group members with a smile.

"So where are you girls going? 

"Oh! We are just roaming around. What about you guys?"

" We are catching a movie " The Hunger Games" later! Care to join us?"

"Ohh.... let me ask the girls!"

Victoria turn and look at us , everyone game a ok sign while i was still hesitating. 

She turned back and said : "OK! CALL! WHat time is the movie at?"

"Its at 4pm,how about we meet you girls later at the cinema?"

"okay, sounds great! see you guys later!"

Krystal sighed as they split ways, she was worried going out with infinite. 

Victoria saw that and walk towards her, held her hand and give it a tight squeeze and reasurring smile.





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rahmi123 #1
Chapter 7: Update please
good story and multiply its moments myungstal :) :D
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeee...
Nuclearx #3
Chapter 7: Update please ^.^ It's an interesting story but I hope u can make it more longer ☆
Zartree #4
Chapter 1: Cool story
BEE0523 #5
Chapter 1: too short!!>.<