Drabble 2

The Kaisoo Thought Bubble

Drabble 2

348 Words



Jongin got a leg injury during a concert performance.

The lift he was dancing on suddenly malfunctioned, causing him to fall off. Thankfully, the doctor said it wasn’t anything serious. Two weeks of bed rest would do the trick, but he should spend the first three days outside the hospital only taking strolls or jogging. After that, he could dance again; not straining himself too much, at least until his leg gets strong again.

Kyungsoo just finished promotions for “It’s Ok, It’s Love” and “Cart,” so among the band members he had the most free time. He spent it all with Jongin.


“How does your leg feet?”

“It’s alright hyung. Quit being a worry worm~”

“I think you mean worrywart.”

“Potato, po-ta-to.”

“What do you want for dinner?”

“Five hugs and a kiss on the side. Extra on the Tender Love and Care.”

“Just because I treat you like a baby, doesn’t mean you have to act like one.”

“Hahaha. Omma~ Kimchi Spaghetti juseyo~”

“Open your mouth, dear.”


The two knuckle heads laughed at their little mother-child role play.




“You should be spending your break doing the things you like; not coming here to take care of me. I’ll be fine. There are tons of nurses around too.”

“… Would you rather the nurses take care of you instead of me?”

“Well… no.”

“Then I’ll keep coming here. I like having someone to care for.”

“…So are you saying that it doesn’t have to be me?”

“Are you implying you’d be jealous if it doesn’t have to be you?”

“What if I am?”


Kyungsoo chuckled. Jongin was smiling like an idiot.


“You know you’re my favorite dongsaeng. Just don’t tell Sehunnie.”

“I’ll tell him!”

“Yah! Behave yourself, Kim Jongin.”

“Yes, mom.”


They shared a comfortable silence. Then Jongin spoke.


“So… you really like taking care of me?”


“Does that mean you love me?”

“Are you implying you want me to love you?”

“What if I am?”

“Then you get five hugs with a kiss on the side. Extra on the TLC.”

“I’ll take two orders.”



Author's note:

Cuz I had nothing to do at the time I visited my uncle at the hospital :D Pray for his recovery please :( He got a and  a vein in his brain popped. His right side of body is paralyzed. Please pray for his recovery if you have the time :) Thanks!


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Nightfire #1
Chapter 6: ㅎㅅㅎ WHYYYYYYY? Chanyeol you horrible peep, you better treat him better. Jongin if he doesn't, know that you have a whole army of Kaisoo shippers who will help you steal Kyungie's heart. TT^TT WE WILL FIGHT WITH YOU TO THE VERY END ;________;
Chapter 6: :( (yeahhh there's no snow in the phil but the story's nice :D i love your ficsss <3
Nightfire #3
Chapter 5: D'awwww... *sniff* Kyungsoo you adorable little fanboy...
Chapter 4: hahax... jealous jongin is just cute!
Nightfire #5
Chapter 4: Aww Hongbin~ I saw them at Dream Concert, they were sho cuteeeee~ I personally ship Vixx and Kyungsoo quite a bit :D Thank youuuu!
caffeinatedletters #6
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl these two sweet hearts omg
Nightfire #7
Chapter 3: AFGTGXHSBAJAKSFXA the feels Kyungsoo you little cutie patootie
Chapter 2: so cuteeeeeeee!
Nightfire #9
Chapter 2: Why are all your fics sho CUTEEEEE... ㅠ.ㅠ I'll pray for him...;_;
Nightfire #10
Chapter 1: Aww... It's so cute! Really good, as usual~ XD