
Coming Down From The Top

You are walking on your way to home. You are wet, drenched from the rain. Until this second, even if you want ensure your feeling, you still can’t thinking anything. You see your map and follow the direction on that. Then you know that you already reach the foothills, it means it’s not too far from the station. It’s dark and cold.

“In the end… I was just down walk the mountain. In fact, for what I came here, anyway?”

You feel really stupid because you have wasting your money for nothing. You fasten your step because you want to get home quickly because you don’t want to die in coldness.



“Chanyeol. It’s already 11 pm. Where is you going? Perhaps… Is she get lost?” Sehun tell Chanyeol that he didn’t found you. Chanyeol sigh and check his watch.

“! I can’t find her too! And now it is late already!”

“Chanyeol. Let’s search her again tomorrow. If you got a news, just call me. I’m going home”

Chanyeol stand in front of his house as he see Sehun go. You finally reached Chanyeol house. You see Chanyeol’s face and he is really worried. You see Chanyeol going in his house. You walking to his house and enter the yard. You don’t get in his house. You decide to hide in behind the plants in Chanyeol’s yard and sleep there. You still not wanting to meet Chanyeol. Because of fatigue due to walking, your consciousness began to disappear and you fell asleep.



“Chanyeol! Where will we search her? Are you already called her parents?”

You hear noisy voice in your sleep. Sehun’s voice. You open your eyes slowly and know that morning has come.

“Yes. Are the others have come?”

Then you hear Chanyeol’s voice asked if his men already gathered up to start to search you. You see Chanyeol and Sehun go and you see something dropped from Chanyeol’s pocket. You take it and it was a letter. There is written "Chanyeol" in the letter.

“Was it written by Chanyeol? The letter already battered”

You open the letter and when you see it, it was your writing in there. Then you read the letter.

‘Chanyeol. I’m sorry. I'm not intended to grab your cake and not accidentally fall from of the tree. Do not get angry, please? You must write a letter for me! If not, I will forget you!’

You think that Chanyeol always bring the letter everywhere he go. And he feels so guilty about you fall from the tree. And you think it is right if you had forgotten about him, because he never reply your letter.

You are hungry now. You see that Chanyeol’s maid already go out from the house and she forget to close the door. Then you go in want to take a bath first. You go to your room, and when you open the door, turned out the door is locked. You sigh. You leaned in the door and see Chanyeol’s room. You decide to go there. You open the door and it’s not locked. When you go in, a paper hit your face.

“. What is it!” You take the paper and shocked. You see Sui in Chanyeol’s desk play with papers. It makes the paper scattered and fly everywhere.

“Hey! Sui! You ruffled the paper that belongs to your master? You can be killed by him!”

You come closer to Sui and stop it from playing with Chanyeol’s paper. You wondered, what the papers are. Why are there so many. Then your jaw dropped. That is letters. Hundreds of letters. For you. And all of it were returned because the recipient is unknown. For the years, he send all of it and it got returned.

“Why is it unknown? I clearly write the address”

You see the letter that you send to Chanyeol and you feel really stupid, because you didn’t write your address here and still force him to reply it. You put the letter and see all Chanyeol’s letter that he wrote for you. He know that the letter would be returned but he still wrote it. You see that there is one letter that seems new. You took the letter and read it.

you. How are you?

There is no one single letter which can be up to your hand,

Yes ... In a few years ... I was getting worsened by the guilty feeling for you...

It make me depressed … It makes me hard to breathe...

Maybe, because of the angel’s mercy... Makes you appear again in front of me and gave me a chance to make it up to you...

But you go again from my side... Disappeared without a trace... And you've forgotten memories about myself.

Perhaps it is the harshest punishment for me. Punish me without understand, how from the first I really care about you...

Why? Why don’t you cry?

If you cry I will not blame myself like this... Maybe I've never had a chance. But, anyway... The people who always I want to protect is just you.

I’m Sorry.



You cry as you finish read the letter. You feel someone is running to your place. You turn your head and you see Chanyeol breathing heavily in front of the door. He show his shocked face. But then he smile at you.

“Finally, you are home”

You are feeling guilty to see Chanyeol’s worried face. You want to apologize to him. You want him to stop his worried eyes. You can’t stop you tears.

“I… I… I’m sorry”

Then Chanyeol going closer to you. Then he hug you. You bury your head at his shoulder.

“Don’t talk. Don’t apologize. Are you know? It is the first time I see your tears” Chanyeol’s hand cup your cheek and make your face looked at him.

“I think now you will never forget me again. Maybe… You already forgive me? Later you can cry calmly in front of me and won’t call yourself ‘a tiger that fall in grassland then bitten by dog again’, right?”

You embarrassed with what Chanyeol’s say and you still crying. You can’t stand it anymore then you hug Chanyeol tightly.

“I’m sorry for making you worried about me”

“No problem” Then Chanyeol broke the hug first and smile “You already get the result from your stubbornness, tight? Your very pathetic face was enough to hurt your pride. That’s right?” Chanyeol give you his evil smirk and you forget your mellow mood before and shout at him.

“Yah! You giant elf! What do you mean?!! Is this your way to cheer people up, huh?! You meanie jerk!”

“Who say that I am cheer you up?”

You get angry and throw the thing near you to him. And you start fighting with him again. But, you didn’t think that Chanyeol’s precence in your life will become the most important. And only in front of him you can show your true self. So you pray that your relationship with Chanyeol can work well to Angel, if Angel is really exist. You don’t care if it in a happy or a quarrel moment, if there is Chanyeol, it is enough for you.



1 year later….

You are already back to Seoul now. Your parents pick you up after a week that you didn’t want to be apart from Chanyeol. And about your reason why you don’t want to cry….

“Ah? What is this?” You found a photo album. You open it and there is a photo of you and Chanyeol while you was a child. There was a photo that you crying because you lose from Chanyeol. And in that photo there is a description that Chanyeol say he don’t like weak girl. Then you hear your mom called you.

you. Chanyeol is come!”

You quickly go to your front door and you see Chanyeol there. You go to him and hug him. You give him a light kiss.

“You bratty child! Congratulations you pass the college entrance exams!!”

“You too, grumpy woman!”

You never told Chanyeol that he was the reason you don’t want to cry. But you know one thing. That your 17th present is the best present you ever had and will never end forever.


WOAAAAH!! Second update for today! I'm really thinking hard how to end it beautifully. Is it good? I hope you like it!

I'm sorry if it like I rushing to end the story. But from the first I intended not to make this story too long. I don't want to lose the feeling (?)

Now I'll starting to focus for my exam. Hope I'll do well in my exam!

And if you don't mind, please anticipate my new fic starring Baekhyun as the main character! You can check it there ----> Song For You

I'll update the chapter as soon as I finished my exam.

If you are in the middle of exam like me, wish you do well to! Good luck for us!

See you later ^^/

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firarah #1
Chapter 11: Finally finish read this story,, hehe,, interesting story, i love chanyeol character ,, haha,, sehun 'just another boy' in this story haha,, fighting !!!
Chapter 12: Wow..this story make me love chanyeol's more
ReinaPark #3
Chapter 11: wow.. I really love this story...
Chapter 11: Gosh I can't believe it. This is the end. I want more.... I I want a sequel and I will read baekhyun story too. Fighting for your exam .
Chapter 10: One more chapter left ???? What noooooo I want more... huhuhu I can't believe it. I love this story so much.
Chapter 9: waa!! love it so so so much!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 9: They are friends omg. Kyaaaaa I can't wait for it...I want more I want more.
Frozenxiumin #8
Nice story^^
I hope she accepts his kindness. and really, his a bipolar, I don't really understand him. Though, he is almost the same as me. (I get grumpy in the morning and get hyper at night) but I am loving this fic so far. Hope you update author-nim
Chapter 7: Omo chanyeol had mood swings like a women. Always change sometimes he treated with kindness sometimes mean. I can't really understand him.