Chapter Two : New School, New Environment.

Never Gonna Happen

The F(x) Girls woke up at 7am and they were all ready by 7.30am. Their house was near Seoul High school so they were not extremely worried about being late. They ate the breakfast that victoria cooked and check their luggage and bag once again and left the house at 7.40.


Amber : "HAHAH ME TOOO!!!!"

As we walk nearer to the gate, all of us saw fan girls holding on to Cards with the word " Infinite".

Everyone looked :

Sulli : "It must be the kingkas in the school" 

Victoria : " INfinite,nice name" 

Amber: "Yeah,they must be really popular to earn fangirls huh?" 

Krystal: "I mean like,seriously, who cares?"


We walked passed the girls and headed towards the general office. 

A teacher caught us and asked if we were the new students 

We nodded and she started introducing herself. 

"Hello girls, i am Ms Park and you girls are in Class 2. I will be your class teacher." 

We all bowed and said "Good morning Ms Park" 

She smiled and went towards her office desk and passed us notes and keys of our room. 







She told us to put our luggage in the room first and immediately assembe to the class by 8.05 before she walked away. 

We bowed as walked off. 

Victoria: "Are we in the same room?! I am in 205"

Amber: "YES! I am in 205 too!!!!"

Sulli : "I am in 202"

Luna:" I am in 207" 

Krystal: "I am in 203" 

Sulli,Luna and Krystal pouted as they were upset that they were not in the same class. Victoria, the leader came on and cheer them up and asked them to go to their room first and meet outside the dorm by 8am. 


"Sigh, this is so frustrating. I cant talk well with people and especially people with bad attitude. Now i am worried even with the cold personality,i hope to have at least a friend" She mumbled as she walked to her room. "203......Here it is" She opened the key and enter the room. She was amused by the cleaniess of the room but as she stepped in, she saw a guy shirt on the lower decker of the room. Her eyes was wide open and she thought to herself "Wait what?! I am going to be in the same room as a guy?!".She was still in shocked till someone knocked on the door and gently open it. Sulli appear and asked krystal how was her room.

K:"I think i am with a guy roomate"

S; "Wait what?!"

K : "This make no sense"

S: "Maybe you should check with Ms Park Later,its running late, lets go before we get a scolding from our leader!"

Krystal nodded and gather with the f(x) girls and headed towards class 2.


We were standing outside the class until Ms Park told us to come in . 

Ms Park: "So this 5 girls is the new transfer student so please take care of them!"

Class 2: Clap and started whispering.

Ms Park : "May you girls introduce yourself?"

Victoria :" Hi i am victoria! 5 of us just got transfer here from SM high school. I came from china but i have been in korean alot of years already so my korean is fluent."

Amber: "Hey i am amber.I came from the Los Angleles but same as Victoria unnie,i can speak korean fluetly"

Luna: "Hi everyone, I am luna and i am a pure korean"

Sulli: "Hello everyone , i am Sullli and i am a pure korean as well."

Krystal: "Hi,I am Krystal and i am a half american and half korean as i was born in California"


Ms Park: "Okay thank you girls. Amber and Sulli can you take seat on the third row middle table?While Krystal and Luna take a seat the last row(4th row) last table and lastly victoria please take a seat next to sunggyu?" as she points her finger at a seat next to a guy with brown hair. 






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rahmi123 #1
Chapter 7: Update please
good story and multiply its moments myungstal :) :D
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeee...
Nuclearx #3
Chapter 7: Update please ^.^ It's an interesting story but I hope u can make it more longer ☆
Zartree #4
Chapter 1: Cool story
BEE0523 #5
Chapter 1: too short!!>.<