Drabble 5

The Kaisoo Thought Bubble


Drabble 5

307 Words



One… Two… Three!


The wind blows perfectly at the right moment, and the man before him appears to be the finest being that ever graced the Earth. Kyungsoo’s recently been hired as an intern photographer for model trainees at SM Entertainment. The models are all beautiful; men and women alike—tall in stature, with lean bodies to display the attractiveness of their clothing. Everyone’s just gorgeous. But then a certain Kim Jongin appears before Kyungsoo’s camera lens, and he discovers that even in a crowd this beautiful, someone still outshines the rest.

The wind blows perfectly on the tanned male’s face; messy dark hair going up in all the right ways. Sharp jawline as manly as ever, intense eyes emitting charisma. Nicely-shaped, full lips smirking charmingly, accompanied by that smoldering gaze…  


Kyungsoo! You’re supposed to be taking pictures! Not just gawking at him!

What!? O-oh! Right! Right!


How embarrassing, Kyungsoo thought. He must think I’m incompetent now.




During break, Kyungsoo sits at the corner of the room, eating his nachos in silence. He almost chokes when the tanned model walks up to him.


“Hey. This seat taken?” Jongin asks coolly, pointing to the empty seat beside the wide-eyed male.

“N-no. P-please, go ahead.”



Jongin sits down. Kyungsoo focuses on drowning his nachos in cheese sauce.


“I’ve never seen you around before. Are you a new photographer?”

“Y-yeah. Still an intern, so hopefully they decide to keep me.”

“I sure hope they do.”

“O-oh… thank you.”

“You got me in all the right angles. You did well.”

“But Jongin-ssi, you look handsome no matter what the angle.”

“Pardon, could you repeat that?”

“… Pyramids are triangles (O_O).”

“Hahaha. Yes, yes they are. And you have beautiful eyes. Anyone ever tell you that?”

“… No comprende, senior. (O___O)”

“Senior? You can just call me baby.”

“Whut? (O___________O)”




Author's note:

Ehihihihi >_< I dare someone to make a oneshot out of this! Hahaha, that would be so cool~ :p


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Nightfire #1
Chapter 6: ㅎㅅㅎ WHYYYYYYY? Chanyeol you horrible peep, you better treat him better. Jongin if he doesn't, know that you have a whole army of Kaisoo shippers who will help you steal Kyungie's heart. TT^TT WE WILL FIGHT WITH YOU TO THE VERY END ;________;
Chapter 6: :( (yeahhh there's no snow in the phil but the story's nice :D i love your ficsss <3
Nightfire #3
Chapter 5: D'awwww... *sniff* Kyungsoo you adorable little fanboy...
Chapter 4: hahax... jealous jongin is just cute!
Nightfire #5
Chapter 4: Aww Hongbin~ I saw them at Dream Concert, they were sho cuteeeee~ I personally ship Vixx and Kyungsoo quite a bit :D Thank youuuu!
caffeinatedletters #6
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl these two sweet hearts omg
Nightfire #7
Chapter 3: AFGTGXHSBAJAKSFXA the feels Kyungsoo you little cutie patootie
Chapter 2: so cuteeeeeeee!
Nightfire #9
Chapter 2: Why are all your fics sho CUTEEEEE... ㅠ.ㅠ I'll pray for him...;_;
Nightfire #10
Chapter 1: Aww... It's so cute! Really good, as usual~ XD