Our First Meet

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A/N: This chapter is a flashback when Victoria first stepped in her new school. Now, let's enjoy! :)


Theme Song: OAH by Alexander Rybak

It was the first day Victoria was at her new school. She came to Korea to study after she successfully persuaded her parents and now she was at the university that she wanted for a long time. She was finding her classroom based on the school map and schedule but it’s difficult for her because the school is too big and there were only 10 minutes left before the class started so she was in hurry. Accidentally, she bumped into a student and fell on the ground.

“Are you okay?” asked the student while holding her wrist, helping her to stand up.

“Umm…I’m okay. Sorry” apologized Victoria bowed 90o then she asked “Umm…Can you tell me where the building B is? I have a class there this morning but I don’t know its location”

“You’re a new student?” asked the guy staring at Victoria since he helped her to stand up.

“Yes, I just transferred to here” replied Victoria while thinking “This guy is weird. Why is he staring at me like that?”

“Where is your schedule?” asked the guy then Victoria handed him her schedule “I will walk you there”

“Jinja? Wow, thank you so much” exclaimed Victoria smiling brightly “You are a nice guy”. Her compliment made him chuckled “You’re the first one who think I’m nice”

“Really? But you’re really nice. By the way, I’m Victoria Song, third-year of Faculty of Fashion Design. Nice to meet you. You are?” said Victoria happily extended her hand for a shake but they reached the destination. “Here is building B. Your class is on the 2nd floor” said the student then he started walking away.

“Wow, thank you for helping me” said Victoria loudly then she suddenly remembered that the stranger didn’t introduce himself yet “Hey, I haven’t known your name yet”

“You will know soon” said the guy turned back smiling at her then giving her a wink which made her heart skip a beat.

In the break time after the two first classes, Victoria walked to the cafeteria and the boys’ started surrounding her. They were mesmerized by her beauty and her friendliness. There was an announcement from the school radio that gained all the students’ attention.

“Attention, students!!!! I’m G.O from Faculty of Business Administration. I knew that you all know me, right? But there is still one person who doesn’t know me yet. Today, I have one thing to announce to you guys especially for boys. There is a new girl just transferred to our university. She is Victoria Song from Faculty of Fashion Design. I’m sure that she is surrounded by the boys now. I want to tell you that SHE IS ONLY MINE. If anyone of you tries to approach her or flirt with her, you’ll pay for it, understand? It’s my announcement and I hope you guys will follow it. You guys can continue what you are doing now”

“What the @$%S!%#&!?! Who is G.O? I don’t remember I had met him before and what’s with “SHE IS ONLY MINE”? I was just in 3 hours and now there was the craziest thing happened to me” thought Victoria who was annoyed at the crazy announcement so she decided to ask someone about that crazy guy “Do you know who G.O is?”

One of the boys was about to answered but they were taken back when they saw who was walking to their direction. Victoria was surprised at their reaction, as she was backing to the entrance so she turned around to see what happened and she recognized the student who helped her this morning was walking to her table with a smirk on his face. When he was standing right beside Victoria, the other started walking away. When there were only him and her, he sat on the opposite side of the table staring at Victoria again.

“Why do they walk away? I was talking to them” questioned Victoria still looking at her new friends “They’re weird”

“It’s because of me” replied the guy shortly still studying her face.

“Waeyo?” asked Victoria giving him a puzzle look “Ah, what’s your name? I haven’t known your name yet”

“You knew my name already” claimed the guys shortly.

“Huh? You don’t want to tell me your name? Fine then” complained Victoria pouting which made the person sitting on the opposite side giggled. After a while, when she remember the announcement, she asked “Ah, do you know who G.O is? The crazy guy made the announcement while ago. I don’t remember I know someone having that name. How can he know me? I’m just a new student here”

“Didn’t you say I’m a nice guy this morning? How can I change to a crazy man now?

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gonna update next weekend. Promise!


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Chapter 1: 2018 and just start reading. What a rough start! (?) Let's see where this goes...
Hudanaly #2
Chapter 15: This story is so so so so good .I don't know how to describe
riskawidayanti #3
Chapter 5: I love Vic G.O couple..please make more story about them
Chapter 3: thanks for always make good story for victoria., hope you can continue make story about her, btw i like siwon and victoria pairing the most but G.O is ok too :D
Chapter 2: Sorry to bother but the pic at the begining of chap 2 is of G.O and who? Is it Vic?
Rizkary #6
Chapter 34: Oh my god, i cry after reading this chapter :'(
Please don't make vic feel bad again :'(
Rizkary #7
Chapter 4: Daebaaak!! Really love your story :))
alhanmobaathara #8
do you know it's the third time I read you story .. and every time I read it I like it more .. great story
Eowynn #9
Chapter 60: Great story!!!! ♥
iamyunin #10
Chapter 26: I just can't stop reading this fic everywhere,hehehe..

Good job ! :)
Can you explain me the other fanfic of you?