Chapter One

Never Gonna Happen

"Sigh i am so tired",Krystal sighed as she packed her stuff into her luggage 

"Stop complaning and get your luggage done",Amber gave her that annoyed face as she talk.

Krystal,Amber,Luna,Victoria and Sulli would be transfer to Seoul HIgh School the next day and they heard they were gonna stay in the dorm so they were packing up for the dorm stay. They lived in a house together in seoul because their parents were friends and their parents was always busy and not at home so they all decided to rent a house and lived together. 

"What kind of roomate do you think we will get?" Victoria asked

"Hopefully i get one of you if not it would be so boring!!" Amber replied 

All  5 of them nodded.

Luna :"I am so excited to see our new school tommorw!!!!" 

Krystal : "Hopefully" 

Victoria: "Alright i am more or less done, sleep early girls!"

L,S,K,A: "Yes,Unnie"


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rahmi123 #1
Chapter 7: Update please
good story and multiply its moments myungstal :) :D
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeee...
Nuclearx #3
Chapter 7: Update please ^.^ It's an interesting story but I hope u can make it more longer ☆
Zartree #4
Chapter 1: Cool story
BEE0523 #5
Chapter 1: too short!!>.<