Drabble 3

The Kaisoo Thought Bubble

Drabble 3

based on this picture: link

337 Words



“I think he’s looking, Sehun! I think he’s looking! Hide me behind all your blank-faced glory!”

“You are such a wuss. You’re the freaking football captain, and practically known as the ‘prince’ among us juniors, but nobody knows you’re as chicken-hearted as much as you like chicken.”


“Just give him the fudging papers!”

“Yes sir.”

(O_O) (O_O) (O_O) (O_O)



“Oh, hello. Yes?”

“Um… Ms. Jung told me to give you these papers. She said you needed them for something.”

“Oh! Thanks so much! Sorry for the trouble.”

“N-no, no trouble.”

“O…kay. Okay then, thanks. I better go now.”


*Kyungsoo trips on his own feet. Luckily Jongin catches him in time.


“Omiasghfklrsdhfnh! This is so embarrassing. I’m sorry. I have the tendency to trip over my own feet from time to time.”

“It’s alright.”

“No, actually, it’s not. I also bump into doors that are right in front of me, miss my mouth when I drink from the drinking fountain, so the water gets into my eyes; and I watch television sideways, sleep with my feet on the pillow instead of my head, and eat dessert before dinner. I’m afraid I’m quite weird and clumsy.”

“Oh… that’s alright too. It’s cute.”

“Yeah,but—wait, what?”

“I-I just think it’s amusing. It’s kind of cute, yeah…”


*Kyungsoo smiles. Jongin dies on the inside.


“Well, thanks. That’s really nice to hear. I don’t think I’ve seen you in class though.”

“Oh, I’m a year lower—I’m a junior.”

“I see. What’s your name?”

“Kim Jongin.”

“It’s nice to meet you Jongin. Just call me hyung.”


“So, I guess I’ll see you around?”

“Yeah, definitely. C-could I have your number?”

“Hahaha. My number already? Fast-paced are we?”


“Hahaha. I think you’re the cute one, Jonginnie. Here, give me your hand.”


*Jongin offers his hand. Kyungsoo scribbles his number on Jongin’s palm. The world moves in slow motion.


“There you go. Bye Jongin. Text me soon~”

“O-okay. Okay, I’ll do that. Bye hyung.”




“As smooth as nails on chalk board.”

“Shut up, Sehun.”



Author's note:

It's exam week and deadline week next week :) Need to energize before plunging into studies. Thank goodness it'll all be over soon.


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Nightfire #1
Chapter 6: ㅎㅅㅎ WHYYYYYYY? Chanyeol you horrible peep, you better treat him better. Jongin if he doesn't, know that you have a whole army of Kaisoo shippers who will help you steal Kyungie's heart. TT^TT WE WILL FIGHT WITH YOU TO THE VERY END ;________;
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